106 research outputs found

    Imagens e Representações do Mar e dos seus Actores

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    UIDB/00417/2020 UIDP/00417/2020Tal como há uma narrativa da nação, podemos afirmar que há uma narrativa sobre a comunidade piscatória da Nazaré ou mesmo várias, de realidades re-elaboradas, histórias contadas e recontadas na literatura, nas imagens dos media e na cultura popular, nos filmes e nos documentários. Foi a singularidade da paisagem física e humana que lhe fez merecer o arquétipo entretanto construído. Conhecem se as impressionantes escarpas e rochedos; sabia se como era a faina do mar gigantesco; os barcos de proas altas e as redes de arrastar pela praia; os homens sentados na areia, remendando as redes ou iscando os anzóis, vestidos com os seus trajes, as camisas e calças aos quadrados; ou as saias rodadas e as capas negras das mulheres que carregavam à cabeça os cabazes de sardinha; tal como o importante culto mariano com as festas da Senhora da Nazaré em Setembro e a procissão dos Círios e o Sítio com a sua panorâmica fantástica sobre o mar, onde capela da Memória e o Penedo do Milagre lembram o mito de D. Fuas Roupinho que atravessou séculos da História de Portugal. A modernização sócio‑económica fez com que, entretanto, a pesca perdesse o estatuto de principal recurso bem como de maior fonte de emprego. E o arquétipo construído da mundivivência estabelecida do homem com o mar não é mais do que uma referência. Este texto insere-se no âmbito da pesquisa realizada para o Projecto "Fotografia Impressa. Imagem e Propaganda em Portugal (1934 1974)", PTDC/CPC HAT/4533/2014.publishersversionpublishe

    Almada Negreiros, a Dança e os Ballets Russes

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    UID/PAM/00417/2013Os Ballets Russes (1909-1929), representaram um momento privilegiado da arte moderna ocidental. Empurrada pela Guerra, a célebre companhia de Serge Diaghilev (1872-1929), iniciaria várias tournées pela Península Ibérica, sendo Lisboa um dos lugares de destino. A chegada e permanência na cidade entusiasmou os jovens artistas modernistas entre os quais, o jovem futurista José de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), colaborador da revista Orpheu, que escreveu o "Manifesto dos Bailados Russos". Este é, provavelmente, o primeiro e único manifesto do século XX que toma como tema os Ballets Russes. O texto, que se apresenta, equaciona os aspectos que envolvem a escrita do manifesto, a dimensão estética do futurismo em Portugal e a própria dança na sua relação com outros escritos de Almada Negreiros.publishersversionpublishe

    The ruined portrait and the body that looks at us

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    This article discusses Olympia, the painting by Édouard Manet, and its copy by Guilherme de Santa-Rita presented at the Academia de Belas-Artes exhibition inaugurated the 18th of March, 1911. I believe that Santa-Rita’s painting must occupy a significant place in art historiography in Portugal, namely the history of Portuguese modernism. The article emphasizes the reception of Olympia’s copy presented precisely the day before the 1911 Free Exhibition. Santa-Rita’s copy, regrettably forgotten nowadays, questioned Portuguese painting and the portrait genre in particular, namely their relation with human body at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as the overwhelming hypocrisy of the whole society. To remember this painting is essential for the history of portrait art in Portugal.Este artigo discute a pintura Olympia de Édouard Manet e a cópia pintada por Guilherme de Santa-Rita, apresentada na exposição da Academia de Belas-Artes, inaugurada em 18 de Março de 1911, entendendo que esse trabalho deve ocupar um lugar significativo na historiografia da arte em Portugal, sobretudo para a história do modernismo português nas artes plásticas. O artigo destaca a recepção dessa cópia apresentada naquela exposição, precisamente no dia anterior à Exposição Livre de 1911. A Olympia de Santa-Rita, hoje lamentavelmente esquecida, questionou a pintura e o género do retrato em Portugal, a sua relação com o corpo logo no início do século, quando não toda a hipocrisia de uma sociedade. Relembrá-la é fundamental para a história da arte do retrato em Portugal

    fotografia, fotoautobiografia e intermedialidade em Amadeo de Souza Cardoso

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    UID/PAM/00417/2013 PTDC/CPC-HAT/4533/2014publishersversionpublishe

    uma perspectiva das suas práticas e desafios

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Almada Negreiros, a dança e os Ballets Russes

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    The Ballets Russes (1909-1929) have represented a special moment of western modern art. Because of the World War I, the famous company directed by Serge Diaghilev (1872-1929) launched several tournées in the Iberian Peninsula and Lisbon was one of the group’s destinies. Its arrival and stay in the Portuguese capital caused the enthusiasm of young modern artists among whom the futurist artist José de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), collaborator of the review Orpheu, who wrote at that occasion a "Ballets Russes Manifesto". This is probably the first and only manifesto of the 20th century concerning the Ballets Russes. The present essay analyses the various aspects involved on the writing of the Manifesto, in particular the aesthetic dimensions of Futurism in Portugal as well as the art of dance in relation with other writings by Almada Negreiros. Os Ballets Russes (1909-1929), representaram um momento privilegiado da arte moderna ocidental. Empurrada pela Guerra, a célebre companhia de Serge Diaghilev (1872-1929), iniciaria várias tournées pela Península Ibérica, sendo Lisboa um dos lugares de destino. A chegada e permanência na cidade entusiasmou os jovens artistas modernistas entre os quais, o jovem futurista José de Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), colaborador da revista Orpheu, que escreveu o "Manifesto dos Bailados Russos". Este é, provavelmente, o primeiro e único manifesto do século XX que toma como tema os Ballets Russes. O texto, que se apresenta, equaciona os aspectos que envolvem a escrita do manifesto, a dimensão estética do futurismo em Portugal e a própria dança na sua relação com outros escritos de Almada Negreiros

    Crossing frontiers between tourism and demography. An empirical analysis based on European travellers’ behaviour

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    This paper aims to establish possible tourism demand scenarios of European travellers to Portugal based on the relationship with changing population structures. A combination of the EuROBAROMETER report 370 (“Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013”) and the cohort-component method for population projections will allow the development of different possible tourism demand scenarios. Following the European report, individuals who travelled in 2013 were most likely to live in a household with two or more individuals. Thus, if elderly couples are together till later in their life and in better physiological shape, it is possible that the number of elderly individuals travelling for tourism purposes will increase in the near future. If we can expect tourists from developing countries to be younger due to their demographic dynamics than those from developed countries, where the ageing population is growing fast, we can expect that the percentage of the elderly among tourists will increase. Furthermore, the 2013 European report found that the combination of socio-demographic variables, such as, age, population, gender, household dimension, country of residence and trip purpose explained tourism demand scenarios for Portugal, confirming that seniors and families evidence a paramount sense of importance for the destination. In the literature there is a lack of discussion about the effects of demography in the future and the role of an ageing population in tourism demand choice patterns. We aim to contribute to filling this gap. Consequently, we strongly believe that this paper contributes to the literature by introducing a new field of discussion about the importance of demographic changes in shaping travel trends

    Determinants of European tourism demand in a demographic ageing society

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    This study identifies the senior European tourists determinants that explained their decisions to go on holidays. The empirical study was conducted among European tourists by applying a logit model. The model intends to explain the determinants related to the decision to go on holidays since the probability of a senior European tourist taking holidays in a country depends on a mix of motives as previous travel experience and demographic characteristics. Policy and theoretical implications are derived for contributing to the discussion between demographic variables and tourism demand choice patterns.The authors are pleased to acknowledge financial support from FCT – The Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology - COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal 2020 under the Project UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702) - CIDEHU

    Canine Coronavirus Activates Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor during In Vitro Infection

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that interacts with substrates, including microbial metabolites. Recent advances reveal that AhR is involved in the host response to coronaviruses (CoVs) infection. Particularly, AhR antagonists decrease the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) via AhR up-regulation, resulting in suppression of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in mammalian cells. Herein, we report that AhR is expressed in canine fibrosarcoma (A72) cells, where it is considerably activated by infection with genotype II of canine coronavirus (CCoV-II). The pharmacological inhibition of AhR, by CH223191, suppressed cell death signs and increased cell viability. Furthermore, the AhR antagonist induced a meaningful decline in virus yield, accompanied by the inhibition of the expression of viral nuclear protein (NP). Fascinatingly, during CCoV infection, a novel co-expression of NP and AhR expression was found. Taken together, our preliminary findings show that infection with CCoV activates AhR, and pharmacologic AhR inhibition reduces CCoV replication, identifying AhR as a possible candidate target for CCoV antiviral therapy