7,512 research outputs found

    Classroom activities to foster reading and respect towards cultural diversity

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónA través de una propuesta didáctica diseñada para primero de ESO, se aspira a suscitar el interés por la lectura como fuente de placer y vía de acceso al conocimiento y a la información, así como a potenciar el acercamiento a otras culturas ajenas a la propia. Del mismo modo, se contribuye a la adquisición de las ocho competencias básicas mediante distintos tipos de cuestiones. Se aboga por una metodología activa y participativa en la que el alumnado sea el verdadero protagonista del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con un enfoque interdisciplinar. El libro de literatura juvenil titulado Laila, escrito por Laila Karrouch, es el punto de partida para alcanzar los objetivos previamente mencionados. Antes, durante y después de la lectura, los alumnos y alumnas tendrán que resolver una amplia gama de actividades que se articulan en torno a tres grandes bloques, subdivididos a su vez en diferentes apartados. Finalizadas las actividades propuestas, el alumnado descubrirá las maravillosas historias que el apasionante mundo de la literatura pone a su alcance y valorará la riqueza que aporta la diversidad lingüística y cultural.AndalucíaES

    Breve historia de las sociedades españolas de radiología

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    Historia de la ecografía

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    Actividad física, beneficios y barreras percibidas en mujeres embarazadas

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Énfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Divergencies in academic performance among Spanish students: Evidence from PISA 2018

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    Trabajo Fin de Máster en "International Economics"This paper analyses differences in the school performance of Spanish students between public and private schools, as well as regional divergencies in their academic performance. For this purpose, we use data from PISA 2018 for Spain from two subjects: Mathematics and Science. The Oaxaca-Blinder approach is adopted in order to estimate the potential score gap between public and private schools and between the highperforming (scoring above the mean) and low-performing (scoring below the mean) students. Results show that students enrolled in private schools in Spain achieve a significantly higher score than students from public schools even when controlling for socioeconomic characteristics. Furthermore, we find evidence supporting that the tests’ score of high-performing students is not affected by the type of school (private or public) they attend. In contrast, the achievement of low-performing students is significantly reduced when they attend a public school. Along with these results, we find evidence of strong regional disparities in the academic performance of Spanish student

    The Professor-Tutor of Teaching "Prácticum" Like Professional User of Media

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    En este artículo presentamos un somero resumen de los resultados más interesantes obtenidos en una tesis doctoral denominada “Uso de los medios en el Prácticum de Magisterio”. Estos versan sobre la utilización que hacen de los medios y recursos los profesores-tutores durante el periodo en el que el estudiante de magisterio esta realizando las prácticas bajo su asesoría y supervisión.This article shows a brief resume about the more interesting results gotten in a doctoral thesis titled: “The use of the technological and traditional resources during the teacher training Practicum”. In this text, we analyse the data obtain about the use of this resources by the tutor-teachers when they are tutoring student-teachers

    Mayores aglomeraciones urbanas españolas: incremento de los flujos de tráfico y necesaria movilidad sostenible

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    La transformación de las grandes ciudades en aglomeraciones urbanas es un proceso que en España ha adquirido recientemente fuerte intensidad. Eso representa profundos cambios espaciales. Uno de los aspectos importantes que conlleva se refiere a los transportes y a su accesibilidad. Aquí se analizan los que utilizan la carretera a través de las vías de mayor capacidad de tráfico. Se eligen varios casos destacados por los problemas específicos, de diferente naturaleza, que todo ello origina.The transformation of the cities in urban areas is a process that reaches recently in Spain he acquires strong intensity. That represents deep space changes. One of the important aspects refers to the transports and the accessibility. Here those are analyzed that use the highway through the roads of more capacity. Several cases are chosen highlighted by the specific problems, of different nature that everything originates

    High efficiency two stroke opposed piston engine for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications: evaluation under homologation and real driving conditions

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    [EN] The potential of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions highly depends on the vehicle usage and electricity source. In addition, the high costs of the battery pack and electric components suppose a challenge to the vehicle manufacturers. However, the internal combustion engine complexity can be reduced due to its lower use as compared to the no-hybrid vehicles. This work evaluates the use of a new opposed piston 2-stroke engine, based on rod-less innovative kinematics, in a series PHEV architecture based on rod-less innovative kinematics along different driving routes in Europe. A 0D-vehicle model fed with experimental tests is used. The battery size is optimized under homologation conditions for two different vehicle types. The optimum case is tested in several real driving conditions under different vehicle modes and battery states of charge. The main contribution of this work is the demonstration of the potential to reduce the vehicle CO2 emissions and cost with an innovative 2-stroke engine. The results show that 24 kWh is the optimum battery size for both vehicle platforms. Charge depleting mode shows 70% of CO2 tailpipe reduction in urban cycles and 22% in long travels compared to the no-hybrid version. Charge sustaining mode results show a CO2 tailpipe reduction of 20% in urban cycles and 2% in long distance travels with respect to the no-hybrid version. In spite of the CO2 contribution of the battery manufacturing, the results show a reduction of LCA CO2 emissions in 52% in charge depleting and 7% charge sustaining against the no-hybrid case.This work has been partially supported by "Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana" through grant number GV/2020/017. The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R). The authors want to thank INNengine for providing the engine and the help in the experimental campaign. Lastly, acknowledge to Gamma Technologies for the numerical simulation support and provide the GT-RealDrive licensesSerrano, J.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Martínez-Boggio, SD. (2021). High efficiency two stroke opposed piston engine for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications: evaluation under homologation and real driving conditions. Applied Energy. 282(Part A):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116078S117282Part