49 research outputs found


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    Among the three embryonic germ layers, the mesoderm plays a central role in the establishment of the vertebrate body plan. The mesoderm is specified by secreted signaling proteins from the FGF, Nodal, BMP and Wnt families. No new classes of extracellular mesoderm-inducing factors have been identified in more than two decades. Here, we show that the pinhead (pnhd) gene encodes a secreted protein that is essential for the activation of a subset of mesodermal markers in the Xenopus embryo. RNA sequencing revealed that many transcriptional targets of Pnhd are shared with those of the FGF pathway. Pnhd activity was accompanied by Erk phosphorylation and required FGF and Nodal but not Wnt signaling. We propose that during gastrulation Pnhd acts in the marginal zone to contribute to mesoderm heterogeneity via an FGF receptor-dependent positive feedback mechanism. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Lt

    Frodo Links Dishevelled to the p120-Catenin/Kaiso Pathway: Distinct Catenin Subfamilies Promote Wnt Signals

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    Summaryp120-catenin is an Arm repeat protein that interacts with varied components such as cadherin, small G proteins, kinases, and the Kaiso transcriptional repressor. Despite recent advances in understanding the roles that p120-catenin and Kaiso play in downstream modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, the identity of the upstream regulators of the p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway have remained unclear. Here, we find that p120-catenin binds Frodo, which itself interacts with the Wnt pathway protein Dishevelled (Dsh). In Xenopus laevis, we demonstrate that Wnt signals result in Frodo-mediated stabilization of p120-catenin, which, in turn, promotes Kaiso sequestration or removal from the nucleus. Our results point to Dsh and Frodo as upstream regulators of the p120-catenin/Kaiso signaling pathway. Importantly, this suggests that Wnt signals acting through Dsh regulate the stability of p120-catenin in addition to that of β-catenin, and that each catenin promotes its respective signal in parallel to regulate distinct, as well as shared, direct downstream gene targets

    Strabismus regulates asymmetric cell divisions and cell fate determination in the mouse brain

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    The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway organizes the cytoskeleton and polarizes cells within embryonic tissue. We investigate the relationship between PCP signaling and cell fate determination during asymmetric division of neural progenitors (NPs) in mouse embryos. The cortex of Lp/Lp (Loop-tail) mice deficient in the essential PCP mediator Vangl2, homologue of Drosophila melanogaster Strabismus (Stbm), revealed precocious differentiation of neural progenitors into early-born neurons at the expense of late-born neurons and glia. Although Lp/Lp NPs were easily maintained in vitro, they showed premature differentiation and loss of asymmetric distribution of Leu-Gly-Asn–enriched protein (LGN)/partner of inscuteable (Pins), a regulator of mitotic spindle orientation. Furthermore, we observed a decreased frequency in asymmetric distribution of the LGN target nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMa) in Lp/Lp cortical progenitors in vivo. This was accompanied by an increase in the number of vertical cleavage planes typically associated with equal daughter cell identities. These findings suggest that Stbm/Vangl2 functions to maintain cortical progenitors and regulates mitotic spindle orientation during asymmetric divisions in the vertebrate brain

    Identification of Nedd4 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase as a Binding Partner and Regulator of MAK-V Protein Kinase

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    MAK-V/Hunk is a scantily characterized AMPK-like protein kinase. Recent findings identified MAK-V as a pro-survival and anti-apoptotic protein and revealed its role in embryonic development as well as in tumorigenesis and metastasis. However molecular mechanisms of MAK-V action and regulation of its activity remain largely unknown. We identified Nedd4 as an interaction partner for MAK-V protein kinase. However, this HECT-type E3 ubiquitin ligase is not involved in the control of MAK-V degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system that regulates MAK-V abundance in cells. However, Nedd4 in an ubiquitin ligase-independent manner rescued developmental defects in Xenopus embryos induced by MAK-V overexpression, suggesting physiological relevance of interaction between MAK-V and Nedd4. This identifies Nedd4 as the first known regulator of MAK-V function

    Expression cloning of camelid nanobodies specific for Xenopus embryonic antigens.

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    Developmental biology relies heavily on the use of conventional antibodies, but their production and maintenance involves significant effort. Here we use an expression cloning approach to identify variable regions of llama single domain antibodies (known as nanobodies), which recognize specific embryonic antigens. A nanobody cDNA library was prepared from lymphocytes of a llama immunized with Xenopus embryo lysates. Pools of bacterially expressed cDNAs were sib-selected for the ability to produce specific staining patterns in gastrula embryos. Three different nanobodies were isolated: NbP1 and NbP3 stained yolk granules, while the reactivity of NbP7 was predominantly restricted to the cytoplasm and the cortex. The isolated nanobodies recognized specific protein bands in immunoblot analysis. A reverse proteomic approach identified NbP1 target antigen as EP45/Seryp, a serine protease inhibitor. Given the unique stability of nanobodies and the ease of their expression in diverse systems, we propose that nanobody cDNA libraries represent a promising resource for molecular markers for developmental biology