24 research outputs found

    Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive and introduced populations influences invasion success

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    Aim: Humans influence species distributions by modifying the environment and by dispersing species beyond their natural ranges. Populations of species that have established in disjunct regions of the world may exhibit trait differentiation from native populations due to founder effects and adaptations to selection pressures in each distributional region. We compared multiple native, expansive and introduced populations of a single species across the world, considering the influence of environmental stressors and transgenerational effects. Location: United States Gulf and Atlantic coasts, United States interior, European Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, east coast of Australia. Taxon: Baccharis halimifolia L. (eastern baccharis). Methods: We monitored seed germination, seedling emergence, survival and early growth in a common garden experiment, conducted with over 18,200 seeds from 80 populations. We also evaluated the influence of environmental stress and maternal traits on progeny performance. Results: Introduced European Atlantic populations had faster germination and early growth than native populations. However, this was not the case for the more recently naturalized European Mediterranean populations. Introduced Australian populations grew faster than native populations in non-saline environments but had lower survival in saline conditions commonly encountered in the native range. Similarly, expansive inland US populations germinated faster than coastal native populations in non-saline environments but grew and germinated more slowly in saline environments. Maternal inflorescence and plant size were positively related with seed germination and seedling survival, whereas flower abundance was positively correlated with seedling early growth and survival. However, maternal traits explained a much lower fraction of the total variation in early demographic stages of B. halimifolia than did distributional range. Main conclusions: Phenotypic differentiation could allow B. halimifolia to adapt to different biotic and abiotic selection pressures found in each distributional range, potentially contributing to its success in introduced and expansive ranges

    Balanç de la temporada gripal 2017-2018 a Catalunya

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    Grip estacional; Virus respiratoris; EpidèmiesSeasonal flu; Respiratory viruses; EpidemicsGripe estacional; Virus respiratorios; EpidemiasIntroducció. El Pla d’informació Diària de les infeccions respiratòries agudes a Catalunya (PIDIRAC) engloba la vigilància dels virus respiratoris que circulen durant la temporada de grip estacional amb indicadors virològics i de morbimortalitat. L’objectiu de l’estudi és descriure les característiques clíniques, epidemiològiques i virològiques de la temporada de grip estacional 2017-2018. Mètode. La mostra consta dels casos reportats per la xarxa sentinella PIDIRAC de l’atenció primària i hospitalària durant la temporada 2017-2018. La tècnica de confirmació emprada ha estat la PCR i/o l’aïllament viral en cultiu cel·lular a partir de mostra respiratòria. Resultats. La taxa d’incidència acumulada d’aquesta temporada ha estat de 2295,27 casos per 100.000 habitants, i la taxa més elevada s’ha localitzat en el grup d’edat de 0-4 anys (6.921,96 x 105 h.). El pic d’incidència de 413,3 per 100.000 habitants es va donar la setmana 3. Es van registrar un total de 1.306 casos greus hospitalitzats confirmats de grip (CGHCG), dels quals un 17,9% van requerir ingrés a l’UCI i un 13,4% van ser exitus. La mitjana d’edat dels CGHCG va ser de 75,2 anys (DE: 26,7 anys) i el 65,5%, de majors de 64 anys. Un 70,8% no estaven vacunats; un 91,3% van rebre tractament antiviral. Pel que fa a l’inici del tractament, en el 84% dels casos es va iniciar abans de 48 hores de l’ingrés hospitalari i en el 40,8% dels casos, abans de 48 hores posteriors a l’inici de símptomes, respectivament. En el 60,3% dels casos es va identificar virus de la grip B –llinatge Yamagata– i en el 39,7%, de la grip A –el 54,6% d’A(H1N1)pdm09 i el 45,4% d’A(H3N2) dels subtipats. Conclusions. La temporada 2017-2018 ha estat una temporada d’intensitat moderada-alta, amb un increment del nombre de CGHCG malgrat que la letalitat s’ha mantingut a nivells similars a altres temporades. El virus circulant predominant ha estat el virus de la grip B –llinatge Yamagata– i, en la segona meitat de la temporada, s’ha observat un increment de circulació de virus A –tant d’H1N1pdm09 com d’H3N2–, que ha provocat un allargament de la durada de l’onada epidèmica.Introducción. El Plan de información Diaria de las infecciones respiratorias agudas en Cataluña (PIDIRAC) engloba la vigilancia de los virus respiratorios que circulan durante la temporada de gripe estacional con indicadores virológicos y de morbimortalidad. El objetivo del estudio es describir las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y virológicas de la temporada de gripe estacional 2017-2018. Método. Registro de los casos reportados por la red centinela PIDIRAC de la atención primaria y hospitalaria durante la temporada 2017-2018. La técnica de confirmación utilizada ha sido la PCR y/o el aislamiento viral en cultivo celular a partir de muestra respiratoria. Resultados. La tasa de incidencia acumulada de esta temporada ha sido de 2295,27 casos por 100.000 habitantes, siendo la tasa más elevada en el grupo de edad de 0-4 años (6.921,96 x 105 h.). El pico de incidencia (413,3 x 105 h.) fue la semana 3. Se registraron un total de 1.306 casos graves hospitalizados confirmados de gripe (CGHCG), de los cuales un 18% requirieron ingreso en UCI y un 13,4% fueron exitus. La media de edad de los CGHCG fue de 75,2 años (DE: 26,7 años) y el 65,5%, de mayores de 64 años. Un 70,8% no estaban vacunados; un 91,3% recibieron tratamiento antiviral, en el 84% y el 40,8% de los casos antes de 48 horas de ingreso y de inicio de síntomas, respectivamente. En el 60,3% de los casos se identificó el virus de la gripe B –linaje Yamagata– y en el 39,7%, de la gripe A –el 54,6% de A(H1N1)pdm09 y el 45,4% de A(H3N2) de los subtipados. Conclusiones. La temporada 2017-2018 ha sido una temporada de intensidad moderada-alta, con un incremento del número de CGHCG aunque la letalidad se ha mantenido a niveles similares a otras temporadas. El virus circulante predominante ha sido el virus de la gripe B –linaje Yamagata– y, en la segunda mitad de la temporada, se observó un incremento de circulación de virus A –tanto de H1N1pdm09 como de H3N2–, provocando un alargamiento de la duración de la ola epidémica.Background. The Daily Information Plan for Acute Respiratory Infections in Catalonia (PIDIRAC) encompasses the surveillance of respiratory viruses that circulate during the flu season with virological and morbidity and mortality indicators. The objective of the study is to portray the clinical, epidemiological and virological features of the 2017-2018 influenza season. Methods: The sample consists of cases reported by PIDIRAC’s sentinel network of primary and hospital care during the 2017-2018 influenza season. The confirmation technique used was PCR and/or viral isolation in cell culture from respiratory sample. Results: Cumulative incidence rate for this season was of 2,295.27 cases × 100,000 inhabitants, being the highest rate in 0-4 years (6,921.96 x 105 h.). Peak incidence (413.3 × 100,000 h) was achieved on week 3. A total of 1,298 severe confirmed influenza hospitalized cases (SCIHC) were reported, of which 18% required admission to ICU and 12.2% were exitus. The mean of age of SCIHC was 75.2 years (SD: 26.7 years), 65.5% were older than 64 years. 70.8% were not vaccinated; 91.3% received antiviral treatment, in 84% and 40.8% of cases before 48 hours of admission and of beginning of symptoms, respectively. 60.3% of the cases identified influenza virus B –Yamagata lineage– and 39.7% virus A –54.6% AH1N1pdm09 and 45.4% AH3N2 in those subtyped. Conclusions: The 2017-2018 influenza season was of moderatehigh intensity with an increase in the number of SCIHC even though mortality was at similar level as in previous seasons. The predominant virus was influenza B, lineage Yamagata and in the second half of the season an increase in the circulation of virus A –both H1N1pdm09 and H3N2– extending the duration of the epidemic wave

    Parental breeding age effects on descendants' longevity interact over 2 generations in matrilines and patrilines

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    Individuals within populations vary enormously in mortality risk and longevity, but the causes of this variation remain poorly understood. A potentially important and phylogenetically widespread source of such variation is maternal age at breeding, which typically has negative effects on offspring longevity. Here, we show that paternal age can affect offspring longevity as strongly as maternal age does and that breeding age effects can interact over 2 generations in both matrilines and patrilines. We manipulated maternal and paternal ages at breeding over 2 generations in the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis. To determine whether breeding age effects can be modulated by the environment, we also manipulated larval diet and male competitive environment in the first generation. We found separate and interactive effects of parental and grand-parental ages at breeding on descendants' mortality rate and life span in both matrilines and patrilines. These breeding age effects were not modulated by grand-parental larval diet quality or competitive environment. Our findings suggest that variation in maternal and paternal ages at breeding could contribute substantially to intrapopulation variation in mortality and longevity

    Space Trajectory Optimization Using Hidden Genes Genetic Algorithms

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