74 research outputs found

    Dosimetric comparison of 3-dimensional conformal technique, intensity-modulated, volumetric arc modulation, and helical tomotherapy with radixact in patients with breast cancer

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    OBJECTIVE Adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) has been used often at breast cancer treatment. RT techniques differ from each other in terms of accessibility and applicability. We aimed to compare the dosimetric evaluations of four modern RT techniques through ten breast cancer patients that had been treated previously with intensity-modulated RT (IMRT) technique. METHODS A single-center dosimetric study was performed based on treatment plannings of left-sided breast cancer patients. The patient’s images, simulated at computed tomography with deep inspiration breath hold technique between March and June 2023, were used. Four different techniques, field-in-field (FinF), dynamic IMRT (dIMRT), volumetric modulated arc treatment (VMAT), and helical therapy (HT) were created on each patient image. Conformal index (CI) and homogeneity index (HI) were calculated. Mean doses of heart, contralateral breast, volume of doses 5 Grey (Gy) (V5) and 10 Gy (V10) of left lung and total lungs were also calculated for each plan and the descripted and comparisons analysis was performed. RESULTS The better results of CI and HI were reported with dIMRT, VMAT, and HT techniques. However, these approaches were expected with increased percentage of lower doses at organs at risk (OAR). The lowest of V5 of left and total lungs, mean heart, and contralateral breast doses were achieved with FinF tech-niques, HT values were observed similar to FinF by these factors at OAR. Particularly, the lowest V20 value was demonstrated at HT techniques. CONCLUSION Adjuvant RT techniques at breast cancer still carry controversial subtitles. New technologic improvements might be indispensable and treatment plannings should be based on the individual properties of patients

    MRI of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients: comparison with CT

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    PURPOSE:Pneumonia is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in immunocompromised patients. Computed tomography (CT) is the most sensitive imaging modality for the diagnosis and surveillance of these patients. Since CT exposes the patient to ionizing radiation, we investigated the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis and surveillance of immunocompromised patients with pneumonia.METHODS:The study included 40 immunocompromised patients with pneumonia documented on CT. The patients were examined by MRI within 48 hours of CT examination. All images were obtained with three different sequences: balanced fast field echo, T1-weighted turbo spin-echo (TSE), and T2-weighted TSE. Lung abnormalities were evaluated using CT and MRI.RESULTS:Infection was determined in 36 patients (90%), while the causative organism remained unknown in four patients (10%). In all the patients, the CT findings were consistent with infection, although three patients showed no abnormal findings on MRI. CT was superior to MRI in the detection of the tree-in-bud nodules, centrilobular nodules, and halo sign (P 20 mm nodules (к=0.844, P < 0.001).CONCLUSION:Although CT is superior to MRI in the diagnosis of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients, MRI is an important imaging modality that can be used, particularly in the follow-up of these patients, thus decreasing to avoid ionizing radiation exposure

    Dobrava Hantavirus Infection Complicated by Panhypopituitarism, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010

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    We identified Dobrava-Belgrade virus infection in Turkey (from a strain related to hantavirus strains from nearby countries) in a patient who had severe symptoms leading to panhypopituitarism, but no known risk for hantavirus. Our findings emphasize the need for increased awareness of hantaviruses in the region and assessment of symptomatic persons without known risk factors for infection

    Tüketim Kültüründe Kadın Bedeninin İdealize Edilmesine Yönelik Kadın Algılamaları ve Tüketim Davranışlarıyla İlişkisi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketim kültüründe kadın bedeninin idealize edilmesine yönelik kadın algılamalarınıtespit etmek ve bu algılamaların tüketim ile ilgili kendi davranışve tutumlarına nasıl yansıdığınıortaya koymaktır. Araştırma için Balıkesir il merkezinde toplamda 422 kadın katılımcıya anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre araştırmaya katılan kadınlar, içinde bulunduğu tüketim kültürü unsurlarının daha zayıf beden yapısınıdayattığıya da özendirdiği yönündeki ifadelere önemli ölçüde katılmaktadır. Ancak bu beden yapısına kavuşmaya ya da sahip olduklarıideal beden yapısınımuhafaza etmeye yönelik tutum ve tüketimle ilgili davranışlara aynıölçüde sahip değillerdir. Buna rağmen, söz konusu algılamalar ile, ilgili tutum ve tüketim davranışlarıarasında pozitif yönlü, anlamlıbir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca gelir düzeyi dışında, demografik faktörler itibari ile araştırma ölçeğini oluşturan pek çok ifadede anlamlıdüzeyde farklılıklar gözlenmiştir

    A Research on Social Capital and Social Media: Democracy and Citizenship

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye'deki sosyal bilim alanlarında eğitim almakta olan üniversite öğrencilerinin sahip olduğu sosyal sermaye birikimi ile sosyal medya kullanımları ve demokratik vatandaşlık davranışları arasında ilişkilerin ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Araştırma nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgu bilim ile desenlemiştir. Araştırmanın verileri 2015-2016 Bahar döneminde çeşitli devlet üniversitelerinde, sosyal bilim alanında eğitim almakta olan 11 öğrenciyle gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerle toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizine tabii tutulmuştur. Yapılan analizler sonucunda sosyal sermaye, sosyal medya, demokrasi ve bilgi kaynakları olmak üzere dört ana tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Öğrencilerin kaynaştırıcı ve bağlayıcı olmak üzere iki çeşit sosyal sermaye sahip oldukları, sosyal medyayı ağ kurma, araştırma, siyasal grup oluşturma ve eğlence amaçlı kullandıkları görülmektedir. Herhangi bir bilgiye ihtiyaçları olduğunda ise bilimsel bilgi, sosyal medyadan edindikleri bilgi, otoriteye ve tecrübeye dayalı bilgileri kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca demokrasiye yönelik görüşleri de onları algıları, vatandaşlık özellikleri ve demokratik sistem kurumlarına karşı duydukları güven olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between social capital, social media use and democratic citizenship behaviors of university students studying at social science department at different Turkish state universities. The research employs a qualitative approach. The data were collected during 2015-2016 spring semester. 11 students were involved in semi-structured interviews. The students at the time of the study were studying social sciences departments of different state universities in Turkey. Data was subjected to content analysis. There were four categories after data analysis; social capital, social media, democracy and sources of information. Analysis shows that students have both bonding and bridging social capital. They use social media for networking, research, interact with political groups and fun. When they need any kind of information they use social media, scientific resources, authority and their own life experiences. Their opinions towards democracy is categorized as their perception of democracy, trust in democratic institutions and their citizenship features