591 research outputs found

    Cell biophysical stimuli in lobodopodium formation: a computer based approach

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    Different cell migration modes have been identified in 3D environments, e.g., modes incorporating lamellopodia or blebs. Recently, a new type of cellular migration has been investigated: lobopodia-based migration, which appears only in three-dimensional matrices under certain conditions. The cell creates a protrusion through which the nucleus slips, dividing the cell into two parts (front and rear) with different hydrostatic pressures. In this work, we elucidate the mechanical conditions that favour this type of migration. One of the hypotheses about this type of migration is that it depends on the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix. That is, lobopodia-based migration is dependent on whether the extracellular matrix is linearly elastic or non-linearly elastic. To determine whether the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix are crucial in the choice of cell migration mode and which mechanotransduction mechanism the cell might use, we develop a finite element model. From our simulations, we identify two different possible mechanotransduction mechanisms that could regulate the cell to switch from a lobopodial to a lamellipodial migration mode. The first relies on a differential pressure increase inside the cytoplasm while the cell contracts, and the second relies on a change in the fluid flow direction in non-linearly elastic extracellular matrices but not in linearly elastic matrices. The biphasic nature of the cell has been determined to mediate this mechanism and the different behaviours of cells in linearly elastic and non-linearly elastic matrices

    Estudo comparativo de uma técnica de infestação artificial de células de obreiras quando aplicada isoladamente ou em simultâneo com outras técnicas

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo investigar a resposta ele colónias ele abelhas Apis melífera L. à infestação artificial de células ele obreira com ácaros Varroa Destuctor. Alvéolos com criação de obreiras de 7 dias após a operculação, de 6 colmeias, foram artificialmente infestados com ácaros. Em 3 colmeias, as células de obreira foram infestadas com ácaros mortos por congelação (ACV). Nas 3 colmeias restantes esta técnica foi também aplicada (CV) mas em conjunto com outras duas técnicas ele infestação: ácaros mortos naturalmente e ácaros vivos. Foram realizadas duas repetições por colmeia e um total de 4 ensaios nos meses de Junho a Setembro. A resposta higiénica das abelhas foi registada 24 horas após a infestação. As abelhas manifestaram dois comportamentos diferentes. No primeiro limparam completamente os alvéolos, retirando os ácaros e as crias das abelhas. No segundo, desopercularam e reopercularam os alvéolos, retirando os ácaros mas a cria permaneceu nos alvéolos. As abelhas manifestaram melhor o comportamento I em relação à introdução de ácaros mortos (p<-0,01), quando são aplicados todos os métodos em simultâneo

    Genetic analysis of microsatellites markers in two populations of Berrenda en Negro bovine breed

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    The Berrenda en Negro cattle breed has been used classically in the management of the fight bull and currently is found next their extinction. To contribute to the genetic conservation programs of this breed, we are characterized a sample of 32 animals with a panel of 15 microsatellites and we are provided data that permit, in a future, to compare its variability with other cattle breeds.La raza Bovina Berrenda en Negro se ha utilizado clásicamente en el manejo del toro de lidia y actualmente se encuentra próxima a su extinción. Para contribuir a los planes de recuperación genética de esta raza, se caracteriza una muestra de 32 animales con un panel de 15 microsatélites y se proporcionan datos que permitan, en un futuro, comparar su variabilidad con otras razas bovinas

    Oxalatos mixtos de metales de transición y capacidades no-faradaicas para electrodos negativos en baterías de ión-litio

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC

    Genetic characterisation of bovino criollo argentino cattle using microsatellites

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    It is characterized a sample of Bovino Criollo Argentino cattle with a panel of eight microsatellites. It is detected a number of alleles between 2 and 7. The values of Heterocigosity by locus are between 0.46 for HEL-1 and 0.72 for BM-1824 and the mean of Heterocigosity is 0.58.Se caracteriza una muestra de ganado Bovino Criollo Argentino con un panel de ocho microsatélites. Se detecta un número de alelos entre 2 y 7. Los valores de Heterocigosidad por locus están entre 0,46 para HEL-1 y 0,72 para BM-1824, la Heterocigosidad media es de 0,58

    Origin and standing of Canary Black Pig

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    We summarize the historical information about origin of Canary Black Pig and standing in the Canary Islands. The presence of pig in Canary Islands is from 500 year b.C., where aborigines used its meat as food, its fat to preserve foods, its skin as clothing and its bones to produce tools and adornments. The census is constituted for 283 animals, 182 females and 101 males, with a major representation in Tenerife and Gran Canaria islands, 173 and 71 animals respectively.A través de la documentación histórica del Archipiélago Canario, se ha esbozado el origen del Cerdo Negro Canario, a la vez que se expone su estado actual en las diferentes islas del archipiélago. La presencia del cerdo data desde hace 2500 años en el Archipiélago Canario, donde los aborígenes utilizaron su carne como alimento, su manteca para conservas, su piel para vestimenta y sus huesos para fabricación de útiles y adornos. El censo lo constituyen unos 283 ejemplares, 182 hembras y 101 machos, y su mayor representación está en las islas de Tenerife y de Gran Canaria con 173 y 71 animales respectivamente

    Análisis sobre el origen de los materiales arqueológicos del Museo Histórico Minero D. Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas

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    En 1992 iniciamos el estudio de las piezas arqueológicas del Museo Histórico Minero D. Felipe de Borbón y Grecia, de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid, comprobando la calidad de las muestras presentes. Existían dos colecciones de Arqueología Minera y Prehistórica, ubicadas principalmente en las vitrinas del patio y tambié'f1 en las del torreón norte (1). Asimismo constatamos la presencia, en este último lugar, de un importante conjunto de piezas de la mina del Milagro, en anís, algunas en relación con las colecciones antes mencionadas

    Optimization and validation of a new microbial inhibition test for the detection of antimicrobial residues in living animals intended for human consumption

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    Even though antibiotics are necessary in livestock production, they can be harmful not only due to their toxicity, but also in view of their contribution to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Screening tests based on microbial growth inhibition appeared to be useful tools to prevent its entry into the food chain. They have nevertheless been traditionally carried out post mortem, leading to great economical loss and harm to the environment in case a positive sample is found. Hence, the objective was to evaluate the use of a screening test as an ante mortem alternative for the detection of antibiotic residues in meat: thus, Explorer®-Blood test was optimized and validated. After adapting the procedure for matrix preparation, the assay parameters were assessed from 344 antibiotic-free blood serum samples. Limits of Detection (LoDs) were defined by spiking blood serum with several of the most common antimicrobials used in veterinary practice. LoDs were similar to those obtained for meat and were at or below the maximum residue limits set by EU legislation for muscle. Analyses of in vivo injected samples, previously characterized by LC-MS/MS, demonstrated the method’s accuracy and proved that Explorer®-Blood can be considered a suitable alternative to conventional post mortem screening methods

    Performance, carcass characteristics, economic margin and meat quality in young Tudanca bulls fed on two levels of grass silage and concentrate

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    This study investigates the effect on performance, carcass and meat characteristics of increasing the forage level in the diet of fattening Tudanca young bulls using silage as the forage source as compared with a conventional ad libitum straw plus concentrate diet. Twenty two Tudanca young bulls were assigned to three different finishing diets: ad libitum grass silage plus ad libitum concentrate (GS-AC), ad libitum grass silage plus concentrate limited to a half of the intake of the ad libitum group (GS-LC), ad libitum barley straw plus ad libitum concentrate (Str-AC) and then slaughtered at around 11 months of age. GS-LC diet resulted in relation to GS-AC and Str-AC diets in lower (p <= 0.05) average daily weight gain (750 vs 1, 059 and 991 g/animal/day, respectively), lower (p <= 0.05) carcass weight (133 vs 159 and 152 kg, respectively) and carcasses with slightly lower conformation scores. Although GS-LC diet allowed for a lower dependence on concentrate (372 vs 657 and 729 kg/animal, respectively), economic margin was similar for the two GS groups (-63.1 and -64.1 vs -91.8 (sic)/head). The polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio was the lowest (p <= 0.05) in GS-AC meat (the group showing the highest IMF levels) and the ratio n-6/n-3 was the highest (p <= 0.05) in Str-AC meat. GS-LC meat showed higher collagen content and Str-AC meat presented higher cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness values. Results suggested that the substitution of straw by grass silage and the restriction of the concentrate level could be recommended for finishing young Tudanca bulls in indoors systems