109 research outputs found

    Influence of Surface Treatment on Strength Distribution of Vita VMK 68 Dental Porcelains

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    Weibull distribution function is the most commonly used statistical model for the investigation of mechanical properties of dental ceramics and design process with dental ceramics. However, it is still unclear whether the Weibull distribution function is the most appropriate function for fitting the strength data of dental ceramics with different surface treatments. In this paper, three-point bending test results of feldspathic body porcelain (Vita VMK 68) specimens with four different surface treatments are analysed. According to goodness-of-fit tests (Anderson-Darling test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and Akaike information criterion), it is shown that the type of surface treatment has an important influence on deviation of strength distribution from perfect Weibull statistics. It is concluded that estimation of the most suitable statistical model for Vita VMK 68 is not only a material-dependent but also a process-dependent (machining of the specimens) procedure

    Efficacy of Antibiotic Coated Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Children with Neurogenic Bladder

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    Aim: The primary goal of urologic management in children with neurogenic bladder is to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) and associated renal injury. We aimed to evaluate the use of antibacterial-coated clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) catheters for neurogenic bladder patients in comparison with standard catheters.  Material and Methods: We performed a retrospective study of 144 neurogenic bladder patients aged 6-16 years old, who received CIC at two major centers between January 2007 and June 2016. Group 1 consisted of children used antibacterial coated (chitosan) catheter (n=55), group 2 of children used standard CIC without antibacterial (n=42) and group 3 of children used standard CIC returned into antibiotic coated CIC (n=29). Febrile urinary tract infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria were evaluated among patients with antibacterial coated or standard catheters. We also focused on a subgroup of patients with high risk of urinary tract infection (grade 3> vesicoureteral reflux, previously scar formation in renal scintigraphy).  Results: Totally 126 patients (89 female, 37 male) were involved in this study. The mean age of the study group was 9.6±2.6 years (range 6 to 16) and the mean follow-up 58±14 months (min: 22, max: 69). There was no significant difference between three groups for asymptomatic bacteriuria and febrile UTI frequencies. However, febrile UTI frequencies and de nova scar formation in renal scintigraphy were higher in previously defined subgroup of patients with high risk of urinary tract infection in group 2 than group1 and 3.  Discussion: Both antibiotic coated and standard CIC can be used in children with neurogenic bladder with similar complication rates. Patients with high risk of urinary tract infection (higher than grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux, dilated ureter, previously de nova scar formation in renal scintigraphy) will benefit from antibacterialcoated catheters rather than standard ones

    Technical Aspects and Clinical Limitations of Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing in Male Infertility: A Global Survey, Current Guidelines, and Expert Recommendations

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    PURPOSE: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) is a functional sperm abnormality that can impact reproductive potential, for which four assays have been described in the recently published sixth edition of the WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. The purpose of this study was to examine the global practices related to the use of SDF assays and investigate the barriers and limitations that clinicians face in incorporating these tests into their practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinicians managing male infertility were invited to complete an online survey on practices related to SDF diagnostic and treatment approaches. Their responses related to the technical aspects of SDF testing, current professional society guidelines, and the literature were used to generate expert recommendations via the Delphi method. Finally, challenges related to SDF that the clinicians encounter in their daily practice were captured. RESULTS: The survey was completed by 436 reproductive clinicians. Overall, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase deoxyuridine triphosphate Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) is the most commonly used assay chosen by 28.6%, followed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (24.1%), and the sperm chromatin dispersion (19.1%). The choice of the assay was largely influenced by availability (70% of respondents). A threshold of 30% was the most selected cut-off value for elevated SDF by 33.7% of clinicians. Of respondents, 53.6% recommend SDF testing after 3 to 5 days of abstinence. Although 75.3% believe SDF testing can provide an explanation for many unknown causes of infertility, the main limiting factors selected by respondents are a lack of professional society guideline recommendations (62.7%) and an absence of globally accepted references for SDF interpretation (50.3%). CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the largest global survey on the technical aspects of SDF testing as well as the barriers encountered by clinicians. Unified global recommendations regarding clinician implementation and standard laboratory interpretation of SDF testing are crucial

    Controversy and Consensus on Indications for Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing in Male Infertility: A Global Survey, Current Guidelines, and Expert Recommendations

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    Purpose: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) testing was recently added to the sixth edition of the World Health Organization laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. Many conditions and risk factors have been associated with elevated SDF; therefore, it is important to identify the population of infertile men who might benefit from this test. The purpose of this study was to investigate global practices related to indications for SDF testing, compare the relevant professional society guideline recommendations, and provide expert recommendations. Materials and Methods: Clinicians managing male infertility were invited to take part in a global online survey on SDF clinical practices. This was conducted following the CHERRIES checklist criteria. The responses were compared to professional society guideline recommendations related to SDF and the appropriate available evidence. Expert recommendations on indications for SDF testing were then formulated, and the Delphi method was used to reach consensus. Results: The survey was completed by 436 experts from 55 countries. Almost 75% of respondents test for SDF in all or some men with unexplained or idiopathic infertility, 39% order it routinely in the work-up of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), and 62.2% investigate SDF in smokers. While 47% of reproductive urologists test SDF to support the decision for varicocele repair surgery when conventional semen parameters are normal, significantly fewer general urologists (23%; p=0.008) do the same. Nearly 70% would assess SDF before assisted reproductive technologies (ART), either always or for certain conditions. Recurrent ART failure is a common indication for SDF testing. Very few society recommendations were found regarding SDF testing. Conclusions: This article presents the largest global survey on the indications for SDF testing in infertile men, and demonstrates diverse practices. Furthermore, it highlights the paucity of professional society guideline recommendations. Expert recommendations are proposed to help guide clinicians

    Technical aspects and clinical limitations of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in male infertility: A global survey, current guidelines, and expert recommendations

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    Purpose Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) is a functional sperm abnormality that can impact reproductive potential, for which four assays have been described in the recently published sixth edition of the WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. The purpose of this study was to examine the global practices related to the use of SDF assays and investigate the barriers and limitations that clinicians face in incorporating these tests into their practice. Materials and Methods Clinicians managing male infertility were invited to complete an online survey on practices related to SDF diagnostic and treatment approaches. Their responses related to the technical aspects of SDF testing, current professional society guidelines, and the literature were used to generate expert recommendations via the Delphi method. Finally, challenges related to SDF that the clinicians encounter in their daily practice were captured. Results The survey was completed by 436 reproductive clinicians. Overall, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase deoxyuridine triphosphate Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) is the most commonly used assay chosen by 28.6%, followed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (24.1%), and the sperm chromatin dispersion (19.1%). The choice of the assay was largely influenced by availability (70% of respondents). A threshold of 30% was the most selected cut-off value for elevated SDF by 33.7% of clinicians. Of respondents, 53.6% recommend SDF testing after 3 to 5 days of abstinence. Although 75.3% believe SDF testing can provide an explanation for many unknown causes of infertility, the main limiting factors selected by respondents are a lack of professional society guideline recommendations (62.7%) and an absence of globally accepted references for SDF interpretation (50.3%). Conclusions This study represents the largest global survey on the technical aspects of SDF testing as well as the barriers encountered by clinicians. Unified global recommendations regarding clinician implementation and standard laboratory interpretation of SDF testing are crucial

    İran devrimi sonrasında Şii jeopolitiği’nin Ortadoğu coğrafyasındaki yansımaları

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    Uluslararası sistemde ve bölgesel olarak İran İslam Cumhuriyeti’nin rolünü belirleyen en önemli faktör olarak jeopolitik konumu gösterilebilir. İran, ağırlıklı olarak sahip olduğu jeopolitik faktörler üzerinden, bölgesel ve uluslararası diğer siyasi birimlerle ilişki ve politik tutumunu belirlemektedir. İran’ın küresel ve bölgesel rolünündoğru analiz edilebilmesi için jeopolitik öneminin irdelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma İran’ın bu temel özelliklerini kavrayabilmek, özellikle devrim sonrasında politika yapıcılar tarafından etkin bir unsur olarak kullanılmaya çalışılan Şiilik jeopolitiğinin Ortadoğu’daki yansımalarını anlamaya katkı sağlayacaktır. Yapılan incelemede jeopolitik açıdan İran’ın Ortadoğu’da devrim sonrasındaki mezhepsel yaklaşımını etkin kullanma girişimlerinin, hedeflediği sonuçlara ulaşma aşamasında engeller ile karşılaştığı görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda; İran’ın Şii jeopolitiğinden faydalanma odaklı politikaları üretmek yerine, coğrafi konumundan kaynaklanan jeopolitik avantajlarını temel alan pragmatik politikalara yöneldiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; İran Devrimi sonrasında Şii Jeopolitiği’nin Ortadoğu coğrafyasındaki yansımalarını tespit etmektir. Araştırmada literatür taraması ve doküman analizi yöntemleri kullanılmış, elde edilen veriler tarihi ve güncel olaylarla ilişkilendirilerek sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.--------------------The geopolitical position can be shown as the most important factor determining the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international system and regionally.Iran mostly determines its relation and political attitude with other regional and international political units by its geopolitical factors.This researchin order to be able to analyze the global and regional role of Iran, its geopolitical importance should be examined.To understand these basic characteristics of Iran will contribute to understanding the reflections of Shi'ism geopolitics in the Middle East, especially tried to be used as an effective element by policy makers after the revolution.In this research, it has seen that Iran's attempts to use this sectarian thesis effectively in the Middle East encountered obstacles in achieving the targeted results.In this context; Instead of producing policies focused on benefiting from the Shiite geopolitics, it is concluded that Iran has turned to pragmatic policies based on its geopolitical advantages.The purpose of this study is to determine the reflections of Shia Geopolitics in the Middle East after the Iranian Revolution.Inthe study, the literature and document analysis techniques have been used, the result hasbeen tried to be obtained by associating with the history and current events with the gaineddata

    Effect of ulnar styloid fixation on functional and radiologic outcomes after distal radius fractures

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the functional and radiological outcomes of ulnar styloid fractures, with or without internal fixation, that followed distal radius fractures. Methods: Between January 2011 and June 2017, 206 distal radius fractures were operated on in our hospital. In total, 71 patients were included in the study. Thirty-five ulnar styloid fractures were fixed, and Thirty-six could not be fixed. The mean age of patients was 45 years (20–64 years), and the mean follow-up time of patients was 19 months (12–30 months) Results: In the unfixed ulnar styloid fracture group, the QuickDASH score was 20.8 and Mayo wrist score was 65. On the other hand, in the fixed ulnar styloid fracture group, the Quick DASH score was 11 and Mayo wrist score was 75. When comparing the groups, no statistically significant differences were found between their Quick DASH scores, Mayo wrist scores, grip strength, and wrist movements (p>0.05). In the unfixed group, 10 nonunions were observed, while in the fixed group, 9 nonunions were observed. Conclusion: In our study, ulnar styloid fracture fixation did not affect the functional outcomes of distal radius fractures. Surgeons should be more selective for ulnar styloid fixation in patients with ulna styloid fracture combined wrist fractures

    Applying hybrid equal channel angular pressing (HECAP) to pure copper using optimized Exp.-ECAP die

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    Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), expansion equal channel angular pressing (Exp.-ECAP), and hybrid equal channel angular pressing (HECAP) or (Hybrid ECAP) processes were applied to pure copper specimens within this study. After the application of ECAP, the die used in the application of the Exp.-ECAP process was optimized considering the strain inhomogeneity in the specimen and the maximum load that occurred during the process. Finite element method (FEM), artificial neural network (ANN), and genetic algorithm (GA) were utilized together for the optimization process. The optimized die equally minimizes the pressing load and the strain inhomogeneity that occurred in the specimen. Using the optimized die, Exp.-ECAP and HECAP processes were applied to pure copper. The Exp.-ECAP process was previously applied only for aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys. With the application of the Exp.-ECAP process to pure copper, this gap in the literature was removed. In addition, with the application of the HECAP process, the effects of the Exp.-ECAP passes applied after ECAP were also examined which was not done earlier. The specimens, on which ECAP, Exp.-ECAP, and HECAP processes were applied, were subjected to microstructure analysis and mechanical tests, and the effects of these processes were examined. The results obtained showed that the Exp.-ECAP process gave better results in grain refinement and mechanical properties. The Exp.-ECAP passes applied after the ECAP process within the scope of the HECAP process provided a more homogeneous distribution for the microstructure and the hardness

    Comparison of the Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Expansion Equal Channel Angular Pressing, and Hybrid Equal Channel Angular Pressing on Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Mg Alloy

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    In this study, Hybrid Equal Channel Angular Pressing (Hybrid ECAP) method was obtained by applying Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) and Expansion Equal Channel Angular Pressing (Exp.-ECAP) methods successively. These three angular pressing methods were applied to AZ31 Mg alloy using the same process parameters. First, AZ31 Mg specimens were produced in accordance with ECAP, Exp.-ECAP, and Hybrid ECAP dies. Then, changes in the microstructure of the processed specimens were examined using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometry, transmission electron microscope, and x-ray diffraction methods. Besides, changes in the mechanical properties of the processed specimens were observed by performing hardness and tensile tests. As a result of the study, it was found that the Exp.-ECAP method provided higher increase in mechanical properties with more homogeneous microstructure and hardness distribution than the ECAP method. Additionally, the obtained Hybrid ECAP method continued to increase the mechanical properties of the alloy and made the microstructure and hardness distribution more homogeneous than the ECAP method