51 research outputs found

    Programa de prevención de alteraciones alimentarias y obesidad en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la viabilidad y aceptación de un programa preventivo de alteraciones alimentarias y obesidad, llamado “StopOBEyTA” con 45 estudiantes universitarios mexicanos. El grupo experimental recibió una intervención de ocho sesiones, dirigida a promocionar los hábitos alimentarios saludables e imagen positiva. El grupo control se dividió en dos subgrupos, uno recibió ocho sesiones dirigidas a mejorar los hábitos de estudio y el otro no recibió intervención. Una batería de cuestionarios fueron completados pre, posintervención y en el seguimiento. Al finalizar el programa, se produjo una reducción en los conductas alimentarias no saludables, una mejora de la autoestima y mayor satisfacción corporal, hubo un descenso en el nivel de perfeccionismo y nivel global de psicopatología en el grupo experimental comparado con los otros dos grupos. Estos cambios se mantuvieron a los tres meses. El programa fue altamente valorado por los participantes, expresaron estar satisfechos y haber aprendido nuevas herramientas para su vida cotidiana. La intervención promete beneficios para la prevención de estas problemáticas, pero requiere replicación con muestras más ampliasThe aim of this study was to examine feasibility and acceptability of a disordered eating and obesity prevention program called “StopOBEyTA” among Mexican university students. A pilot study pre/post-intervention and follow-up with a two-control group was conducted with 45 university students. The experimental group received an intervention of eight sessions, aimed at promoting healthy eating habits and positive body image. The control group was divided, one half of the group received eight sessions directed to improve learning skills, and the other half did not receive any intervention. A battery of questionnaires was completed pre, post-intervention and at three months followup. There was a reduction of unhealthy eating behaviors, improved self-esteem and body satisfaction, perfectionism, and overall levels of psychopathology were reduced in the experimental group compared to the other two groups. These changes were maintained at three months follow-up. The program was highly valued by the participants, who expressed their satisfaction and learned new tools for daily life. This intervention promises benefits to prevent these types of pathology, although a replication of results with larger samples is neededEste trabajo fue posible gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (A.R.S., contrato Ramón y Cajal RYC-2009-05092

    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in eating disorders: a multicentre collaborative international study

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    The COVID-19 lockdown has had a significant impact on mental health. Patients with eating disorders (ED) have been particularly vulnerable. Aims. (1) To explore changes in eating-related symptoms and general psychopathology during lockdown in patients with an ED from various European and Asian countries; and (2) to assess differences related to diagnostic ED subtypes, age, and geography. Methods. The sample comprised 829 participants, diagnosed with an ED according to DSM-5 criteria from specialized ED units in Europe and Asia. Participants were assessed using the COVID-19 Isolation Scale (CIES). Results. Patients with binge eating disorder (BED) experienced the highest impact on weight and ED symptoms in comparison with other ED subtypes during lockdown, whereas individuals with other specified feeding and eating disorders (OFSED) had greater deterioration in general psychological functioning than subjects with other ED subtypes. Finally, Asian and younger individuals appeared to be more resilient. Conclusions. The psychopathological changes in ED patients during the COVID-19 lockdown varied by cultural context and individual variation in age and ED diagnosis. Clinical services may need to target preventive measures and adapt therapeutic approaches for the most vulnerable patientsFondo Investigación Sanitario-FIS, Grant/Award Numbers: FIS, INT19/00046, PI17/01167; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: PSI2015-68701-R; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology grant, Grant/Award Number: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028145; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología; Generalitat de Catalunya; European Regional Development Fun

    The relationship between dysfunctional family patterns and symptom severity among adolescent patients with eating disorders: a gender-specific approach

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Women & Health on 2016, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/03630242.2015.1118728The objective of the authors in this study was to identify factors related to dysfunctional family functioning that may be associated with the severity of symptoms among adolescent patients with an eating disorder (ED) at first-contact care. A total of forty-eight mothers and forty-five fathers of fifty patients with EDs were recruited from an ED unit in Madrid, Spain, between October 2011 and July 2012. Parents completed self-report assessments related to family functioning and psychological wellbeing. Patients went through clinical interviews and completed a self-report questionnaire assessing symptom severity. Compared to fathers, mothers showed higher levels of anxiety and emotional over-involvement and perceived to a greater degree the positive and negative aspects of their experience as caregivers. Regarding the relationship between family functioning and symptom severity, mothers’ perceptions of their family relationships as enmeshed and less adaptive, along with anxiety, accounted for 39% of variance in the severity of ED symptoms. Anxiety and symptom accommodation by the fathers accounted for 27% of variance in the symptom severity. Interventions that help parents to cope with their caregiving role should target behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects of their functioning and be gender-specific, to improve the outcome of ED in patient

    Psychiatric comorbidity and maternal distress among adolescent eating disorder patients: a comparison with substance use disorder patients

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    High rates of comorbidity are found among eating disorder (ED) patients, which may negatively affect treatment outcome and prognosis. However, there is a shortage of studies in Spain using clinician administered interviews to assess rates of comorbidity among these patients, particularly in adolescents. This study aimed to evaluate Axis I psychiatric diagnoses in adolescent patients with an ED and to compare them with patients with a distinct disorder with adolescent onset, substance use disorder (SUD) patients. Considering that maternal psychological distress is another factor involved in ED prognosis, a secondary aim was to examine the relationship between patient's psychological variables and maternal distress (depression and anxiety). The cross-sectional study included 50 ED patients, 48 SUD patients, and their mothers. More than half of the patients received a diagnosis for a comorbid disorder. Internalizing problems were more common among EDs and externalizing disorders were the most common comorbidities among SUDs, similar to findings from other countries. Maternal distress was associated with higher levels of depression and symptom severity in patients. No differences in distress were found between mothers of patients with a comorbid diagnosis and those without. Elevated anxiety or depression in mothers did not increase the likelihood of patients having a particular primary diagnosis. In short, while both ED and SUD patients presented high rates of comorbidity, the types of comorbid diagnoses were specific to each group. Assessing for the presence of comorbid disorders and targeting maternal psychological distress may guide treatment interventions and improve patient prognosisDr. Sepulveda has a postdoctoral Ramon and Cajal scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2009-05092) as well as a project funded from the same Ministry (PSI2011-23127). Dr. Anastasiadou was awarded with a Research Fellowship for students of PhD Programmes distinguished with Mention of Excellence. Dr. Graell is a member of the Spanish Psychiatric Research Network (CIBERSAM

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario Obsesivo de Leyton para Niños Versión Corta en una muestra comunitaria de niños y adolescentes

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    The aim of the current study was to analyze psychometric properties of the Short LOI-CV in Spanish community sample. Participants were 914 children and adolescents with mean age of 13.01 years (51.3% males). An EFA yielded a three-factor model representing Obsessions, Compulsions, and Cleanliness dimensions. Both, total score and subscales showed an adequate internal consistency. The Spanish version also exhibited good test-retest reliability and moderate convergent and discriminant validity. The younger participants (from 8 to 10 years) obtained higher means for total score and subscales than older participants (groups 11-13 and 14-18 years). Significant differences related to gender were also observed since males obtained higher means in Compulsions subscale. Despite more research is required, the Spanish version of the Short LOI-CV exhibited promising psychometric results to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms in community population.El objetivo de este estudio fueanalizar las propiedades psicométricas del ShortLOI-CVen unamuestra españolacomunitaria.Los participantes fueron 914 niñosyadolescentescon edad mediade13.01años (varones =51.3%).ElAFE mostróun modelo de tresfactores compuesto por los dominios Obsesiones, CompulsionesyLimpieza. Tanto lapuntuación total comolas subescalas mostraron una adecuadaconsistenciainterna.Laversión española mostróbuena fiabilidad test-retestymoderada validezconvergenteydiscriminante.Los participantes más jóvenes (8a10 años) obtuvieron medias más altasquela escala Totalydistintas subescalas quelos mayores (grupo de11-13yde 14-18años). Se encontraron también diferencias significativas respecto al sexo, siendo losvarones los que mayoresmedias mostraron en laescala de compulsiones.Pese aqueesnecesariamás investigación, estos resultados sugirieron que la versión en español del ShortLOI-CV mostróun buen rendimiento psicométricos para evaluar los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivosen niñosyadolescentesen población comunitari

    Family functioning and quality of life among families in eating disorders: a comparison with substance-related disorders and healthy controls

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: European Eating Disorders Review 24.4 (2016): 294-303, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/erv.2440. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingThe aim of this study was to compare the family functioning of Spanish parents of patients with an eating disorder (ED) with that of carers of patients with substance-related disorders (SRDs) and families of healthy controls (HC). This cross-sectional study included 48 mothers and 45 fathers of 48 adolescent patients with an ED, 47 mothers and 37 fathers of 47 patients with an SRD and 66 mothers and 50 fathers of 68 HCs. Families of ED patients reported lower levels of criticism, symptom accommodation and negative caregiving experience than families of SRD patients. However, relatives of both ED and SRD patients reported similar levels of quality of life related to their mental health. Furthermore, families of HCs generally exhibited better scores on all scales assessing their caregiving experiences. Regarding gender differences, there was a tendency in mothers, primarily those from the ED group, to report more adverse experiences as caregivers compared with fathers. Symptoms characteristic to each disorder may be associated with differential patterns of family functioning and may require specifically tailored family interventions. Early family intervention in adolescence is crucial, as relatives' quality of life does not seem to have been badly affected at this point in the course of the illnessDr Sepulveda has a post-doctoral Ramon and Cajal scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2009-05092) as well as a project funding from the same Ministry (PSI2011-23127). Dr Anastasiadou was awarded with a Research Fellowship for students of PhD Programmes distinguished with Mention of Excellenc

    Examining associations between obesity and mental health disorders from childhood to adolescence: A case-control prospective study

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    Childhood obesity and mental disorders often co-exist. To date, most of the studies are cross-sectional, involve the assessment of a specific disorder, and rely on self-report questionnaires. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive psychological assessment to examine the concurrent and prospective association between childhood obesity and mental health problems. We compared 34 children with obesity with 37 children with normal weight at baseline, and at a five-year follow-up, to examine the development of mental health disorders from childhood (8–12 years) to adolescence (13–18 years). Both assessments included a clinical interview and self-reported measures of psychosocial and family markers. Findings showed that the obesity group had a higher prevalence of mental disorders, and psychological comorbidity increased in five years. Prospectively, childhood obesity was associated with a psychological diagnosis in adolescence. Moreover, the obesity group displayed higher severity of symptoms at both times. Finally, body esteem contributed to predicting mental health disorders in adolescence regardless of weight status, while eating symptomatology was a specific marker for the obesity group. Therefore, in the management of childhood obesity is suggested to address also psychosocial variables such as weight-related teasing and body esteem, to prevent the onset or development of mental health problem

    Validación española del Family Questionnaire (FQ) en familias de pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Family Questionnaire (FQ) and to further examine the differences between mothers´ and fathers´ emotional response to an eating disorder (ED). Method: A total of 382 carers of patients with an ED participated in the study, with ages ranging from forty to fi fty-three years old. Results: The use of confi rmatory factor analysis according to gender supported both factor models of the FQ, with only minor differences in comparison to the original study performed in 2002 by Wiedemann and collegues. The internal consistency of the Spanish version of the FQ was good. Mothers displayed signifi cantly higher levels of emotional over-involvement than fathers, while gender differences in critical comments were nonsignifi cant. The correlation of the two subscales of the FQ with a conceptually related measure (Expressed Emotion) and two unrelated ones (negative caregiving experience, distress) supports the convergent and concurrent validity of the instrument in both samples. Conclusions: The FQ has adequate psychometric properties and may be of value in assessing the impact of ED symptoms on the family environment. Finally, interventions that aim to reduce Expressed Emotion in carers may consider a gender-specifi c approachEl objetivo del estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Family Questionnaire (FQ) y examinar diferencias en la respuesta emocional de madres y padres ante un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Método: 382 cuidadores de pacientes con un TCA participaron en el estudio, con edades comprendidas entre 40 y 53 años. Resultados: los resultados del análisis factorial confirrmatorio según género apoyaron ambas estructuras factoriales del FQ, con solo pequeñas diferencias en comparación con el trabajo original realizado en 2002 por Wiedemann y colaboradores. La versión española del FQ presentó buena consistencia interna. Las madres puntuaron significativamente más alto en sobreimplicación emocional que los padres, mientras que las diferencias de género en comentarios críticos no eran significativas. La correlación de las subescalas del FQ con una medida conceptualmente equivalente (Emoción Expresada) y dos medidas no equivalentes (experiencia negativa del cuidador, ansiedad) apoyaron la validez convergente y concurrente del instrumento para ambas muestras. Conclusiones: el FQ tiene adecuadas propiedades psicométricas y puede ser útil para evaluar el impacto de los síntomas del TCA en el entorno familiar. Sería recomendable que las intervenciones familiares destinadas a reducir los niveles de Emoción Expresada tuvieran en cuenta una perspectiva de géneroDr. Sepúlveda has a postdoctoral Ramón and Cajal scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2009-05092) as well as a project funding from the same Ministry (PSI2011-23127

    Spanish validation of two social media appearance-related constructs associated with disordered eating in adolescents: The Appearance-related Social Media Consciousness scale (ASMC) and the Critical Thinking about Media Messages scale (CTMM)

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    Appearance-related constructs underlying social media are negatively associated with mental health. However, their impact on the Spanish population is still unexplored. The present study aimed to validate the Spanish versions of two appearance-related scales: (1) the appearance-related social media consciousness (ASMC) scale; and (2) the critical thinking about media messages (CTMM) scale. Translation and cultural adaptation of the scales were carried out. The scales’ psychometric properties were assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, measurement invariance across gender (boys vs. girls) and age groups (early adolescents vs. middle adolescents), internal consistency, and convergent validity. The sample included 803 Spanish secondary school adolescents aged between 12 and 18 (Mage = 15.1, 47.9% girls, 47.2% boys, 4.9% non-binary gender/others). The exploratory factor analyses replicated original one-factor structures of both scales, which was verified using confirmatory factor analysis. Regarding the ASMC Scale, a re-specified model (allowing for error correlations between Items 1–2) presented an adequate fit. Both models were invariant across gender and age groups. Excellent internal consistency was found. Bivariate correlations between the ASMC and eating disorders related variables (body esteem, disordered eating, self-esteem, sociocultural attitudes towards appearance, and general mental health) supported its convergent validity and proved ASMC to be a potential target for future preventive eating disorder interventions. However, the CTMM scale correlated only with sociocultural pressures, thus, further research is needed to assess the validity of the CTMM in Spanish sample

    Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV) in a Spanish community sample of children and adolescents

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    There is a growing interest in designing instruments to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children. The Obsessive- Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV) has showed to be a valid in the evaluation of OCD in clinical and nonclinical populations. The main goal in this study was to analyze factor structure and psychometric properties of the OCI-CV in a community Spanish sample. Method: Data were collected from 914 children/adolescents with a mean age of 13.01 (SD = 1.96; Males = 51.3%). Exploratory factor analysis was carried out in order to study the internal structure of the OCI-CV Spanish version. Further, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity of the total score and the factors obtained were examined. Finally, age and gender differences were also explored. Results: Exploratory factor analysis yielded a similar structure to the original OCI-CV with the following six factors: Washing/Checking, Obsession, Ordering, Doubting, Neutralizing, and Hoarding. The internal consistency was strong for the total score, but moderate for the subscales. The Spanish version of the OCI-CV showed evidences of test-retest reliability and convergent and discriminant validity. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the OCI-CV is an instrument with adequate psychometric properties to assess obsessions and compulsions in Spanish children/adolescents.Psicologí