27 research outputs found

    Territorial and Sustainable Healthy Diets

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    The rapid changes that societies have gone through in the last few decades have led to the increase in the prevalence of malnutrition in all its forms and to the degradation of natural resources and the environment. The change in the dietary habits and production systems are responsible for much of this change. Some territorial diets have been shown as potentially capable of reversing these trends by positively contributing to the health of people and the environment such as the Mediterranean Diet and the New Nordic Diet. In this paper, we review the contribution of these 2 diets to health and nutrition and to environmental, sociocultural, and economic sustainability proposing pertinent indicators. Learning from a culturally established diet and a constructed one, tradeoff could be reached to ensure better health and sustainability outcomes. Strong factors for achieving this goal lie in building on the sociocultural appropriation of diets, having the proper tools and indicators, investing in cross-sector collaboration and policy coherence, and having the necessary political support to push the agenda of sustainability forward

    Seguimiento del menú escolar de un colegio público durante cinco años lectivos. Importancia de la elección de la empresa restauradora

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    INTRODUCCIÓN Los últimos estudios realizados muestran un incremento en la obesidad infantil. Por lo tanto, es muy importante una correcta alimentación y comenzar la formación nutricional del niño a edades tempranas con el fin de que vaya adquiriendo unos hábitos alimentarios saludables que pueda mantener durante toda la vida. Con este estudio se pretende comparar las posibles diferencias existentes en función de las empresas restauradoras encargadas del comedor escolar.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Estudio descriptivo longitudinal partir de las hojas de los menús escolares que los centros distribuyen a los padres de los niños que utilizan el comedor escolar. Se ha estudiado el menú escolar de un colegio público de Teruel ciudad durante cinco cursos escolares seguidos.RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN− La carne se oferta con demasiada frecuencia. Además, hay un exceso de carne sin cocinar y demasiados productos cárnicos industriales. Se produce una mejora a lo largo de los años estudiados, disminuyendo el método de preparación de fritura y aumentando los más saludables.− El pescado se presenta en una proporción adecuada y con gran variedad. Debe seguir mejorando el método de elaboración.− Los huevos no se ofertan lo suficiente y existe poca variedad en cuanto a preparación.− Tanto la pasta como la verdura se ofertan en cantidad y variedad adecuadas.− La restauración de la sopa sufre una gran variabilidad según los años estudiados.− La variedad de legumbres es aceptable, en cambio, la cantidad es escasa

    Association of Dietary Intake Patterns with Emotion Regulation

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    Background: Western dietary patterns, characterized by high intakes of trans fatty acids (TFA’s), are associated with numerous preventable chronic diseases. Conversely, a Mediterranean dietary pattern is known to be favorably associated with health. Recent findings suggest a correlation between Mediterranean dietary patterns and positive affect, and an inverse correlation with negative affect. Trans fatty acid intake is also associated with negative affect. Further, affect disturbances are associated with emotion dysregulation. We have yet to understand the association of diet with emotion regulation after taking affect disturbances into consideration. The purpose of this study was to examine effects of Mediterranean diet adherence and TFA intake on emotion regulation in a sample of 4992 adults. Methods: Existing data was used from Adventist Health Study-II (AHS-2; 2002- 2006), and a sub-study of the AHS-II, the Biopsychosocial Religion and Health Study (BRHS). The BRHS in 2006-2007 measured affect with the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) sub-scales for clarity, awareness and regulation strategies were contained in wave two of BRHS from 2010-2011. Multiple linear regression was used to examine associations of a Mediterranean diet score and TFA’s with DERS subscale scores. Negative and positive affect were examined as mediators in the relationship between diet and emotion regulation. Results. Findings revealed an inverse relationship between Mediterranean diet score and difficulty with clarity (p=0.006), and this relationship was mediated by positive and negative affect. Further, intake of TFA’s directly related to difficulties with awareness (p=0.045), clarity (p=0.012) and regulation strategies (p=0.009), and all three relationships were mediated by positive and negative affect. Positive affect was associated with enhanced emotion regulation, and negative affect with difficulties with emotion regulation. Conclusions: Intakes characteristic of a Mediterranean diet and low in TFA appear to have a favorable correlation with emotion regulation via positive and negative affect. Future directions include examining whether affect and emotion regulation form a chain of variables mediating the diet and depression correlation, and developing a randomized control trial to clearly assess the relationship between diet and emotion regulation

    Anthropometry, Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in Human

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    Data on nutritional status of human populations are periodically needed, as well as their relationships with anthropometry, body composition, body image and energy expenditure, and also with health lifestyle outcomes. All these parameters contribute jointly to give a complete knowledge on dietary and lifestyle habits, and hence how to proceed to improve it in order to enjoy an optimal healthy status. So, you are kindly invited to submit proposals for manuscripts that fit the objectives and the topics of this Nutrients Special issue.The aim of this proposed Nutrients Special Issue on ""Anthropometry, Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in Humans"" is to publish selected papers detailing specific aspects of anthropometric, body composition and energy expenditure data in human populations and their relationships with nutritional status, as well as nutritional surveys and trials that examine measured differences or changes in these parameters are also cordially invited

    Dietary and lifestyle determinants associated with the risk of colorectal cancer

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    Mundialment, el càncer colorectal (CCR) és el tercer càncer més incident i el segon en termes de mortalitat en ambdós sexes combinats. A més d'un envelliment de la població i de l’adquisició d’hàbits dietètics occidentalitzats dels països amb rendes altes, altres factors de risc modificables com l'obesitat, la inactivitat física i el tabaquisme augmenten el risc de desenvolupament de CCR. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi és avaluar els determinants dietètics i d'estil de vida de la incidència de CCR. Per tant, es van investigar les possibles associacions entre el consum de productes làctics amb el risc de CCR en el marc de la cohort PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED). D'altra banda, amb l'objectiu de corroborar els nostres resultats en relació amb la ingesta de productes làctics i la incidència de CCR, vam dur a terme una revisió sistemàtica i metanàlisi de les evidències disponibles procedents d’estudis de cohort prospectius i de casos-control en adults, amb l’objectiu d’estudiar les associacions entre el consum de diferents subtipus de productes làctics i el risc de CCR. D'altra banda, també es va avaluar la incidència de CCR en la població PREDIMED, associada a l'adherència a l’índex 2018 WCRF/AICR (recomanacions específiques de càncer) i a l’índex d'estil de vida de baix risc (LRL) (hàbit tabàquic, la ingesta d'alcohol, l’activitat física, la dieta i l’índex de massa corporal). Consumir productes làctics, com la llet baixa en greix, es va associar amb una disminució del risc de CCR en persones d’edat avançada amb risc cardiovascular elevat. D'altra banda, la revisió sistemàtica i metanàlisi realitzada en adults va mostrar associacions inverses amb el risc de CCR pel consum de llet i de formatge totals. Les associacions entre els diferents subtipus de productes làctics i el risc de CCR va diferir segons la localització del càncer de còlon. A més, seguir recomanacions específiques per la prevenció del càncer i patrons de dieta i estil de vida més saludables també va mostrar una disminució significativa del risc de CCR en persones grans amb elevat risc cardiovascular.A nivel mundial, el cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es el tercer cáncer más frecuente y el segundo en términos de mortalidad en ambos sexos. Además del envejecimiento de la población y de la adquisición de hábitos dietéticos occidentalizados de los países con ingresos altos, otros factores de riesgo modificables como la obesidad, la inactividad física y el tabaquismo aumentan el riesgo de desarrollo del CCR. El objetivo general de esta tesis es evaluar los determinantes dietéticos y de estilo de vida del CCR. Por tanto, se investigaron las posibles asociaciones entre el consumo de productos lácteos con el riesgo de CCR en el marco de la cohorte PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED). Por otro lado, con el objetivo de corroborar nuestros resultados en relación con el consumo de productos lácteos y la incidencia de CCR, realizamos una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de las evidencias disponibles sobre estudios prospectivos de cohorte y de caso-control en adultos, con el objetivo de estudiar las asociaciones entre el consumo de diferentes subtipos de productos lácteos y el riesgo de CCR. Por otro lado, también se evaluó la incidencia de CCR en la población PREDIMED, asociada con la adherencia al índice 2018 WCRF/AICR (recomendaciones específicas de cáncer) y al índice de estilo de vida de bajo riesgo (LRL) (hábito tabáquico, ingesta de alcohol, actividad física, dieta e índice de masa corporal). Consumir productos lácteos, como la leche baja en grasa, se asoció con una disminución del riesgo de CCR en personas de edad avanzada con alto riesgo cardiovascular. Por otro lado, la revisión sistemática y meta-análisis en adultos mostró asociaciones inversas con el riesgo de CCR asociado al consumo total de leche y queso. Las asociaciones entre los diferentes subtipos de productos lácteos y el riesgo de CCR difirieron según la localización del cáncer de colon. Además, seguir las recomendaciones específicas para la prevención del cáncer y un patrón de dieta y estilo de vida más saludable también mostró una disminución significativa del riesgo de CCR en personas mayores con alto riesgo cardiovascular.Worldwide, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most incident cancer and the second in terms of mortality for both sexes combined. Besides an ageing population and the acquisition of westernized dietary habits of high-income countries, other modifiable risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity and smoking increase the risk of CRC development. The general objective of this thesis was to evaluate dietary and lifestyle determinants of CRC incidence. Thus, the potential associations between dairy product consumption with the risk of CRC within the frame of the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) cohort were investigated. On the other hand, in order to support our results regarding dairy product intake and CRC incidence, we carried out a systematic review and metanalysis of the available evidence coming from prospective cohort and case-control studies in adults, to examine the associations between the consumption of specific types of dairy products and CRC risk. Furthermore, the associations between the adherence to the 2018 WCRF/AICR (cancer-specific recommendations) and the low-risk lifestyle (LRL) (this index comprises smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, diet and body mass index) scores, and the incidence of CRC in the PREDIMED population were also assessed. Consuming dairy products such as low-fat milk might decreased CRC risk in elderly individuals with high cardiovascular disease risk. Moreover, our systematic review and meta-analyses conducted in adults showed inverse associations with CRC for the consumption of total milk and cheese. The associations between different subtypes of dairy products and CRC risk differed by colon cancer location and subsite. Besides, following cancer-specific recommendations and healthier dietary and lifestyle patterns contributed to decrease CRC risk in elderly individuals who are at high cardiovascular risk

    A High Fiber Diet Versus a Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss in Obese Individuals With or Without Type 2 Diabetes

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    In the United States, obesity rates have climbed steadily over the years. Many different diets for weight loss have been proposed and studied, yet no one diet seems to clearly be more beneficial. Among diets that have been promoted are those high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, yet thus far, results of these studies have been mixed. Using a 2x2 complete factorial design, 173 obese men and women with or without type 2 diabetes were randomized to one of two conditions: (a) a high fiber diet (\u3e 40 grams of fiber per day for women, \u3e50 grams of fiber per day for men), or (b) a low carbohydrate diet (\u3c 120 grams carbohydrate per day for both men and women). The two diets were not matched on any macronutrient nor were there any calorie restrictions. Individuals were followed for 16 weeks, upon which participants’ BMI, waist circumference, blood lipids (total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides), fasting blood sugar levels, and HbAic were measured. Additionally, lipid profiles, fasting blood sugar and HbAic among those with and those without type 2 diabetes were compared. While both groups experienced weight loss, decreases in BMI, waist and hip circumferences and blood pressure, independent t tests revealed no significant differences between diets after 16 weeks with regards to these factors. Total cholesterol (mean difference between groups=9 mg/dL, p= 0.038) and LDL-C levels (mean difference between groups=7 mg/dL, p=0.045) significantly decreased amongst those on the high fiber diet when compared to those on the low-carbohydrate diet. Two-way ANOVA analyses revealed no significant differences in glucose and HbAic levels between those with diabetes when compared to those without. In conclusion, weight loss and several CVD risk factors were similar in obese subjects following a high fiber compared to a low-carbohydrate diet, while total and LDL-C levels were lower on the high fiber diet. When examining the macro- and micronutrient composition between groups, high fiber dieters consumed significantly fewer B-vitamins, whereas low-carbohydrate dieters consumed significantly more sodium, cholesterol, and total fat than those in the high fiber group. Therefore, the proatherogenic effects of a low-carbohydrate may need to be further examined in future studies

    Educación en alimentación (edal) en escolares. Efectos de promoción de estilos de vida saludables en escolares de 7 y 8 años para prevenir la obesidad infantil. Resultados preliminares.

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    Los cambios en los estilos de vida, se acompañan de un aumento de la prevalencia de sobrepeso (SP) y obesidad (OB) que provocan problemas de salud.Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto de una intervención escolar centrada en estilos de vida saludable, sobre la prevalencia de SP y OB en escolares de 7 y 8 años de edad (programa de Educación en alimentación (EdAl)).Diseñar un modelo de programación de promoción de la salud y realizar actividades de estilo de vida saludable para evitar SP y OB.La constatación del elevado porcentaje de escolares con SP y OB, justifica la realización de una intervención para reducir la OB. El programa EdAl impartido por estudiantes en ciencias de la salud en la escuela con refuerzo en el entorno, mejora los hábitos alimentarios, la actividad física y se asocia con una disminución de un 4,5% en la prevalencia de OB en niños de Reus.Changes in lifestyles are accompanied by an increase of prevalence of overweight and obesity which cause health problems.This project has two main aims: the first one is to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention focused on healthy lifestyles, on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in a population of 7 and 8 years old.The second one is to design a programming model of health promotion and conduct healthy lifestyle activities to prevent overweight and obesity.The confirmation of the high percentage of school children with overweight and obesity, justifies the need for intervention to reduce this progressive increase. The Nutrition Education program conducted by students of Health Sciences at schools and reinforced in the children's environment, improve their eating habits, physical activity and is associated with a 4,5% decrease in the prevalence of obesity in the children of Reus

    Intestinal permeability in pregnancy : dietary and microbial determinants and metabolic consequences

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    Metabolic disorders during pregnancy may challenge the mother and child to longterm health complications. Emerging data indicates a link between increased intestinal permeability and metabolic risk markers in a non-pregnant population.Whether intestinal permeability changes in pregnancy and is related to metabolic risk markers is poorly known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of gut microbiota and diet on serum zonulin concentration, a marker of intestinal permeability, and the relationship between serum zonulin concentration and metabolic risk markers during early pregnancy (n=100). The study also investigated the impact of supplemental probiotics and n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) on intestinal epithelial integrity in vitro as well as changes in serum zonulin concentration from early to late pregnancy (n=200). The study population consisted of overweight and obese pregnant women (BMI>25), who were participating in a larger randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. The results show that a richer gut microbiota composition, a higher abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a higher dietary intake of fibre and n-3 LCPUFA as well as multiple vitamins and minerals were associated with lower serum zonulin concentration, ie. lower intestinal permeability. Serum zonulin concentration correlated with serum endotoxin activity, markers of low grade inflammation and glucose metabolism in early pregnancy, suggesting that intestinal permeability may be of importance in regulating maternal metabolic health. Serum zonulin concentration increased with pregnancy progress. While Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 and n-3 LC-PUFA enhanced intestinal epithelium in vitro, they had no effect on serum zonulin levels during pregnancy.Suoliston läpäisevyys raskauden aikana: ruokavalion ja mikrobiston vaikutukset sekä aineenvaihdunnalliset seuraukset Raskausaika saattaa vaikuttaa pitkälle sekä äidin että lapsen terveyteen. Viimeaikaiset tutkimukset osoittavat, että suoliston lisääntynyt läpäisevyys voi altistaa aineenvaihdunnan häiriöille. Toistaiseksi ei tiedetä, muuttuuko suoliston läpäisevyys raskauden aikana ja missä määrin muutokset vaikuttavat äidin aineenvaihdunnan häiriöihin liittyviin riskitekijöihin. Väitöskirjan tavoite oli tutkia miten äidin suolistomikrobisto ja ravinnonsaanti vaikuttavat suoliston läpäisevyyttä kuvastavaan tekijään, seerumin zonuliiniin. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää seerumin zonuliinipitoisuuden yhteyttä aineenvaihdunnan riskitekijöihin raskauden alkuvaiheessa (n=100). Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten ravintolisien, n-3 pitkäketjuisten monityydyttymättömien rasvahappojen ja probioottien, saanti vaikuttaa suoliston seinämän kuntoon solumallissa ja seerumin zonuliinipitoisuuden muutoksiin alku- ja loppuraskauden välillä (n=200). Aineisto koostui ylipainoisista ja lihavista (BMI>25) äideistä, jotka osallistuivat laajempaan satunnaistettuun kaksoissokko lumekontrolloituun kliiniseen tutkimukseen. Tulokset osoittivat, että rikkaampi suolistomikrobisto ja suurempi Faecalibacterium prausnitzii-bakteerin osuus, suurempi kuidun, monityydyttymättömien rasvahappojen ja useiden vitamiinien ja kivennäisaineiden päivittäinen saanti liittyi pienempään seerumin zonuliinipitoisuuteen eli matalampaan suoliston läpäisevyyteen. Seerumin zonuliinipitoisuus korreloi seerumin LPS aktiivisuuden, matala-asteisen tulehduksen ja sokeriaineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien tekijöiden kanssa raskauden alkuvaiheessa, osoittaen, että suoliston läpäisevyydellä saattaa olla tärkeä rooli äidin aineenvaihdunnan säätelyssä. Zonuliinipitoisuus nousi raskauden myötä, probiootit ja n-3 pitkäketjuiset rasvahapot eivät vaikuttaneet seerumin pitoisuuteen, vaikka solumallissa Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 ja n-3 pitkäketjuiset monityydyttymättömät rasvahapot lisäsivät suoliston seinämän vahvuutta

    16 years against smoking in Catalonia (1982-1998)

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    Tabaquisme; Prevenció; CatalunyaSmoking; Prevention; CataloniaTabaquismo; Prevención; CataluñaAquest document recull les principals activitats desplegades pel Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social de la Generalitat de Catalunya en matèria de prevenció del tabaquisme durant el període 1982-1998.This document contains a description of the principal activities in the field of smoking prevention undertaken by the Generalitat of Catalonia’s Department of Health and Social Security over the last sixteen years

    Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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