23 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Waipia Kecamatan TNS Melalui Metode Debat

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    The purpose of this study is to improve and improve the quality of learning German, especially good ways of speaking in German, and to help empower teachers in solving classroom teaching problems. This research is classroom action research. The subjects of this classroom action research were students of class XII SMA Negeri 1 Waipia, TNS District. Learning Development and Innovation are detailed starting with development planning, development implementation, and observation, as well as cyclic reflection. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 (two) cycles. . The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in students' German-speaking skills through the Debate method. This is proven that in the first cycle there were 4 students or 21.05% who got low scores, 13 students or 68.42% who got moderate grades, and 2 students or 25% who got good grades from the 19 students who were sampled. Meanwhile, there were 12 students (63.16%) who got moderate grades and 7 students (36.84%) who got good grades from the 19 students who were sampled. Based on the results obtained in cycle II it turns out that 19 students or 100% are at the level of completeness, thus it can be considered that this Debate method can be said to be successful in improving students' speaking skill

    Local Wisdoms on Luang Island, Southwest Moluccas, Indonesia and Its Implementation in Learning

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    Local wisdom included cultural patterns of interpretation of certain localities, pure values, and unwritten norms, which serve the social life of a community and environment to regulate. The head of the ethnic groups in the community makeup but worries that the local wisdom are in danger lost to go. This article describes the current state of local wisdom as a cultural pattern of interpretation on the Luang Island - Indonesia. In addition, the manners, customs, and traditions of the community on the island are observed and an interview with four teenagers and ahead of the community is performed. The results of the observation and the interview are then presented and analyzed. The analysis has shown the following: (a) there are several local wisdom, which the harmony of the life of the community on the Luang island and the environment build may, for example, "urgeni, te'wa, hrukwu mnyota, hlili mnyota, lyola" (b) the local wisdom has one long tradition in the community. However, this seems lost to go because of the way of life of the local population. As a result, the valuable wisdom is in a “culture shift” situation. The local wisdom should to be used in the classroom, so that students as young generation be sensitized and note taking this wisdom


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    Ethnomatemics-based mathematics concept implementation can be carried out through constructivism-based learning such as realistic mathematics, problem-based and learning with a scientific approach. This research purpose to explore the form of ethnomatemics on the woven cabbage leaves of the Tutuwaru community and analyze the process of understanding mathematics from the perspective of indigenous people and indigenous knowledge and examine the development of woven form ethnomatatics in school mathematics. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects are 2 members of the weaving community, while the objects of research are Nyiru (winnowing-basket), Topi (hat), Keranjang dan Bakul (basket). The results showed that the form of weaving from a typical local Koli (cabbage) tree, could be connected with several mathematical concepts such as basic geometry and arithmetic. The hexagonal concept based on the understanding of multiples is an "indegious knowledge" that exists in the Tutuwaru community in constructing the form of nyiru-woven, reflection, points, lines and tessellation. These mathematical ideas can be used as context in school mathematics learnin

    Stationenlernen learning techniques and German language learning outcomes

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    This quasi-experimental study was conducted with the aim of obtaining a clear picture of the presence of influence of the application of Stationenlernen learning techniques to the learning outcomes of German students. The study population was all of these students, while the selected sample was 11th grade students. Data collection techniques used in this study are: (1) observation and interviews, (2) the implementation of pre-test (3) the implementation of experiments, and (4) the implementation of post-test, the data obtained are calculated and analyzed using SPSS -18 to obtain accurate and reliable calculation results. Learning outcomes with Stationenlernen learning techniques turn out to be higher than without it


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    A novel is a literary work created by an author in the form of a long prose essay and contains a series of stories of a person's life that emphasizes his character and behaviour. The study aimed to describe the structural and existential elements of gender inequality in Eka Kurniawan's novel Cantik itu Luka. The study used two theories: structure theory and literary criticism of feminism that focuses on women as readers. Intrinsic elements of the novel will be examined using structural theories while feminist literary critique theories are used to examine gender inequality in the novel. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study showed that (1) the structure in the novel Cantik itu Luka in the form of themes, plots, characters and strengthening, background, point of view, and mandate, (2) gender inequality that arises is in the form of gender inequality towards women through the perspective of feminism that leads to subordination that subordinates women, vulnerable to violence, negative stigma against women, and marginalization of women. This study suggest that a male writer must really understand women’s behaviors before writing about them


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    The best chance for someone to advance their career abroad these days is to be fluent in German. The goals of the virtual community service at SMAN 1 Maluku Tenggara are to (a) enlighten students about employment options in Germany and (b) increase their motivation to learn German through a variety of media. A total of 37 people participated in this activity, including 3 study program lecturers, 30 students majoring in science, social studies, and languages, 3 outstanding German students who were ready to go and work in Germany, and 1 teacher for German courses at the school. German is spoken. The method used in this activity is interactive lectures, wherein each member of the German Language Education Study Program team presents the subject in turn by creating interactive and educative situations in the form of discussions and questions and answers. As well as providing understanding and awareness to students, about how important it is to learn German as a career bridge in Germany, and how to increase motivation to learn German through various media. The evaluation and reflection results revealed that the Community Service activities were enthusiastically welcomed by the students. The data analysis reveals that: (1) Students' perceptions of career opportunities in Germany explain that 54.75% of students are very interested in continuing their studies in Germany; 52.93% of students are very interested in joining the program from the German government for vocational schools; 64% of students are very interested in working in Germany; 54.33% of students are very interested in studying while working at FSJ, and 57.16% are very interested in participating in AuPair program in Germany. This necessitates that German language teachers give these students additional attention and guidance so that they can enhance their understanding of the German language in the study program for German language education or through the available German language courses; (2) Students' satisfaction with their increased motivation to learn German through various media revealed that approximately 59.29% of students were very interested in learning from German books, 56.16% in watching videos and films in German, 62.14% in listening to German songs, 67.95% in watching YouTube in German, and 34.29% in reading Facebook posts on social media in German. In this regard, German language teachers need to provide assistance, so that the information obtained from various media can be explained properly to avoid the wrong concep


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    This study aims to collect data and information about the relationship between selfconfidence and speaking skills in German language education study program students of Pattimura University.This study has two variables, namely: independent variable and dependent variable. The population of this research is third semester students and the sample is students who offer Produktiv Sprechfertigkeiten zur Aufbaufstufe course. The data of this study were obtained through speaking tests and questionnaires. Based on data analysis, it shows that r count is greater than r table (0.633>0.482) so the results show that there is a relationship between student confidence and speaking skills in the German language education study program at Pattimura University. &nbsp


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas guru tentang penyusunan butir tes membaca yang meliput; (a) mengurai kompetensi dasar menjadi indicator target (Hauptkompetenzen) dan indicator pencapaian kompetensi (IPK), (b) mengembangkan butir soal pemahaman teks yang berbasis HOTS. Metode penyampaian materi ini adalah presentasi yang dikuti dengan tanya jawab, kemudian dilakukan latihan analisis, dan latihan merumuskan soal.  Pada akhir kegiatan peserta diminta untuk mengisi angket tentang materi yang disajikan, manfaat materi tersebut dalam pembelajaran. Hasil analisis menunjukan;  (a) Kemampuan peserta dalam  menguraikan kompetensi dasar menjadi indicator target bahkan IPK secara baik, (b) soal yang dikembangkan  peserta belum menggambarkan HOTS, karena masih berada pada level remember, karena keterbatasan kompetensi bahasa. Temuan tersebut menunjukan bahwa para guru bahasa Jerman Maluku Tengah masih perlu pendampingan lebih lanju


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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah teknik anagram mempengaruhi penguasaan kosakata Bahasa Jerman siswa SMA PGRI 1 Ambon. Metode eksperimen kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini melibatkan 20 siswa di kelas XI IPS SMA PGRI 1 Ambon, dan berlangsung dari tanggal 13 Januari hingga 13 Februari. Hasil analisis dilakukan dengan program Spss 23, instrumen penelitian yaitu menggunakan tes tertulis berupa LĂĽckentest. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan metode anagram memiliki efek positif. pada penguasaan kosakata bahasa Jerman siswa SMA PGRI 1 Ambon. Nilai t-hitung lebih besar dari nilai t-tabel, yaitu 14,565 lebih besar dari 1,729. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan penguasan kosakata Bahasa Jerman berdasarkan nilai pre-test sebelumnya yaitu dengan rata-rata nilai 47,25 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 82,25. Selanjutnya hasil kuisioner juga menunjukan bahwa 100% siswa setuju dengan penggunaan teknik anagram dalam pembelajaran kosakata Bahasa Jerman