28 research outputs found
Nonlinear Energetic Particle Transport in the Presence of Multiple Alfvenic Waves in ITER
This work presents the results of a multi mode ITER study on Toroidal Alfven
Eigenmodes, using the nonlinear hybrid HAGIS-LIGKA model. It is found that main
conclusions from earlier studies of ASDEX Upgrade discharges can be transferred
to the ITER scenario: global, nonlinear effects are crucial for the evolution
of the multi mode scenario. This work focuses on the ITER 15 MA baseline
scenario with with a safety factor at the magnetic axis of 0.986. The
least damped eigenmodes of the system are identified with the gyrokinetic,
non-perturbative LIGKA solver, concerning mode structure, frequency and
damping. Taking into account all weakly damped modes that can be identified
linearly, nonlinear simulations with HAGIS reveal strong multi mode behavior:
while in some parameter range, quasi-linear estimates turn out to be reasonable
approximations for the nonlinearly relaxed energetic particle profile, under
certain conditions low-n TAE branches can be excited. As a consequence, not
only grow amplitudes of all modes to (up to orders of magnitude) higher values
compared to the single mode cases but also, strong redistribution is triggered
in the outer radial area between 0.6 and 0.85, far above
quasi-linear estimates.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures; To be published as special issue in PPCF
12/2015 for EPS Lisbon invited tal
Nonlinear dynamics of Shear Alfv\'en fluctuations in Divertor Tokamak Test facility plasmas
Following the analysis on linear spectra of shear Alfv\'en fluctuations
excited by energetic particles (EPs) in the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT)
facility plasmas [T. Wang et al., Phys. Plasmas 25, 062509 (2018)], in this
work, nonlinear dynamics of the corresponding mode saturation and the
fluctuation induced EP transport is studied by hybrid
magnetohydrodynamic-gyrokinetic simulations. For the reversed shear Alfv\'en
eigenmode driven by magnetically trapped EP precession resonance in the central
core region of DTT plasmas, the saturation is mainly due to radial decoupling
of resonant trapped EPs. Consistent with the wave-EP resonance structure, EP
transport occurs in a similar scale to the mode width. On the other hand,
passing EP transport is analyzed in detail for toroidal Alfv\'en eigenmode in
the outer core region, with mode drive from both passing and trapped EPs. It is
shown that passing EPs experience only weak redistributions in the weakly
unstable case; and the transport extends to meso-scale diffusion in the
strongly unstable case, due to orbit stochasticity induced by resonance
overlap. Here, weakly/strongly unstable regime is determined by Chirikov
condition for resonance overlap. This work then further illuminates rich and
diverse nonlinear EP dynamics related to burning plasma studies, and the
capability of DTT to address these key physics.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure
Nonlinear dynamics of phase space zonal structures and energetic particle physics in fusion plasmas
A general theoretical framework for investigating nonlinear dynamics of phase
space zonal structures is presented in this work. It is then, more
specifically, applied to the limit where the nonlinear evolution time scale is
smaller or comparable to the wave-particle trapping period. In this limit, both
theoretical and numerical simulation studies show that non-adiabatic frequency
chirping and phase locking could lead to secular resonant particle transport on
meso- or macro-scales. The interplay between mode structures and resonant
particles then provides the crucial ingredient to properly understand and
analyze the nonlinear dynamics of Alfv\'en wave instabilities excited by
non-perturbative energetic particles in burning fusion plasmas. Analogies with
autoresonance in nonlinear dynamics and with superradiance in free electron
lasers are also briefly discussed
Workload Decomposition Strategies for Shared Memory Parallel Systems with OpenMP
A crucial issue in parallel programming (both for distributed and shared memory architectures) is work decomposition. Work decomposition task can be accomplished without large programming effort with use of high-level parallel programming languages, such as OpenMP. Anyway particular care must still be payed on achieving performance goals. In this paper we introduce and compare two decomposition strategies, in the framework of shared memory systems, as applied to a case study particle in cell application. A number of different implementations of them, based on the OpenMP language, are discussed with regard to time efficiency, memory occupancy, and program restructuring effort
Be social, be agile: team engagement with Redmine
System engineering and project-team management are essential tools to ensure the project success and the
Redmine is a valuable platform for the work organization and for a system engineered approach. We review in
this work the management needs related to our project, and suggest the possibility that they fit to many research
activities with a similar scenario: small team, technical difficulties (or unknowns), intense activity sprints and
long pauses due to external schedule management, a large degree of shared leadership. We will then present
our implementation with the Redmine, showing that the use of the platform resulted in a strong engagement
and commitment of the team. The explicit goal of this work is also to rise, at least internally, the awareness
about team needs and available organizational tools and methods; and to highlight a shareable approach to team management and small scale system engineering
Corrigendum: Current drive at plasma densities required for thermonuclear reactors
Nature Communications 1: Article number: 55 (2010); Published: 10 August 2010; Updated:19 September 2013. In Fig. 3 of this Article, the colours of the blue and green curves were accidentally interchanged while the manuscript was being revised. In addition, the x axis labels on Fig. 4 should have read 'Frequency (MHz)'
EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
International audienceRecent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper