34 research outputs found

    Idylls of socialism : the Sarajevo Documentary School and the problem of the Bosnian sub-proletariat

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    This historical overview of the Sarajevo Documentary School considers the films, in the light of their recent re-emergence, as indicative of both the legacy of socialist realism (even in the context of Yugoslav media) and attempted social engineering in the Bosnia of the 1960s and 1970s. The argument is made that the documentaries, despite their questionable aesthetic status (in respect of cinma-vrit and ethnography) and problematic ideological strategies and attempted interventions, document a history and offer insights that counter the prevailing revisionist trends in the presentation of Eastern and Central European history

    A Direct Measurement of Hard Two-Photon Exchange with Electrons and Positrons at CLAS12

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    One of the most surprising discoveries made at Jefferson Lab has been the discrepancy in the determinations of the proton's form factor ratio μpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p between unpolarized cross section measurements and the polarization transfer technique. Over two decades later, the discrepancy not only persists but has been confirmed at higher momentum transfers now accessible in the 12-GeV era. The leading hypothesis for the cause of this discrepancy, a non-negligible contribution from hard two-photon exchange, has neither been conclusively proven or disproven. This state of uncertainty not only clouds our knowledge of one-dimensional nucleon structure but also poses a major concern for our field's efforts to map out the three-dimensional nuclear structure. A better understanding of multi-photon exchange over a wide phase space is needed. We propose making comprehensive measurements of two-photon exchange over a wide range in momentum transfer and scattering angle using the CLAS12 detector. Specifically, we will measure the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering cross sections, using the proposed positron beam upgrade for CEBAF. The experiment will use 2.2, 4.4, and 6.6 GeV lepton beams incident on the standard CLAS12 unpolarized hydrogen target. Data will be collected by the CLAS12 detector in its standard configuration, except for a modified trigger to allow the recording of events with beam leptons scattered into the CLAS12 central detector. The sign of the beam charge, as well as the polarity of the CLAS12 solenoid and toroid, will be reversed several times in order to suppress systematics associated with local detector efficiency and time-dependent detector performance. The proposed high-precision determination of two-photon effects will be...Comment: Experimental Proposal E12+23-008 submitted to Jefferson Lab PAC 51, 34 pages, 18 figure

    Search for axion-like particles through nuclear Primakoff production using the GlueX detector

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    We report on the results of the first search for the production of axion-like particles (ALP) via Primakoff production on nuclear targets using the GlueX detector. This search uses an integrated luminosity of 100 pb1^{-1}\cdotnucleon on a 12^{12}C target, and explores the mass region of 200 < mam_a < 450 MeV via the decay XγγX\rightarrow\gamma\gamma. This mass range is between the π0\pi^0 and η\eta masses, which enables the use of the measured η\eta production rate to obtain absolute bounds on the ALP production with reduced sensitivity to experimental luminosity and detection efficiency. We find no evidence for an ALP, consistent with previous searches in the quoted mass range, and present limits on the coupling on the scale of OO(1 TeV). We further find that the ALP production limit we obtain is hindered by the peaking structure of the non-target-related dominant background in GlueX, which we treat by using data on 4^4He to estimate and subtract these backgrounds. We comment on how this search can be improved in a future higher-statistics dedicated measurement

    Measurement of the helicity asymmetry E for the γ→ p→ → pπ reaction in the resonance region: The CLAS Collaboration

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    The double-spin-polarization observable E for γ→ p→ → pπ has been measured with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at photon beam energies Eγ from 0.367 to 2.173GeV (corresponding to center-of-mass energies from 1.240 to 2.200GeV) for pion center-of-mass angles, cosθπ0c.m. , between - 0.86 and 0.82. These new CLAS measurements cover a broader energy range and have smaller uncertainties compared to previous CBELSA data and provide an important independent check on systematics. These measurements are compared to predictions as well as new global fits from The George Washington University, Mainz, and Bonn-Gatchina groups. Their inclusion in multipole analyses will allow us to refine our understanding of the single-pion production contribution to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and improve the determination of resonance properties, which will be presented in a future publication

    Investigations of rheological properties of rapeseed oil methyl esters and aviation turbine fuel Jet A-1 blends

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    Przedstawiono wyniki badań lepkości kinematycznej, temperatury mętnienia, temperatury zablokowania zimnego filtru, lepkości dynamicznej i naprężeń ścinających w funkcji składu mieszanin estrów metylowych oleju rzepakowego (RME) i paliwa lotniczego Jet A-1. Wykazano, że domieszka paliwa Jet A-1 w ilości do 20% objętości istotnie poprawia właściwości reologiczne RME. Podane równania empiryczne mogą służyć do prognozowania właściwości reologicznych mieszanin o różnej zawartości Jet A-1 i RME.The results of investigations of kinematic viscosity, cloud point, cold filter plugging point, dynamic viscosity and shear stress as function of blends composition of rapeseed oil methyl esters (RME) and aviation turbine fuel Jet A-1. It was showed that blending aviation fuel Jet A-1 at rate up to 20% volume significantly improves the rheological properties of RME. The obtained empirical equations can be used to predict the rheological properties of the blends RME and Jet A-1 at any composition

    Analysis of diabetic patients hospitalizations in Poland by gender, age and place of residence

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    Background. There are few updated data on rates of hospital mortality of diabetic patients and length of their hospital stay on a country level. To determine such rates we provided analysis using claims data from a Nationwide General Hospital Morbidity Study carried out by the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH- NIH) in Warsaw from 2010 to 2018. Objective. The aim of the study was to analyze the nine years changes of in-hospital morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients and length of hospital stay using a comparative approach by gender, age and place of residence. Material and methods. The data on all patients from general hospitals in Poland treated because of diabetes were taken from a nationwide database, kept since 1979 by the Department for Monitoring and Analyses of Population Health of NIPH-NIH. This database contains information gathered under the Statistical Research Program of Public Statistics. Hospitalization rates were used to evaluate the ‘hospitalized’ incidence of diabetes (number of hospitalization cases due to diabetes per year by the analyzed unit of population). In-hospital mortality was calculated as the percentage of deceased patients out of all patients hospitalized due to diabetes. Results. The number of cases and hospitalization rates of diabetic patients was rapidly declining by 18.8% for type 2 (E11) and 23.7% for type 1 (E10) diabetes. The downward tendency in the scope of hospitalization affected mainly older women and rural residents. Hospital mortality due to diabetes rose up dangerously to 3.77% exceeding the rates recorded eight years earlier. Conclusions. The recent reduction in hospitalization rates of people with diabetes in Poland may be associated with an unexpected increase in hospital mortality