126 research outputs found
Agresiones externas hacia los profesionales del Servicio Aragonés de Salud en los servicios de Atención Primaria y Especializada durante el año 2018
Objetivo: El riesgo que tiene el personal sanitario de sufrir una agresión en el lugar de trabajo no es homogéneo. Factores como la categoría profesional, el nivel asistencial o el servicio modulan su probabilidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las agresiones registradas por los profesionales del Servicio Aragonés de Salud, comparando las características de aquellas que sucedieron en Atención Primaria con las que tuvieron lugar en Atención Especializada durante el año 2018.
Metodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, llevado a cabo a través de la información disponible en la base de datos del registro de agresiones aragonés durante el año 2018. Las variables del estudio incluyeron características sociodemográficas de las personas agredidas, tipo de agresión, nivel de asistencia y baja laboral. Se calcularon frecuencias y porcentajes para las variables cualitativas, y media y desviación típica para las cuantitativas. La relación entre las variables se realizó mediante las pruebas de Mann-Whitney y Chi-Cuadrado.
Resultados: Se registraron 236 agresiones, de las que el 75, 4% tuvieron lugar en Atención Especializada. La edad media se situó en 45 años. Los médicos fueron más agredidos en Atención Primaria, mientras que el personal de enfermería lo fue más en especializada. En primaria se produjeron más agresiones verbales, mientras que en especializada se registraron más agresiones físicas.
Conclusiones: La violencia laboral que sufren los profesionales sanitarios varía en función del nivel asistencial, donde se observa una mayor incidencia de agresiones en Atención Especializada. Es necesario establecer mejoras en el registro de agresiones de Aragón, para perfeccionar la prevención y seguridad de los trabajadores.
Objective: The risk that health personnel have of being assaulted in the workplace is not homogeneous. Factors such as professional category, level of care or service, modulate their probability. The objective of this work was to analyze the aggressions registered by the Servicio Aragonés de Salud professionals, comparing the characteristics of those that occurred in primary care with those that took place in specialized care during 2018.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was made, carried out using the information available in the Aragon aggression registry database, during the year 2018. The study variables included sociodemographic characteristics of the people attacked, type of aggression, level of assistance and sick leave. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables and mean and standard deviation for the quantitative ones; the relationship between the variables was made using the Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square tests.
Results: 236 assaults were registered, of which 75.4% took place in AE. The average age was 45 years. Doctors were more attacked in primary care, while nursing staff was more attacked in specialized care. In primary there were more verbal attacks, while in specialized there were more physical attacks.
Conclusions: Occupational violence suffered by health professionals change depending on the level of care, where a higher incidence of assaults is observed in specialized care. It is necessary to establish improvements in the registry of aggressions in Aragón, to improve the prevention and safety of workers
Controlo da varroa com timol - estratégia integrada e maneio agroecológico
Comunicação oral por convitePretende-se responder a algumas questões que, sobre o uso do timol contra a varroa, têm numerosos apicultores e técnicos apícolas. É realmente útil? É fácil a sua aplicação? Que dificuldades pressupõe? De que forma ou em que condições pode ser utilizado?
Apresentam-se as principais conclusões práticas após seis anos de investigação e muitos ensaios em apiários comerciais. Entre elas, podemos destacar que:
1) O timol é útil quando é utilizado como mais uma ferramenta, incluída num controlo ou estratégia integral, com outros tipos de tratamentos e medidas de maneio.
2) As condições das colmeias tratadas são tão importantes como a própria substância utilizada. Colónias fortes, com rainhas de idade controlada (não mais de 2 anos) e graus de parasitação pouco elevados são fundamentais quando em simultâneo com condições ambientais adequadas e tratamentos coordenados com apicultores da zona.
3) É necessária uma certa aprendizagem para a sua utilização. Deve-se ser cauteloso, assistir a cursos práticos e, se possível, ter o apoio de pessoas com experiência neste tipo de tratamentos.
Em suma, propõe-se um maneio agroecológico, dependendo o controlo do ácaro de um conjunto de factores ou causas dinâmicas que actuam interrelacionando-se entre si. Por isso, os distintos sistemas de produção apícola devem seleccionar e adaptar os diferentes tratamentos ou modelos de controlo de acordo à sua realidade (condições ecológicas e sócio-económicas)
Distribution and biogeographic trends of decapod assemblages from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic) at depths between 700 and 1800m, with connexions to regional water masses
The GaliciaBank(NEAtlantic,42167′N–11174′W) isanisolatedseamount,nearNWSpain,acomplex
geomorphological andsedimentarystructurethatreceivesinfluences fromcontrastingwatermassesof
both northernandsouthernorigins.WithintheprojectINDEMARES,threecruiseswereperformedon
the bankin2009(Ecomarg0709),2010(BanGal0810)and2011(BanGal0811)allinJuly–August.
Decapods andothermacrobenthiccrustaceans(eucaridsandperacarids)werecollectedwithdifferent
sampling systems,mainlybeamtrawls(BT,10mmofmeshsizeatcodend)andaGOC73ottertrawl
(20 mmmeshsize).Sixty-sevenspeciesofdecapodcrustaceans,6euphausiids,19peracaridsand
1 ostracodwerecollectedatdepthsbetween744and1808m.Wefoundtwonewspecies,oneamember
of theChirostylidae, Uroptychuscartesi Baba &Macpherson,2012,theotherofthePetalophthalmidae
(Mysida) Petalophthalmus sp. A,inadditiontoanumberofnewbiogeographicspeciesrecordsfor
European orIberianwaters.Ananalysisofassemblagesshowedageneralizedspeciesrenewalwith
depth, withdifferentassemblagesbetween744and ca. 1400m(theseamounttopassemblage,STA)and
between ca. 1500and1800m(thedeep-slopeassemblageoverseamount flanks,DSA).Thesewere
respectivelyassociatedwithMediterraneanoutflow waters(MOW)andwithLabradorSeaWater(LSW).
Another significant factorseparatingdifferentassemblagesovertheGalicianBankwastheco-occurrence
of corals(bothcoloniesofhardcoralssuchas Lophelia pertusa and Madreporaoculata and/or gorgonians)
in hauls.Munidopsids(Munidopsis spp.), chirostylids(Uroptychus spp.), andthehomolodromiid
Dicranodromiamahieuxii formed apartofthiscoral-associatedassemblage.Dominantspeciesatthe
STAwerethepandalid Plesionika martia (a shrimpofsubtropical-southerndistribution)andthecrabs
Bathynectes maravigna and Polybiushenslowii, whereasdominantspeciesintheDSAwereofnorthern
origin, thelithodid Neolithodes grimaldii and thecrangonid Glyphocrangonlongiristris, likelyassociated
with LSW.Thediversity(H and J) ofsmallcrustaceans(collectedwithBT)seemedtobecontrolledbythe
phytoplanktonblooms(satelliteChl a data) overbanksurface3monthsbeforethesamplings,bothatthe
top (Spearman r¼0.57, p¼0.03) andonthe flanks (r¼0.74, p¼0.02) ofGaliciaBank,whilenosignificant
relationships withChl a werefoundforthelargerdecapodscollectedwithGOC73,onaveragetheyfeed
at thehighertrophiclevelsthanthosecollectedwithBT.Postprin
Functional quality of new table grape hybrids with red berry flesh
[SPA] Las variedades de uva de mesa con pulpa tinta han tomado gran interés para los programas
de mejora vegetal siguiendo una línea saludable. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es
comparar variedades comerciales frente a híbridos de interés con pulpa tinta ricos en
antioxidantes y compuestos bioactivos. Las variedades comerciales Itumfive, Itumnine, e
Itumtwelve fueron comparadas con nuevos híbridos de pulpa tinta Hsd (Alicante Bouschet
x Itumone) y Hsl (15-284-535 x Itumfifteen) en cuanto a los Compuestos Fenólicos Totales
(CFT) y la Capacidad Antioxidante Total (CAT) mediante determinaciones
espectrofotométricas. Los nuevos híbridos han registrado valores en pulpa entre 1,9 y 5,1
veces mayores en CFT frente a variedades comerciales. La CAT en las bayas ha
representado entre 1,2 y 6,9 veces mayor contenido en los nuevos híbridos frente a las
variedades comerciales. En conclusión, las variedades con pulpa tinta están genéticamente
enriquecidas en compuestos saludables. [ENG] Red berry flesh table grape cultivars have recently become very important in breeding
programs as a healthy challenge. The main objective of this work is to compare commercial
varieties with potential new varieties with red berry flesh rich in antioxidants and
bioactive compounds. Commercial varieties Itumfive, Itumnine, and Itumtwelve were
compared with new hybrids with red berry flesh Hsd (Alicante Bouschet x Itumone) and
Hsl (15-284-535 x Itumfifteen) in terms of their Total Phenolic Compounds (TPC) and Total
Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) by using spectrophotometric determinations. New hybrids
showed from 1.9 up to 5.1-fold higher TPC in berry pulp regarding commercial varieties.
TAC in the whole berry reported from 1.2 up to 6.9 - fold higher content between new
hybrids from commercial varieties. As conclusion, red berry flesh cultivars are genetically
enriched in healthy promoting compounds.Se agradece a la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y al IMIDA la contratación de
Pablo Crespo Ródenas (Cod. 583701) para el proyecto “Mejora genética de especies agrícolas de
interés para la Región de Murcia” y con código “FEDER 1420-21 Uva”. Se agradece al Instituto de
Biotecnología Vegetal de la UPCT el uso de determinados equipamientos. El contrato L. Martínez-
Zamora ha sido financiado por el Programa de Recualificación del Sistema Universitario Español,
modalidad Margarita Salas, de la Universidad de Murcia
Physico-chemical and antioxidant capacity determinations of hybrids from grape populations with teinturier parentals
[ESP] El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar muestras de uva de pulpa coloreada o sin color, y
comparar los resultados de su capacidad antioxidante total y sus atributos de calidad. Las
muestras corresponden a variedades tintoreras con pulpa roja y con semilla, y muestras
de híbridos resultantes de poblaciones de variedades tintoreras y variedades de uva de
mesa sin semilla. Con los resultados se distinguieron dos grupos en cuanto al porcentaje de
capturación de radicales libres, correlativo y superior para pulpas tintas. La textura
aumentó hasta tres veces en híbridos respecto a parentales tintoreros. Del estudio de
apirenia se obtuvo que el 36,4% de los híbridos fueron sin semilla. Los híbridos han sido
capaces de mejorar los atributos de calidad del fruto, manteniendo o incrementando los
compuestos bioactivos de interés. En conclusión, los híbridos P1008, PF1001 y PF1006
continúan en líneas de mejora gracias a estas determinaciones. [ENG] The objective was to evaluate colored and non-colored flesh berry grapes, and to compare
results of total antioxidant capacity and grapes quality analysis. Samples belong to seeded
teinturier varieties with colored berry flesh, and hybrids of populations from cross of
teinturier varieties and seedless table grape varieties. According to the percentage of
scavenging activity, two groups were distinguished; higher results were obtained for color
pulp samples. Texture was increased up to 3-fold in hybrids regarding teinturier varieties.
Seedless study showed that 36.4% hybrids were no seeded. Hybrids have increased the
quality attributes and maintained or increased the bioactive compounds. In conclusion,
hybrids PF1008, PF1001 and PF1006 continue in breeding programs regarding these
determinations.Se agradece a la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y al IMIDA la contratación de
Pablo Crespo Ródenas (Cod. 583701) para el proyecto “Mejora genética de especies agrícolas de
interés para la Región de Murcia” y con código “Feder 1420-21 Uva”. También se agradece la
implicación en esta investigación al Grupo de Postrecolección y Refrigeración de la ETSIA-UPCT
Epibenthic communities of sedimentary habitats in a NE Atlantic deep seamount (Galicia Bank)
En prens
Five paradoxes in health promotion
The World Health Organization states that health promotion is a key strategy to improve health, and it is conceived as a global process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Health promotion does not focus solely on empowering individuals dealing with their knowledge, attitudes and skills, but it also takes political, social, economic and environmental aspects influencing health and wellbeing into account. The complexity of applying these concepts is reflected in the five paradoxes in health promotion; these arise in between the rhetoric in health promotion and implementation. The detected paradoxes which are described herein involve the patient versus the person, the individual versus the group, disease professionals versus health professionals, disease indicators versus health indicators, and health as an expense versus health as an investment. Making these contradictions explicit can help determine why it is so complex to put the concepts related to health promotion into practice. It can also help to put forward aspects that need further work if health promotion is to put into practice. (C) 2017 SESPAS: Published by Elsevier Espaila, S.L.U
A personalized intervention to prevent depression in primary care: cost-effectiveness study nested into a clustered randomized trial
Background: Depression is viewed as a major and increasing public health issue, as it causes high distress in the people experiencing it and considerable financial costs to society. Efforts are being made to reduce this burden by preventing depression. A critical component of this strategy is the ability to assess the individual level and profile of risk for the development of major depression. This paper presents the cost-effectiveness of a personalized intervention based on the risk of developing depression carried out in primary care, compared with usual care. Methods: Cost-effectiveness analyses are nested within a multicentre, clustered, randomized controlled trial of a personalized intervention to prevent depression. The study was carried out in 70 primary care centres from seven cities in Spain. Two general practitioners (GPs) were randomly sampled from those prepared to participate in each centre (i.e. 140 GPs), and 3326 participants consented and were eligible to participate. The intervention included the GP communicating to the patient his/her individual risk for depression and personal risk factors and the construction by both GPs and patients of a psychosocial programme tailored to prevent depression. In addition, GPs carried out measures to activate and empower the patients, who also received a leaflet about preventing depression. GPs were trained in a 10- to 15-h workshop. Costs were measured from a societal and National Health care perspective. Qualityadjustedlife years were assessed using the EuroQOL five dimensions questionnaire. The time horizon was 18 months. Results: With a willingness-to-pay threshold of (sic)10, 000 ((sic)8568) the probability of cost-effectiveness oscillated from 83% (societal perspective) to 89% (health perspective). If the threshold was increased to (sic)30, 000 ((sic)25, 704), the probability of being considered cost-effective was 94% (societal perspective) and 96%, respectively (health perspective). The sensitivity analysis confirmed these results. Conclusions: Compared with usual care, an intervention based on personal predictors of risk of depression implemented by GPs is a cost-effective strategy to prevent depression. This type of personalized intervention in primary care should be further developed and evaluated
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