168 research outputs found

    Development of Expertise in Spanish Elite Basketball Coaches.(El desarrollo de la pericia en los entrenadores españoles expertos en baloncesto.)

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    <b>Abstract</b><p align="justify">The present study was designed to address two issues: first, to identify the different development stages that eight expert Spanish basketball coaches go through; and second, to determine the possible factors that have contributed to the formative or training, process of the expert coach. Qualitative data were gathered in semi-structured interviews. The coaches worked with the men’s first Spanish Basketball League (“ACB” league) or the Spanish national selection. Our findings reveal four stages in the coach development process. These stages were the consequence mainly of a gradual progression in thinking and reflective practice that enabled the coach to optimize the necessary skills for high performance. In addition, all the coaches interviewed reflected an intense dedication and commitment over many years to their work, as well as an ongoing quest for improvement.</p><b>Resumen</b><p align="justify">El presente estudio fue diseñado para hacer frente a dos cuestiones: en primer lugar, identificar las diferentes etapas formativas de ocho entrenadores expertos en baloncesto, y en segundo lugar, determinar los posibles factores que han contribuido a la formación del entrenador experto. La metodología utilizada es la cualitativa y la técnica de recogida de datos fue la entrevista semiestructurada. Los entrenadores entrevistados pertenecían a la liga ACB o a la selección nacional española. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto cuatro etapas en el desarrollo de su pericia. Estas etapas son consecuencia principalmente de un desarrollo de su conocimiento, así como de una profunda reflexión práctica que permitió al entrenador optimizar las habilidades necesarias para trabajar en el alto rendimiento. Además, todos los entrenadores reflejan una intensa dedicación y compromiso durante muchos años hacia su trabajo, así como una búsqueda constante por mejorar.</p

    Modeling of Free Surface Flows with Elastic Bodies Interactions

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    In this paper, a series of new fluid and structure interactions test cases with strong free surface effects are presented and computations of such flows with the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) (Idelsohn, Oiiate, Del Pin and Calvo, 2006) are documented. The structures object of study are elastic cantilever bars clamped inside sloshing tanks subjected ro roll motion. The possibilities of PFEM for the coupled simulation of moderately violent free surface flows interacting with elastic bodies are investigated. The problem can be described as the coupling of a sloshing flow with an easily deformable elastic body. A series of experiments designed and executed specifically for these tests are also described. The experiments comprise cases with different liquid height and liquids of different viscosity. The aim is to identify canonical benchmark problems in FSI (Fluid and Structure Interactions), including free surfaces, for future comparisons between different numerical approaches

    Neurocomputational Model of EEG Complexity during Mind Wandering

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    Mind wandering (MW) can be understood as a transient state in which attention drifts from an external task to internal self-generated thoughts. MW has been associated with the activation of the Default Mode Network (DMN). In addition, it has been shown that the activity of the DMN is anti-correlated with activation in brain networks related to the processing of external events (e.g., Salience network, SN). In this study, we present a mean field model based on weakly coupled Kuramoto oscillators. We simulated the oscillatory activity of the entire brain and explored the role of the interaction between the nodes from the DMN and SN in MW states. External stimulation was added to the network model in two opposite conditions. Stimuli could be presented when oscillators in the SN showed more internal coherence (synchrony) than in the DMN, or, on the contrary, when the coherence in the SN was lower than in the DMN. The resulting phases of the oscillators were analyzed and used to simulate EEG signals. Our results showed that the structural complexity from both simulated and real data was higher when the model was stimulated during periods in which DMN was more coherent than the SN. Overall, our results provided a plausible mechanistic explanation to MW as a state in which high coherence in the DMN partially suppresses the capacity of the system to process external stimuli

    Interaction between an elastic structure and free-surface flows: experimental versus numerical comparisons using the PFEM.

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    The paper aims to introduce new fluid–structure interaction (FSI) tests to compare experimental results with numerical ones. The examples have been chosen for a particular case for which experimental results are not much reported. This is the case of FSI including free surface flows. The possibilities of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) [1] for the simulation of free surface flows is also tested. The simulations are run using the same scale as the experiment in order to minimize errors due to scale effects. Different scenarios are simulated by changing the boundary conditions for reproducing flows with the desired characteristics. Details of the input data for all the examples studied are given. The aim is to identifying benchmark problems for FSI including free surface flows for future comparisons between different numerical approaches

    Systematic review of qualitative evidence literature

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020This study aims to synthesize and understand the qualitative and empirical evidence previously published on adapted sports career development. This systematic literature review also aimed at developing a conceptual model of the training and career path of adapted sports coaches. The research was carried out through the following databases: PubMed, Erid, EBSCO, Web of Science and Scopus. We selected nine qualitative studies according to the specific eligibility criteria. Data extraction was carried out independently by different authors, including the assessment of the methodological quality of the articles. We developed a conceptual model composed of four descriptive subjects (adapted sport option; perception of training athletes in adapted sports; development of the adapted sports coach’s learning; adapted sports coach reality) about the adapted sports coach’s pathway and added three analytical subjects about the difficulties, opportunity and reality of adapted sports. The conceptual model suggests inclusion of practical activity programs, the specificities of related contents with the adapted modalities, and observation in a real context are fundamental.publishersversionpublishe

    Design and Validation of an Instrument for Technical Performance Indicators of the Kick (Chagi) Technique in Taekwondo.

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    Taekwondo is a martial art and combat sport that originated in medieval or similar cultures, but today it is primarily a combat activity conditioned by safety rules. The kick technique is called “chagi” (Korean language). “Eyeballing” is a problem that is being addressed with traditional training methods used in Taekwondo. (1) Background: To solve this problem, the main aim of this study was to develop an Observation System for Technical Performance Indicators-Chagi (OSTPI-C). The validation and reliability processes were carried out by 19 expert judges, who were required to meet at least four out of the five selected inclusion criteria. (2) Methods: The content validity was calculated using Aiken’s V coefficient value on qualitative (relevance, univocity, and importance) and quantitative levels (rating scale from one to five), through the agreement and consensus of the panel experts. The reliability of the instrument was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. (3) Results: The results demonstrated the high content validity indexes (0.90) and high reliability (alpha > 0.70) of the observational instrument. (4) Conclusions: The OSTIP-C observational instrument could be used in the Olympic and Paralympic Taekwondo sport environment as a valid and reliable tool to evaluate the technical execution of kick technical processes.post-print670 K

    Study of internal and external load by different instruments: A case study in grassroots

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    [Resumen] Los dispositivos tecnológicos utilizados actualmente para registrar carga externa e interna no son accesibles al fútbol formativo por su alto coste económico. Por ello, herramientas para cuantificar la carga y categorizar las tareas son muy útiles para el proceso de entrenamiento. Por tanto, los objetivos del presente trabajo son: (1) identificar las diferencias en la carga objetiva en función de las variables de carga externa subjetiva y (2) analizar la relación entre ambos métodos de cuantificación. 157 tareas realizadas por un equipo de 20 jugadores juveniles fueron analizadas. La recogida de datos se realizó mediante: (a) carga objetiva, dispositivos inerciales WIMUTM y (b) carga subjetiva, Sistema Integral para el Análisis de las Tareas de Entrenamiento (SIATE). El análisis estadístico estuvo compuesto por ANOVA de un factor con el post-hoc Bonferroni y la prueba de correlación de Pearson. Los principales resultados indican que existe influencia de las variables de carga subjetiva en las variables de carga objetiva (p.05), encontrando una alta correlación entre ellas (r>.84). Las características de las tareas modifican de forma directa las demandas de carga, siendo herramientas subjetivas como SIATE útiles para su registro ante la ausencia de material tecnológico.[Abstract] The technological devices utilized currently for the external and internal load register are not accessible in grassroots due to their high costs. Thus, tools for load quantification and tasks categorization are very useful to improve the training process. Therefore, the aims of the present study are to: (1) identify the differences between objective load of training tasks in relation to subjective external load variables and (2) analyse the relationship between both load quantification methods. 157 tasks performed by an 18-players youth soccer team were analysed. The load register was realised by: (a) objective load, WIMUTM inertial devices and (b) subjective load, Integral System for Training Tasks Analysis (SIATE). The statistical analysis was composed by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc and Pearson correlation test. The main results indicate that exist an influence of subjective load variables in objective load variables (p.05), finding a high correlation between loads (r>.84). The task characteristics directly modify the load demands, being subjective tools as SIATE useful for their register when technological devices are not availableJunta de Extremadura; GR1817

    Un modelo constitutivo de daño plástico para materiales friccionales. Parte I: variables fundamentales, funciones de fluencia y potencial

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    En este artículo se presenta un modelo constitutivo elasto-plástico, que permite simular el comportamiento inultiaxial del hormigón, utilizando funciones de fluencia plástica homogéneas de primer grado en las tensiones. En particular, se presenta una modificación del criterio de Mohr-Coulomb y un nuevo criterio de fluencia que concuerda bastante bien con los resultados experimentales. También se formulan las variables fundamentales que utiliza el modelo, como son las variables internas de daño plástico y cohesión, y las funciones de fricción y dilatancia. Se trata adeimás, el problema de la objetividad en la respuesta, y su relación con la energía específica.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of formal and non-formal learning

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Since coaches play an important role in the development of athletes, the process and mechanisms used by Special Olympics Portugal to develop coaches’ skills are worthy of research. In this context, the study aims to identify the training paths and profiles of the Special Olympics Portugal coach. It also aims to analyze the relationship between formal and non-formal learning in the profile and training of this type of coach. The research is descriptive and transversal regarding Special Olympics Portugal coaches, with the participation of 50 subjects. Two questionnaires were used, the Coaches’ Training Profile Questionnaire to determine the training routes, and the Coaches’ Orientation Questionnaire. The results show that the Special Olympics Portugal coaches have an academic background and a somewhat critical profile. It is imperative to build formal and non-formal learning contexts that focus on the theme of adapted sports, in order to allow the training of more qualified coaches, who are consequently more effective in their interventions with this type of athlete.publishersversionpublishe
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