127 research outputs found
Characterization of patient falls according to the notification in adverse event reports
Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar as quedas de pacientes internados ocorridas em hospital terciário. Foram analisados 826 Boletins de Notificação de Eventos Adversos, de um período de 30 meses, que registraram 0,30 quedas por 1000 pacientes/dia. Quedas do leito foram mais frequentes (55%), com maior prevalência na enfermaria de neurologia. Maior frequência de quedas foi verificada no período noturno (63,7%), nos primeiros cinco dias da admissão (61,7%), nos pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) e na faixa etária maior de 60 anos (50%). Nos casos de quedas do leito, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (18,2%), doenças do sistema nervoso (18,2%) e doenças do aparelho circulatório (13,7%). Nas quedas da própria altura, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a neoplasias (19,4%) e doenças do aparelho geniturinário (16,1%). A caracterização desses eventos adversos auxilia no reconhecimento dos grupos de maior risco e na elaboração de propostas preventivas.Esta investigación fue desarrollada con el objetivo de verificar las características de las caídas sufridas por pacientes internados en un hospital privado. Fueron analizados 826 Boletines de Notificación de Eventos Adversos, en un período de 30 meses. Fueron registradas 0,30 caídas por cada 1000 pacientes/día. Las caídas de la cama fueron las más frecuentes (55%), con mayor prevalencia en la Enfermería de Neurología. Se verificó una mayor frecuencia de caídas en el período nocturno (63,7%), durante los primeros cinco días de admisión (61,7%), en los pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) y en la faja etaria de mayores de 60 años (50%). En los casos de caídas de la cama, los diagnósticos se relacionaban con enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias (18,2%), enfermedades del sistema nervioso (18,2%) y enfermedades del aparato circulatorio (13,7%). En las caídas directas del cuerpo, se encontró relación con las neoplasias (19,4%) y enfermedades del aparato genitourinario (16,1%). La caracterización de esos eventos adversos coadyuva en el reconocimiento de los grupos de mayor riesgo y en la elaboración de propuestas de carácter preventivo.The objective of this study was to observe the characteristics of falls occurring in the inpatient population at a tertiary hospital. Eight hundred and twenty-six Adverse Events Notification Reports were analyzed over a 30 months period, and 0.30 falls per 1,000 patients/day were reported. Falls from beds were the most frequent (55%), showing the highest occurrence in the neurology ward. A higher frequency of falls was observed at night time (63.7%), during the first five hospitalization days (61.7%), in male patients (57.5%) over 60 years old (50%). In cases of falls from a bed, the diagnoses were related to infectious and parasitic diseases (18.2%), diseases affecting the nervous system (18.2%) and those affecting the circulatory system (13.7%). In cases of falls from one's own height, they were related to neoplasms (19.4%) and diseases affecting the genitourinary system (16.1%). It is concluded that high importance should be placed on studying the population to characterize those at high risk for falls to assist in the implementation of preventive measures
Adverse events: analysis of a notification instrument used in nursing management
La dirección de enfermería de un hospital universitario terciario de la región Centro-Sur del Estado de São Paulo, apuntando a la seguridad del paciente y el establecimiento de un medio de comunicación entre equipo y dirección, implementó en enero de 2004 el Boletín de Notificación de Eventos Adversos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la utilización del nombrado instrumento de comunicación e identificar: frecuencia, tipo, naturaleza y período de los incidentes/eventos adversos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos de 826 boletines elaborados en el período de enero/2004 a junio/2006. Se verificó la adhesión a la utilización del instrumento. Predominaron notificaciones de ocurrencias asistenciales, aunque las notificaciones administrativas presentaron un número creciente de registros. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron aquellos relacionados con la medicación, caídas, catéteres, sondas/drenajes e integridad de la piel. La practicidad del instrumento viabilizó su utilización también por parte de los auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería. El análisis sistematizado y el seguimiento de los eventos adversos asociados a los recursos de comunicación se mostraron fundamentales para la seguridad del paciente.The nursing management board of a tertiary university hospital located in Central-South São Paulo state implemented an Adverse Events Notification Instrument in January 2004 aiming at patient safety and at establishing a means of communication between the team and the administration board. The aim of this study was to analyze the use of the referred communication instrument and identify the frequency, type, nature and period of the incident/adverse events. A descriptive data analysis was performed on 826 instruments completed between January 2004 and June 2006. There was compliance to using the instrument. There was predominance of notifications regarding health care services, although there was an increase in reports on administrative issues in the referred period. The most frequent adverse events concerned medications, falls, catheters, probes and drains, and skin integrity. The practicality of the instrument made it feasible for use among nursing aides and technicians. Systematic analysis and follow-up of the adverse events associated with this means of communication appeared as fundamental issues for patient safety.A direção de enfermagem de um hospital universitário terciário da região Centro-Sul do Estado de São Paulo, visando a segurança do paciente e o estabelecimento de meio de comunicação entre equipe e direção, implementou em janeiro de 2004 o Boletim de Notificação de Eventos Adversos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a utilização deste instrumento de comunicação e identificar: frequência, tipo, natureza e período dos incidentes/eventos adversos. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos dados de 826 boletins elaborados no período de janeiro/2004 a junho/2006. Verificou-se adesão à utilização do instrumento. Predominaram notificações de ocorrências assistenciais, embora notificações administrativas tenham apresentado número crescente de registros. Eventos adversos mais frequentes relacionaram-se à medicação, quedas, cateteres, sondas/drenos e integridade da pele. A praticidade do instrumento viabilizou sua utilização também por auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem. A análise sistematizada e acompanhamento dos eventos adversos associados aos recursos de comunicação mostraram-se fundamentais para a segurança do paciente
Association between phase angle, anthropometric measurements, and lipid profile in HCV-infected patients
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between phase angle, anthropometric measurements, and lipid profile in patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus. METHODS: A total of 160 consecutive patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus and who received treatment at the hepatitis C outpatient unit of our hospital from April 2010 to May 2011 were prospectively evaluated. Bioelectrical impedance analysis, anthropometric measurements, and serum lipid profile analysis were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were excluded. A total of 135 patients with a mean age of 49.8¡11.4 years were studied. Among these patients, 60% were male. The phase angle and BMI means were 6.5¡0.8°and 26.5¡4.8 kg/ m2, respectively. Regarding anthropometric variables, mid-arm circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference, and arm muscle area had a positive correlation with phase angle. In contrast, when analyzing the lipid profile, only HDL was inversely correlated with phase angle. However, in multiple regression models adjusted for age and gender, only mid-arm circumference (p = 0.005), mid-arm muscle circumference (p = 0.003), and arm muscle circumference (p = 0.001) were associated with phase angle in hepatitis C virus-infected patients.CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, phase angle is positively correlated with anthropometric measures in our study. However, there is no association between phase angle and lipid profile in these patients. Our results suggest that phase angle is related to lean body mass in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus
β-carotene and other carotenoids as antioxidants
Carotenoids are natural pigments which are synthesized by plants and are responsible for the bright colors of various fruits and vegetables. There are several dozen carotenoids in the foods that we eat, and most of these carotenoids have antioxidant activity. β-carotene has been best studied since, in most countries it is the most common carotenoid in fruits and vegetables. However, in the U.S., lycopene from tomatoes now is consumed in approximately the same amount as β-carotene. Antioxidants (including carotenoids) have been studied for their ability to prevent chronic disease. β-carotene and others carotenoids have antioxidant properties in vitro and in animal models. Mixtures of carotenoids or associations with others antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E) can increase their activity against free radicals. The use of animals models for studying carotenoids is limited since most of the animals do not absorb or metabolize carotenoids similarly to humans. Epidemiologic studies have shown an inverse relationship between presence of various cancers and dietary carotenoids or blood carotenoid levels. However, three out of four intervention trials using high dose β- carotene supplements did not show protective effects against cancer or cardiovascular disease. Rather, the high risk population (smokers and asbestos workers) in these intervention trials showed an increase in cancer and angina cases. It appears that carotenoids (including β-carotene) can promote health when taken at dietary levels, but may have adverse effects when taken in high dose by subjects who smoke or who have been exposed to asbestos. It will be the task of ongoing and future studies to define the populations that can benefit from carotenoids and to define the proper doses, lengths of treatment, and whether mixtures, rather than single carotenoids (e.g. β-carotene) are more advantageous
Remodelação cardíaca induzida pelo tabagismo (tabaquismo)
Previous studies accomplished by our group suggest that tobacco smoke exposure results in cardiac remodeling, with progressive ventricular dysfunction. However, the mechanisms involved in this process are not known. Therefore, our laboratory has been trying to identify the potentials responsible mechanisms for cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco. The blood pressure increase, the renin-angiotensin system and the oxidative stress can modulate this process. On the other hand, the activation of MMP-2 or MMP-9, as well as lipid peroxidation, don't seem to participate of the morphologic and functional alterations induced by tobacco smoke exposure
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