4,919 research outputs found

    Old and young leaves on plane trees

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    A leaf of a plane tree is called an old leaf if it is the leftmost child of its parent, and it is called a young leaf otherwise. In this paper we enumerate plane trees with a given number of old leaves and young leaves. The formula is obtained combinatorially by presenting two bijections between plane trees and 2-Motzkin paths which map young leaves to red horizontal steps, and old leaves to up steps plus one. We derive some implications to the enumeration of restricted permutations with respect to certain statistics such as pairs of consecutive deficiencies, double descents, and ascending runs. Finally, our main bijection is applied to obtain refinements of two identities of Coker, involving refined Narayana numbers and the Catalan numbers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Cardiovascular Involvement in Sepsis.

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    This special issue wants to contribute to a better understanding of cardiac involvement in sepsis. Sepsis is a complex syndrome that has recently been defined as “life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection”. It should be considered a major public health problem since it affects millions of people worldwide each year, and it accounts for most deaths in critically ill patients. The presence of myocardial dysfunction in sepsis is associated with higher mortality. A great attention has been dedicated to improving our knowledge and understanding of the intricate mechanisms underlying sepsis. However, data from the literature suggest the need to implement strategies to reliably measure sepsis morbidity and mortality. In fact, methods based on analyses of insurance claim data using sepsis-specific codes or separate codes for infection and organ dysfunction are unreliable in informing or measuring the effects of policy changes, and the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis is often elusive since postmortem investigations lack certain pathognomonic macroscopic and histopathological findings. From a morphological and diagnostic point of view, the term “septic disease” has been created to describe the cardiac involvement in the syndrome. However, this definition, rather than describing a morphological finding, was instead referred to the clinical setting. Although in recent years the concept of septic cardiomyopathy has evolved and it involves pathological alterations of myocardial cells in response to the multiplicity of acting mechanism of damage, the importance of structural changes during sepsis is often overlooked. In patients with sepsis, death is usually the result of a progressive multiorgan dysfunction, overlooking the primary infection through the hyperinflammation. The cardiac involvement as fundamental part of septic multiorgan dysfunction syndrome has been discussed for a long time

    Non-celiac wheat sensitivity: rationality and irrationality of a gluten-free diet in individuals affected with non-celiac disease: a review

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    Non-celiac gluten or wheat sensitivity (NCWS) is a “clinical entity induced by the ingestion of wheat leading to intestinal and/or extraintestinal symptoms that improve once the wheat-containing foodstuff is removed from the diet, and celiac disease and wheat allergy have been excluded”. This mostly accepted definition raises several points that remain controversial on this condition. In the present review, the authors summarize the most recent advances in the clinic and research on NCWS through an accurate analysis of different studies. We screened PubMed, Medline, Embase, and Scopus using the keywords “non-celiac gluten sensitivity”, “non-celiac wheat sensitivity”, and “diagnosis”. We would like to emphasize two main points, including (A) the controversial clinical and etiological aspects in different trials and experiences with particular attention to the Salerno criteria for the diagnosis of NCWS and (B) the histological aspects. The etiology of NCWS remains controversial, and the relationship with irritable bowel syndrome is obscure. Histologically, the duodenal mucosa may show a variable pattern from unremarkable to a slight increase in the number of T lymphocytes in the superficial epithelium of villi. The endorsement of this disease is based on a positive response to a gluten-free diet for a limited period, followed by the reappearance of symptoms after gluten challenge. The Salerno expert criteria may help to diagnose NCWS accurately. Social media and inaccurate interpretation of websites may jeopardize the diagnostic process if individuals self-label as gluten intolerant

    Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors prevents protein phosphorylation in the striatum induced by cortical stimulation

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    ©2006 Society for NeurosciencePrevious studies have shown that cortical stimulation selectively activates extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation and immediate early gene expression in striatal GABAergic enkephalinergic neurons. In the present study, we demonstrate that blockade of adenosine A2A receptors with caffeine or a selective A2A receptor antagonist counteracts the striatal activation of cAMP– protein kinase A cascade (phosphorylation of the Ser845 residue of the glutamate receptor 1 subunit of the AMPA receptor) and mitogenactivated protein kinase (ERK1/2 phosphorylation) induced by the in vivo stimulation of corticostriatal afferents. The results indicate that A2A receptors strongly modulate the efficacy of glutamatergic synapses on striatal enkephalinergic neurons.This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Department of Health and Human Services

    The microbiota of the bilio-pancreatic system: A cohort, STROBE-compliant study

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    Background: The gut microbiota play an essential role in protecting the host against pathogenic microorganisms by modulating immunity and regulating metabolic processes. In response to environmental factors, microbes can hugely alter their metabolism. These factors can substantially impact the host and have potential pathologic implications. Particularly pathogenic microorganisms colonizing pancreas and biliary tract tissues may be involved in chronic inflammation and cancer evolution. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of bile microbiota on survival in patients with pancreas and biliary tract disease (PBD). Patients and Methods: We investigated 152 Italian patients with cholelithiasis (CHL), cholangitis (CHA), cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), gallbladder carcinoma (GBC), pancreas head carcinoma (PHC), ampullary carcinoma (ACA), and chronic pancreatitis (CHP). Demographics, bile cultures, therapy, and survival rates were analyzed in cohorts (T1 death <6 months; T2 death <12 months; T3 death <18 months, T3S alive at 18 months). Results: The most common bacteria in T1 were E. coli, K. pneumoniae, andP. aeruginosa. In T2, the most common bacteria were E. coli and P. aeruginosa. InT3, there were no significant bacteria isolated, while in T3S the most common bacteria were like those found in T1. E. coli and K. pneumoniae were positive predictors of survival for PHC and ACA, respectively. E. coli, K. pneumoniae, andP. aeruginosa showed a high percentage of resistant bacteria to 3CGS, aminoglycosides class, and quinolone group especially at T1 and T2 in cancer patients. Conclusions: An unprecedented increase of E. coli in bile leads to a decrease in survival. We suggest that some strains isolated in bile samples may be considered within the group of risk factors in carcinogenesis and/or progression of hepato-biliary malignancy. A better understanding of bile microbiota in patients with PBD should lead to a multifaceted approach to rapidly detect and treat pathogens before patients enter the surgical setting in tandem with the implementation of the infection control policy

    Wetting and contact-line effects for spherical and cylindrical droplets on graphene layers: A comparative molecular-dynamics investigation

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    In Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, interactions between water molecules and graphitic surfaces are often modeled as a simple Lennard-Jones potential between oxygen and carbon atoms. A possible method for tuning this parameter consists of simulating a water nanodroplet on a flat graphitic surface, measuring the equilibrium contact angle, extrapolating it to the limit of a macroscopic droplet and finally matching this quantity to experimental results. Considering recent evidence demonstrating that the contact angle of water on a graphitic plane is much higher than what was previously reported, we estimate the oxygen-carbon interaction for the recent SPC/Fwwater model. Results indicate a value of about 0.2 kJ/mol, much lower than previous estimations. We then perform simulations of cylindrical water filaments on graphitic surfaces, in order to compare and correlate contact angles resulting from these two different systems. Results suggest that modified Young's equation does not describe the relation between contact angle and drop size in the case of extremely small systems and that contributions different from the one deriving from contact line tension should be taken into account.Comment: To be published on Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/

    Mathematical models in nursing research

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    This paper discusses the use of advanced mathematical tools in nursing research, such as mathematical models used in medicine for description and prediction of experimental tumor growth. They are rarely used in nursing research, but fortunately in the last decade, their use is increased, mainly due to artificial intelligence and Big Data, with great benefits for further nursing development. Therefore, a strong interaction between nurses and mathemati-cians is needed to improve nursing research, and consequently, the nurses’ performance in daily work

    3D Printing of Low-Filled Basalt PA12 and PP Filaments for Automotive Components

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    Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) enables many advantages compared to traditional manufacturing techniques, but the lower mechanical performance due to the higher porosity still hinders its industrial spread in key sectors like the automotive industry. PP and PA12 filaments filled with low amounts of basalt fibers were produced in the present work to improve the poor mechanical properties inherited from the additive manufacturing technique. For both matrices, the introduction of 5 wt.% of basalt fibers allows us to achieve stiffness values comparable to injection molding ones without modifying the final weight of the manufactured components. The increased filament density compared with the neat polymers, upon the introduction of basalt fibers, is counterbalanced by the intrinsic porosity of the manufacturing technique. In particular, the final components are characterized by a 0.88 g/cm3 density for PP and 1.01 g/cm3 for PA12 basalt-filled composites, which are comparable to the 0.91 g/cm3 and 1.01 g/cm3, respectively, of the related neat matrix used in injection molding. Some efforts are still needed to fill the gap of 15–28% for PP and of 26.5% for PA12 in tensile strength compared to injection-molded counterparts, but the improvement of the fiber/matrix interface by fiber surface modification or coupling agent employment could be a feasible solution

    Use of a sol-gel hybrid coating composed by a fluoropolymer and silica for the mitigation of mineral fouling in heat exchangers

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    The technology of the organic/inorganic hybrid coating was employed in the preparation of a hydrophobic coating (contact angle higher than 140\ub0) for fouling mitigation on stainless steel heat transfer surfaces. A commercial triethoxysilane perfluoropolyethers was combined with a sol-gel silica network with the aim to increase the mechanical and thermal resistance of the films when exposed to aggressive liquid environments as the heat exchanging fluids. The experimentation on a shell and tube heat exchanger pilot plant confirmed the ability of the hybrid coating to prolong the crystallization fouling induction period of 200 h in respect to an uncoated heat exchanger, operating in the same conditions. Moreover, the fouling particles deposited on the coated heat transfer surfaces had only slight adhesion strength toward the coated surfaces and were easily removed by inducing higher wall shear stresses inside the tubes of the plant