4 research outputs found

    La mirada filosófica: un vistazo al rostro del otro

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    La filosofía tiene aún vigencia. Sin embargo, esa vigencia, su rol particu-lar respecto de las condiciones sociales en las que nos encontramos, dis-ta de ser clara y evidente. Por eso es necesaria una reconceptualización de la filosofía que capture su verdadera esencia transformadora. De la mano de diferentes autores, pertenecientes a diferentes escuelas de pensamiento filosófico, se produce aquí una reflexión en torno a los problemas pertinentes para la filosofía, vista desde su capacidad de incidir decisivamente en transformar el contexto social actual. En primer lugar, se contraponen dos visiones de la práctica, como objetos de refle-xión filosófica tal cual fueran formulados por Carlos Marx: la poiesis y la praxis. Luego de rescatar para la praxis el carácter moral, se especifican las condiciones originarias de la praxis moral, analizada desde la pers-pectiva de Emmanuel Levinas, Zygmunt Bauman y Enrique Dussel. Fi-nalmente, se propone una visión de la filosofía que la inserta en el pro-ceso de transformación política y moral de la sociedad: la filosofía debe propiciar un cambio en la mirada hacia el rostro de los otros

    Endurance training slows breast tumor growth in mice by suppressing Treg cells recruitment to tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Aerobic exercise has been shown to slow tumor progression in rodents and humans, but the mechanisms behind this effect are still unclear. Here we show that aerobic exercise in the form of chronic endurance training suppresses tumor recruitment of FoxP3+ Treg cells thus enhancing antitumor immune efficiency. METHODS: Adult wild-type and athymic BALB/c female mice were endurance-trained for 8 weeks. Circulating leukocytes as well as muscle and liver mtDNA copy number were compared to aged-matched concurrent sedentary controls to establish systemic effects. 4 T1 murine mammary tumor cells were injected subcutaneously to the 4th mammary pad at the end of the training period. Tumor growth and survival rates were compared, together with antitumor immune response. RESULTS: Exercised wild-type had 17% slower growth rate, 24% longer survival, and 2-fold tumor-CD+ 8/FoxP3+ ratio than sedentary controls. Exercised athymic BALB/c females showed no difference in tumor growth or survival rates when compared to sedentary controls. CONCLUSIONS: Cytotoxic T cells are a significant factor in endurance exercise-induced suppression of tumor growth. Endurance exercise enhances antitumor immune efficacy by increasing intratumoral CD8+/FoxP3+ ratio

    La mirada filosófica: un vistazo al rostro del otro

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    La filosofía tiene aún vigencia. Sin embargo, esa vigencia, su rol particu-lar respecto de las condiciones sociales en las que nos encontramos, dis-ta de ser clara y evidente. Por eso es necesaria una reconceptualización de la filosofía que capture su verdadera esencia transformadora. De la mano de diferentes autores, pertenecientes a diferentes escuelas de pensamiento filosófico, se produce aquí una reflexión en torno a los problemas pertinentes para la filosofía, vista desde su capacidad de inci-dir decisivamente en transformar el contexto social actual. En primer lugar, se contraponen dos visiones de la práctica, como objetos de refle-xión filosófica tal cual fueran formulados por Carlos Marx: la poiesis y la praxis. Luego de rescatar para la praxis el carácter moral, se especifican las condiciones originarias de la praxis moral, analizada desde la pers-pectiva de Emmanuel Levinas, Zygmunt Bauman y Enrique Dussel. Fi-nalmente, se propone una visión de la filosofía que la inserta en el pro-ceso de transformación política y moral de la sociedad: la filosofía debe propiciar un cambio en la mirada hacia el rostro de los otros.Philosophy is still relevant. However, this validity, its particular role in the social conditions we found ourselves, is far from clear and evident. For that reason is necessary to rethink philosophy in a way that captures its transforming role. Accompanied by different authors, pertaining dif-ferent philosophical school of thoughts, it is produced here a reflection on the relevant issues of Philosophy, considering it capable to influence decisively and to change the actual social context. First, two visions of the practice, as formulated by Karl Marx, are opposed: poiesis and prax-is. After reclaiming for the praxis the moral dimensión, the original con-ditions of the moral practice as concieved by Emmanuel Levinas, Zyg-munt Bauman and Enrique Dussel, are exposed. Finally, a conception of philosophy as capable of partake in the process of transformation of our moral and political context is proposed: the philosophy must propitate a change in the gaze toward the face of the others

    A modular framework for multiscale, multicellular, spatiotemporal modeling of acute primary viral infection and immune response in epithelial tissues and its application to drug therapy timing and effectiveness.

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    Simulations of tissue-specific effects of primary acute viral infections like COVID-19 are essential for understanding disease outcomes and optimizing therapies. Such simulations need to support continuous updating in response to rapid advances in understanding of infection mechanisms, and parallel development of components by multiple groups. We present an open-source platform for multiscale spatiotemporal simulation of an epithelial tissue, viral infection, cellular immune response and tissue damage, specifically designed to be modular and extensible to support continuous updating and parallel development. The base simulation of a simplified patch of epithelial tissue and immune response exhibits distinct patterns of infection dynamics from widespread infection, to recurrence, to clearance. Slower viral internalization and faster immune-cell recruitment slow infection and promote containment. Because antiviral drugs can have side effects and show reduced clinical effectiveness when given later during infection, we studied the effects on progression of treatment potency and time-of-first treatment after infection. In simulations, even a low potency therapy with a drug which reduces the replication rate of viral RNA greatly decreases the total tissue damage and virus burden when given near the beginning of infection. Many combinations of dosage and treatment time lead to stochastic outcomes, with some simulation replicas showing clearance or control (treatment success), while others show rapid infection of all epithelial cells (treatment failure). Thus, while a high potency therapy usually is less effective when given later, treatments at late times are occasionally effective. We illustrate how to extend the platform to model specific virus types (e.g., hepatitis C) and add additional cellular mechanisms (tissue recovery and variable cell susceptibility to infection), using our software modules and publicly-available software repository