1,886 research outputs found

    Ethical Marketing For Business & Economy: Reality V/s. Expectations

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    Ethical business practices are expected & most commonly miss-understood that the service provider must have managed the things in the ethical way. Where as in modern mgmt. it is taken for granted that Ethics are only responsibility of a particular person/'s in an organization. One very interesting story of 4 Friends namely ANYBODY, SOMEBODY, NOBODY, and EVERYBODY assigned ethical job where EVERYBODY  expect SOMEBODY will manage/ perform & in the process NOBODY cares to question ANYBODY. At the end NOBODY did the job & EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY is responsible for the ignorance. But ANYBODY could do the job & not alone SOMEBODY was responsible EVERYBODY was party to the ignorant act

    Insurance Sector in India: Growth and Career Opportunities

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    Risks, the uncertainty about the future of something, be it be Business, Project, Life, Property, or anything, has always been there and so is there the fear of not meeting the intended goal for which they exist. Transferring the risk to a different party has been there as a good strategy of risk handling. This strategy brought to us the concept of ‘Insurance’ in which, the ‘Insurer’ assures the monetary coverage to the ‘Insurance owner’ in case the ‘Insured Artifact’ is adversely impacted under ‘Given Conditions’. Insurance has now grown into a mature industry worldwide and in India it has many formal bodies regulating and promoting it as a huge market. This paper highlights some areas of the Insurance Market and its emerging future in India in terms of economy and career opportunities

    Organic Farming: The Challenges and Opportunities

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    Organic Farming is a form of agriculture that yields crops in the most environment friendly manner and hereby intended to preserve the environment. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Organic Regulations restrict the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and some other conventional tools that are found to be hazardous to environment in longer run. This white paper highlights common challenges and opportunities for Organic farming globally

    Social Entrepreneurship for Positive Change in Society

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    Entrepreneurship is normally accepted as a profit making Endeavour of an individual which extends jobs & at the most accept some Corporate social responsibility. Also that this CSR. activities also they practice to showcase that how much they are concern with the society. The real Social fabric remained untouched with their efforts to extend their services for the masses. The social fabric of our nation is like a close net family which is celebrating a big festival where different people are serving the variety of roles. Our festivals are incomplete without the celebration with the community. But when someone question if this is the case then why this impartiality we observe in the society

    Dynamics of 3rd Industrial Revolution and Capacity Upgradation in Hospitality & Service Industry

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    The World business scenario is ever changing & any formula which was known to be ultimate  this may & may not be of any use. But the hospitality industry need to update it's presentation with the change of the individual customer expectations. The use of the age old principals of the Consumer Behavior is vital to understand the customer expectations. Also the indicators of the Consumer Behavior understanding help the marketers to plan their marketing in line of the customer expectations

    Investment, Insurance Myth & Reality: Investors Guide 1.0

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    Multiple options of investment from Saving Bank Account, Recurring Deposit, Bonds, Mutual funds, Equity & SIP. (Systematic Investment  Plan) are prevalent besides age old technique to invest in Gold & Real Estate. If we look at the last 40 years returns since inception of the Sensex in yr. 1980 & the journey of Nifty, CSE index over the years to understand performance of equity & mutual funds besides RD./ FD./ Saving Account. Also the study of the performance of Gold & Real Estate to reach at the consolidated opinion on the available multiple tools of investment

    Spirituality, Yoga Practice & Natural Dopamine Effects

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    Health & Yoga are integral part of healthy living when you study our ancient scriptures where detail is available,  In Ayurveda yoga is consider as a medium to join , add/ plus with the Almighty. Hence yoga is known as the science of the union of Body, Mind & Soul with the Almighty. The process of this union is believed to release certain chemical compounds consider as natural dopamine/ mood elevators, stress buster. The recent studies has proved that cause of all disease are not somatic alone but it is Psychosomatic. This theory proves/clearly indicate that in our old scriptures disease is considered as disturbance in the equilibrium of the body, mind & soul & this ancient wisdom states union of the body mind & soul with the Almighty help the maintenance of the equilibrium. This equilibrium once achieved corrects the disease as believed in ancient Ayurveda. The process of this equilibrium maintenance  is called Yoga through the 7 steps of Yam Niyam, Asan etc. which leads to the union called Yoga

    Coexisting Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Mucormycosis in a Patient with Aplastic Anemia Post Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Infections are the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in allogenic stem cell transplant recipients. Survival of the patient depends on the accurate diagnosis of the infectious agents and prompt and effective management of the infection alongwith maintenance of adequate immunosuppression post transplantation. We here reported a case of aplastic anemia who developed left upper lobe consolidation post allogenic stem cell transplantation and was found to have combined infection with tuberculosis and mucormycosis. This is the first case of combined infection with tuberculosis and mucormycosis reported in such a host, with a favourable outcom

    Clinical Profile of Dengue Infection in Patients with Hematological Diseases

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    Managing hematological disorders in a tropical country presents several unique diagnostic and management problems. Apart from the disease process, we need to be aware of infections that can exacerbate or mimic serious hematological problems. We present here a series of five patients with pre-existing hematological diseases who were infected by dengue virus. These cases highlight the need to keep a strong suspicion of common endemic diseases in tropical countries before considering extensive workup for the basic hematological disease. There was no mortality and all patients recovered without any significant impact on their pre-existing hematological condition inspite of their low baseline blood counts. There was no excessive bleeding, prolonged stay in the hospital or relapse of underlying hematological disease in these patients and the only major concern was the increased anxiety among both the patient and treating physician regarding the relapse/progression of pre-existing hematological disease

    Radiological Society of North America expert consensus document on reporting chest CT findings related to COVID-19: Endorsed by the Society of Thoracic Radiology, the American College of Radiology, and RSNA

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    Routine screening CT for the identification of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pneumonia is currently not recommended by most radiology societies. However, the number of CT examinations performed in persons under investigation for COVID-19 has increased. We also anticipate that some patients will have incidentally detected findings that could be attributable to COVID-19 pneumonia, requiring radiologists to decide whether or not to mention COVID-19 specifically as a differential diagnostic possibility. We aim to provide guidance to radiologists in reporting CT findings potentially attributable to COVID-19 pneumonia, including standardized language to reduce reporting variability when addressing the possibility of COVID-19. When typical or indeterminate features of COVID-19 pneumonia are present in endemic areas as an incidental finding, we recommend contacting the referring providers to discuss the likelihood of viral infection. These incidental findings do not necessarily need to be reported as COVID-19 pneumonia. In this setting, using the term viral pneumonia can be a reasonable and inclusive alternative. However, if one opts to use the term COVID-19 in the incidental setting, consider the provided standardized reporting language. In addition, practice patterns may vary, and this document is meant to serve as a guide. Consultation with clinical colleagues at each institution is suggested to establish a consensus reporting approach. The goal of this expert consensus is to help radiologists recognize findings of COVID-19 pneumonia and aid their communication with other health care providers, assisting management of patients during this pandemic. Published under a CC BY 4.0 license
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