1,158 research outputs found

    Black hole Area-Angular momentum inequality in non-vacuum spacetimes

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    We show that the area-angular momentum inequality A\geq 8\pi|J| holds for axially symmetric closed outermost stably marginally trapped surfaces. These are horizon sections (in particular, apparent horizons) contained in otherwise generic non-necessarily axisymmetric black hole spacetimes, with non-negative cosmological constant and whose matter content satisfies the dominant energy condition.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, updated to match published versio

    La reestructuración de las entidades financieras en Colombia

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    La reestructuración es una figura jurídico-financiera mediante la cual se busca transformar, especializar, expandir servicios, consolidar y hasta rescatar entidades financieras que se encuentran en inconvenientes. Para que se dé la reestructuración, siempre habrá que contar con el visto bueno de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, entidad vigiladora y controladora; que será la encargada de dar la correspondiente autorización, de acompañar en el proceso si se requiere, y hasta podrá servir de entidad asesora en caso de que los establecimientos financieros así lo soliciten.47 p.Contenido parcial: La reestructuración de las entidades financieras en Colombia -- Clases de reestructuraciones según el estatuto orgánico del sistema financiero – Fusión -- Adquisición – Conversión – Escisiones

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la prestación del servicio de conductor elegido

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    La Seguridad Vial es un tema que ha tenido gran importancia, debido al gran número de accidentes que se presentan en las vías, tanto peatones, motociclistas como conductores de vehículos automotores se ven involucrados. Existen numerosos motivos de los accidentes, pero una causal en especial es preocupante, es la ocasionada por conductores en estado de embriaguez, quienes pierden la percepción de los sentidos y son un peligro en los corredores viales. Al analizar esta problemática, surgió la idea de crear una empresa dedicada a la prestación de conductor elegido, la cual consiste en desplazar a las personas que se encuentran en estado de embriaguez en su vehículo, hasta el lugar que deseen. Al tener un proyecto, es importante antes de llevarlo a cabo, evaluar la viabilidad y factibilidad, tanto financiera como comercialmente, a través de un estudio de mercados, proyecciones y evaluaciones financieras. En la ciudad de Pereira ocurren numerosos accidentes a causa de conductores en estado de embriaguez, razón por la cual se evaluará el proyecto de la creación de una empresa dedicada a la prestación del servicio de conductor elegido en la ciudad, brindando a los clientes un desplazamiento seguro hasta su lugar de destino. Se evaluará en este estudio la factibilidad financiera y comercial, desarrollando estudios de mercados, estableciendo las características del mercado objetivo y del sector, oportunidades, debilidades, fortalezas y amenazas que se presentan; y estudios financieras, recursos necesarios, inversiones, proyecciones y evaluación financiera; y a partir de los resultados se establecerá la factibilidad.Road Safety is an issue that has been of great importance because of the large number of accidents that occur on the roads, both pedestrians, motorcyclists and drivers of motor vehicles are involved. There are numerous reasons for the accident, but a causal is especially worrying is caused by intoxicated drivers who lose their sensory perception and are a danger on the road corridors. In analyzing these difficulties, the idea of creating a company dedicated to the provision of designated driver, which is to move people who are intoxicated in your vehicle to the place wishing emerged. When we have a project, it is important before its implementation; assess the feasibility and practicality, both financially and commercially, through a market research, financial projections and assessments. In Pereira city, many accidents occur because of drunk drivers, why the project of creating a company dedicated to the provision of designated driver in the city, providing customers an offset will be assessed insurance to their destination. Financial and commercial feasibility will be assessed in this study, developing market research, establishing the characteristics of the target market and sector opportunities, weaknesses, strengths and threats presented; and financial studies, resources, investments, financial projections and evaluation; and from the results of the feasibility is established

    China, Commodity Prices and Latin American Performance: A Few Stylized Facts.

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    The Chinese economy has shown an average annual growth rate of 10% per year during the last 20 years, transforming it into the most important consumer of a broad range of commodities. With this in sight, this work aims to measure the impact of China’s expansion on commodity prices and illustrate how Latin American economies are affected. One of the main findings is a positive and significant relation between China’s industrial production and the evolution of prices of metals, fuels and to a lesser extent, grains and other farm commodities. In general, Latin America economic cycles are related with commodity prices and China’s economic activity in a positive manner.

    China, Precios de Commodities y Desempeño de América Latina: Algunos Hechos Estilizados

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    The Chinese economy has become one of the most important consumers of a broad range of commodities. This work aims at measuring the impact of China’s expansion on commodity prices and illustrate its effect on Latin American economies. It is found a positiChina, precios de commodities, América Latina, modelo de corrección de errores

    Modelo integral para el análisis y gestión del riesgo físico preexistente en empresas contratantes de Estatal de Seguridad Ltda

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    La importancia que ha tomado en la actualidad la seguridad integral, entendida como aquella posibilidad que se tiene para gozar de libertad, un ambiente sano, protección fundado primero en las garantías que brinda el Estado a partir del momento en que permite su funcionamiento, así como la consolidación de estas con unos organismos que se encargan de manera permanente de la protección de los asociados, exigencia que hace que estas empresas las que estén debidamente te consolidadas inviertan grandes sumas para permanecer en el mercado, en la capacitación de su personal, en la actualización tecnológica. Así mismo desde algunas consideraciones de orden operativa la protección que brindan estas personas y las compañías como en este caso la empresa objeto de estudio ESTATAL DE SEGURIDAD, hace que su posicionamiento en el mercado obedezca única y exclusivamente a su grado de responsabilidad, competencia, preparación y responsabilidad, lo que garantiza a los usuarios la mitigación del riesgo y mejorar cada vez sus protocolos y márgenes de confianza. Siendo la seguridad `personal entonces, una preocupación de la población en general y de las organizaciones, por este motivo las entidades han entendido que la prevención y la custodia, son una inversión necesaria para mantener en adecuada forma a sus colaboradores.The emphasis today has taken comprehensive security, understood as that possibility which has to be free, a healthy environment, first founded protection guarantees provided by the State from the moment that allows operation and consolidating these with some agencies in charge of permanent protection partners, a requirement which makes these companies that you are properly consolidated invest large sums to stay in business, training of staff in technological upgrading. Also from some operational considerations of the protection afforded by these people and companies in this case the company under review STATE SECURITY, makes their position in the market solely to obey their degree of responsibility, competence, training and accountability, which ensures users of risk mitigation and improve their protocols and increasing confidence margins. As safety `personal time, a concern of the general public and organizations, which is why banks have understood that the prevention and custody, are a necessary investment to maintain proper form to its employees

    Quantifying image distortion based on Gabor filter bank and multiple regression analysis

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    Image quality assessment is indispensable for image-based applications. The approaches towards image quality assessment fall into two main categories: subjective and objective methods. Subjective assessment has been widely used. However, careful subjective assessments are experimentally difficult and lengthy, and the results obtained may vary depending on the test conditions. On the other hand, objective image quality assessment would not only alleviate the difficulties described above but would also help to expand the application field. Therefore, several works have been developed for quantifying the distortion presented on a image achieving goodness of fit between subjective and objective scores up to 92%. Nevertheless, current methodologies are designed assuming that the nature of the distortion is known. Generally, this is a limiting assumption for practical applications, since in a majority of cases the distortions in the image are unknown. Therefore, we believe that the current methods of image quality assessment should be adapted in order to identify and quantify the distortion of images at the same time. That combination can improve processes such as enhancement, restoration, compression, transmission, among others. We present an approach based on the power of the experimental design and the joint localization of the Gabor filters for studying the influence of the spatial/frequencies on image quality assessment. Therefore, we achieve a correct identification and quantification of the distortion affecting images. This method provides accurate scores and differentiability between distortions

    Optimizing feature extraction in image analysis using experimented designs, a case study evaluating texture algorithms for describing appearance retention in carpets

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    When performing image analysis, one of the most critical steps is the selection of appropriate techniques. A huge amount of features can be extracted from several techniques and the selection is commonly performed based on expert knowledge. In this paper we present the theory of experimental designs as a tool for an objective selection of techniques in image analysis domain. We present a study case for evaluating appearance retention in textile floor coverings using texture features. The use of experimental design theory permitted to select an optimal set of techniques for describing the texture changes due to degradation
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