17 research outputs found

    Workloads and emotional factors derived from the transition towards online and/or hybrid teaching among postgraduate professors: review of the lessons learned

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    The objective of the present study was to discover which tasks resulted in a higher work- 12 load, leading to a higher anxiety of postgraduate professors at different Ibero-American universities, 13 when dealing with the transition from face-to-face teaching to a virtual one. A questionnaire was 14 constructed that was completed by 125 professors once validated. The results showed that with 15 respect to tasks that required a higher workload, the professors had to re-think methodological 16 strategies and activities, correct the student' work, provide tutoring, and search for materials. As for 17 the degree of anxiety, it was higher given the increased number of hours in front of the computer, 18 the lack of immediate feedback from the students, and the feeling of not reaching all the students, 19 having to look for activities to invigorate the online classes, preparing more materials, and the as- 20 sessment tasks. The results were the same irrespective of the university so that we can conclude that 21 this reality was globalized, and the workload and anxiety were replicated in different contexts. It is 22 therefore necessary to implement formative proposals that help manage online or hybrid teaching, 23 beyond the mere transfer of the face-to-face teaching models to virtual ones.This research was funded by UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA—COOPERATION PROJECTS IN TEACHING, RESEARCH AND TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE, approved by the Governing Council of the University of Lleida on 18 June 2020. Funding number X20024

    A Review on Freshwater Pond Fish Farming in Cambodia

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    In addition to producing fish, freshwater fish pond farms preserve biodiversity, serve as important aquatic ecosystems, and enhance and maintain of the quality of the ecosystem, provide services for a range of recreational activities, are crucial to the management of water and landscape, and aid in the preservation of cultural heritage. the evaluation of reviews of the literature from all pertinent sources. Review findings indicated that high-value species are the most common fish farmed in Cambodia\u27s ponds and cages such as snakehead (Channa micropeltes, Channa striata), Pangasius catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and hybrid catfish (Clarias batrachus and C. gariepinus) and introduced fishes such as Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus), Chinese carps (silver, bighead and grass carp). The prospects of Cambodia\u27s aquaculture industry are called into question by these findings, as it is currently organized, to make a significant contribution to employment, food and nutrition security, and rural economic development. We propose actions to increase sector sustainability and contribute to desired development outcome

    Degradation of the mediterranean type of vegetation in central Chile

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    The Authors report a series of observations on the causes of the degradation of Mediterranean vegetation-type in central Chile and on the dynamics of its regression, either beginning from climax or metaclimax formations. They mention some comparison between Chilean, Mediterranean and Californian vegetation. The new following phytosociological syntaxa are proposed : Colliguayion odoriferae All. nov. and Colliguayetalia odoriferae Ord. nov.Gli Autori fanno una serie di osservazioni sulle cause della degradazione della vegetazione di tipo mediterraneo del Cile centrale e sulla dinamica della evoluzione regressiva sia a partire da formazioni climax sia da metaclimax. Essi accennano poi a qualche confronto tra la vegetazione cilena, quella mediterranea e quella californiana. Con la descrizione fitosociologica della vegetazione vengono proposte i seguenti nuovi syntaxa : Colliguayion odoriferae All. nov. e Colliguayetalia odoriferae Ord. nov.Les Auteurs font une série d'observations sur les causes de dégradation de la végétation méditerranéenne du Chili central et sur la dynamique de la régression de la végétation, à commencer soit par les formations climax, soit par les métaclimax. Ils indiquent les corrélations qui existent entre la végétation chilienne, la méditerranéenne et celle de la Californie. Enfin ils proposent les nouveaux syntaxa phytosociologiques : Colliguayion odoriferae All. nov. et Colliguayetalia odoriferae Ord. nov.Los Autores indican una série de observaciones cerca las causas de la degradación de la vegetación de tipo mediterraneo del Chile central y cerca la dinamica de su regreso, sea comenzando de las formaciones clímax como de las de metaclimax. Ellos hacen un paralelo entre la vegetación chilena, aquella mediterranea y la de la California. Con la descripción fitosociologica de la vegetación ellos proponen los siguientes nuevos syntaxa : Colliguayion odoriferae All. nov. y Colliguayetalia odoriferae Ord. nov.Balduzzi Alberto, Tomaselli Ruggero, Serey I., Villaseñor R. Degradation of the mediterranean type of vegetation in central Chile. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 8 n°1-2, 1982. Définition et localisation des écosystèmes méditerranéens terrestres / Definition and localization of terrestrian Mediterranean biota. Saint-Maximin (France) 16-20/11/81. pp. 223-240