193 research outputs found

    Nuclear tau and its potential role in Alzheimerā€™s disease

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    Tau protein, found in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, forms aggregates in neurons that constitutes one of the hallmarks of Alzheimerā€™s disease (AD). For nearly four decades, research efforts have focused more on tauā€™s role in physiology and pathology in the context of the microtubules, even though, for over three decades, tau has been localised in the nucleus and the nucleolus. Its nuclear and nucleolar localisation had stimulated many questions regarding its role in these compartments. Data from cell culture, mouse brain, and the human brain suggests that nuclear tau could be essential for genome defense against cellular distress. However, its nature of translocation to the nucleus, its nuclear conformation and interaction with the DNA and other nuclear proteins highly suggest it could play multiple roles in the nucleus. To find efficient tau-based therapies, there is a need to understand more about the functional relevance of the varied cellular distribution of tau, identify whether specific tau transcripts or isoforms could predict tauā€™s localisation and function and how they are altered in diseases like AD. Here, we explore the cellular distribution of tau, its nuclear localisation and function and its possible involvement in neurodegeneration

    CLEARER: a new tool for the analysis of X-ray fibre diffraction patterns and diffraction simulation from atomic structural models

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    Fibre diffraction can provide structural information about polymers and biopolymers that is unobtainable using other methods. This method has been used to elucidate the structures of many polymers, biopolymers and protein assemblies. Extracting structural information from fibre diffraction patterns is a major challenge. A computer program called CLEARER has been developed that aids the detailed analysis of polycrystalline fibre diffraction patterns. It offers an easy-to-use interface that enables diffraction data processing, analysis and simulation of diffraction patterns. It is likely to be applicable to structural determination for a wide range of polymeric fibrous materials. CLEARER simplifies and speeds up the data analysis process and helps to utilize all of the structural information present in the analysed X-ray and electron diffraction patterns

    The relationship between amyloid structure and cytotoxicity

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    Self-assembly of proteins and peptides into amyloid structures has been the subject of intense and focused research due to their association with neurodegenerative, age-related human diseases and transmissible prion diseases in humans and mammals. Of the disease associated amyloid assemblies, a diverse array of species, ranging from small oligomeric assembly intermediates to fibrillar structures, have been shown to have toxic potential. Equally, a range of species formed by the same disease associated amyloid sequences have been found to be relatively benign under comparable monomer equivalent concentrations and conditions. In recent years, an increasing number of functional amyloid systems have also been found. These developments show that not all amyloid structures are generically toxic to cells. Given these observations, it is important to understand why amyloid structures may encode such varied toxic potential despite sharing a common core molecular architecture. Here, we discuss possible links between different aspects of amyloidogenic structures and assembly mechanisms with their varied functional effects. We propose testable hypotheses for the relationship between amyloid structure and its toxic potential in the context of recent reports on amyloid sequence, structure, and toxicity relationships

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of individual helical nano-filament structures from atomic force microscopy topographs

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    Atomic force microscopy, AFM, is a powerful tool that can produce detailed topographical images of individual nano-structures with a high signal-to-noise ratio without the need for ensemble averaging. However, the application of AFM in structural biology has been hampered by the tip-sample convolution effect, which distorts images of nano-structures, particularly those that are of similar dimensions to the cantilever probe tips used in AFM. Here we show that the tip-sample convolution results in a feature-dependent and non-uniform distribution of image resolution on AFM topographs. We show how this effect can be utilised in structural studies of nano-sized upward convex objects such as spherical or filamentous molecular assemblies deposited on a flat surface, because it causes ā€˜magnificationā€™ of such objects in AFM topographs. Subsequently, this enhancement effect is harnessed through contact-point based deconvolution of AFM topographs. Here, the application of this approach is demonstrated through the 3D reconstruction of the surface envelope of individual helical amyloid filaments without the need of cross-particle averaging using the contact- deconvoluted AFM topographs. Resolving the structural variations of individual macromolecular assemblies within inherently heterogeneous populations is paramount for mechanistic understanding of many biological phenomena such as amyloid toxicity and prion strains. The approach presented here will also facilitate the use of AFM for high-resolution structural studies and integrative structural biology analysis of single molecular assemblies

    The helix-hairpin-helix DNA-binding motif: A structural basis for non-sequence-specific recognition of DNA

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    One, two or four copies of the 'helix-hairpin-helix' (HhH) DNA-binding motif are predicted to occur in 14 homologous families of proteins. The predicted DNA-binding function of this motif is shown to be consistent with the crystallographic structure of rat polymerase Ɵ, complexed with DNA template-primer and with biochemical data. Five crystal structures of predicted HhH motifs are currently known: two from rat pol Ɵ and one each in endonuclease III, AlkA and the 5' nuclease domain of Taq pol I. These motifs are more structurally similar to each other than to any other structure in current databases, including helix-turn-helix motifs. The clustering of the five HhH structures separately from other bi-helical structures in searches indicates that all members of the 14 families of proteins described herein possess similar HhH structures. By analogy with the rat pol Ɵ structure, it is suggested that each of these HhH motifs bind DNA in a non-sequence-specific manner, via the formation of hydrogen bonds between protein backbone nitrogens and DNA phosphate groups. This type of interaction contrasts with the sequence-specific interactions of other motifs, including helix-turn-helix structures. Additional evidence is provided that alphaherpesvirus virion host shutoff proteins are members of the polymerase I 5'-nuclease and FEN1-like endonuclease gene family, and that a novel HhH-containing DNA-binding domain occurs in the kinesin-like molecule nod, and in other proteins such as cnjB, emb-5 and SPT6

    Amyloidogenicity and toxicity of the reverse and scrambled variants of amyloid-Ī² 1-42

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    Ī²-amyloid 1-42 (AĪ²1-42) is a self-assembling peptide that goes through many conformational and morphological changes before forming the fibrils that are deposited in extracellular plaques characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. The link between AĪ²1-42 structure and toxicity is of major interest, in particular, the neurotoxic potential of oligomeric species. Many studies utilise reversed (AĪ²42-1) and scrambled (AĪ²S) forms of amyloid-Ī² as control peptides. Here, using circular dichroism, thioflavin T fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we reveal that both control peptides self-assemble to form fibres within 24 h. However, oligomeric AĪ² reduces cell survival of hippocampal neurons, while AĪ²42-1 and AĪ²s have reduced effect on cellular health, which may arise from their ability to assemble rapidly to form protofibrils and fibrils

    Quantification of amyloid fibril polymorphism by nano-morphometry reveals the individuality of filament assembly

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    Amyloid fibrils are highly polymorphic structures formed by many different proteins. They provide biological function but also abnormally accumulate in numerous human diseases. The physicochemical principles of amyloid polymorphism are not understood due to lack of structural insights at the single-fibril level. To identify and classify different fibril polymorphs and to quantify the level of heterogeneity is essential to decipher the precise links between amyloid structures and their functional and disease associated properties such as toxicity, strains, propagation and spreading. Employing gentle, force-distance curve-based AFM, we produce detailed images, from which the 3D reconstruction of individual filaments in heterogeneous amyloid samples is achieved. Distinctive fibril polymorphs are then classified by hierarchical clustering, and sample heterogeneity is objectively quantified. These data demonstrate the polymorphic nature of fibril populations, provide important information regarding the energy landscape of amyloid self-assembly, and offer quantitative insights into the structural basis of polymorphism in amyloid populations

    Protein fiber linear dichroism for structure determination and kinetics in a low-volume, low-wavelength couette flow cell

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    High-resolution structure determination of soluble globular proteins relies heavily on x-ray crystallography techniques. Such an approach is often ineffective for investigations into the structure of fibrous proteins as these proteins generally do not crystallize. Thus investigations into fibrous protein structure have relied on less direct methods such as x-ray fiber diffraction and circular dichroism. Ultraviolet linear dichroism has the potential to provide additional information on the structure of such biomolecular systems. However, existing systems are not optimized for the requirements of fibrous proteins. We have designed and built a low-volume (200 Ī¼L), low-wavelength (down to 180 nm), low-pathlength (100 Ī¼m), high-alignment flow-alignment system (couette) to perform ultraviolet linear dichroism studies on the fibers formed by a range of biomolecules. The apparatus has been tested using a number of proteins for which longer wavelength linear dichroism spectra had already been measured. The new couette cell has also been used to obtain data on two medically important protein fibers, the all-Ī²-sheet amyloid fibers of the Alzheimer's derived protein AĪ² and the long-chain assemblies of Ī±1-antitrypsin polymers

    The diversity and utility of amyloid fibrils formed by short amyloidogenic peptides

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    Amyloidogenic peptides are well known for their involvement in diseases such as type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. However, more recently, amyloid fibrils have been shown to provide scaffolding and protection as functional materials in a range of organisms from bacteria to humans. These roles highlight the incredible tensile strength of the cross-Ī² amyloid architecture. Many amino acid sequences are able to self-assemble to form amyloid with a cross-Ī² core. Here we describe our recent advances in understanding how sequence contributes to amyloidogenicity and structure. For example, we describe penta- and hexapeptides that assemble to form different morphologies; a 12mer peptide that forms fibrous crystals; and an eight-residue peptide originating from Ī±-synuclein that has the ability to form nanotubes. This work provides a wide range of peptides that may be exploited as fibrous bionanomaterials. These fibrils provide a scaffold upon which functional groups may be added, or templated assembly may be performed
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