4,353 research outputs found

    A Java implementation of Coordination Rules as ECA Rules

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    This paper gives an insight in to the design and implementation of the coordination rules as ECA rules. The language specifications of the ECA rules were designed and the corresponding implementation of the same using JAVA as been partially done. The paper also hints about the future work in this area which deals with embedding this code in JXTA, thus enabling to form a P2P layer with JXTA as the back bone

    Role of placement in determination of service quality measurement of higher education in India

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    In this research paper the methodological development of a new model, namely SQM-HEI (Service Quality Measurement in Higher Education in India) for the measurement of service quality in higher educational institutions is developed. Three dimensions are arrived namely Teaching Methodology(TM), Environmental Change in Study Factor (ECSF) and Disciplinary Action(DA). The Placement is considered as the mediating factor for the outcome of education. For conducting an empirical study, data were collected from final year students of higher educational institutions across Tamilnadu. 1600 valid questionnaires were used for the analysis. The SQM-HEI captures the authentic determinants of service quality within the higher education sector. The developed 30-item instrument has been empirically tested with AMOS 7.0. The developed model is tested for Structural Equation Model and Bayesian estimation and testing. The SEM model output reveals that the RMSEA=0.049, GFI= 0.987 and NFI = 0.928. all the fit indices concludes the best fit of the model. The results from the current study are crucial because previous studies have produced scales that bear a resemblance to the generic measures of service quality, which may not be totally adequate to assess the perceived quality in higher education.SQM-HEI, Service Quality, Higher Education, India

    Optimizing the stake holder’s perspective on enhancing the service quality in health care

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    For the success of health care organizations, accurate measurement of health care service quality is as important as understanding the nature of the service delivery system. Without a valid measure, it would be difficult to establish and implement appropriate tactics or strategies for service quality management. Experts have struggled for decades to formulate a concise, meaningful and generally applicable definition of the quality of health care. However, the complexity and variability of many definitions are very confusing even to experts. Patients, service providers and other parties involved in the process of health care service delivery, understand and describe service quality in different ways. Different perspectives on health care quality lead to different expectations and different methods of quality measurement. Patients tend to evaluate health care quality according to the responsiveness to their specific needs. Most patients define quality as efforts of physicians to do everything possible for a patient. Patient’s expectations about the health care system may differ from those of health care professionals and managers. On the other hand, patients cannot evaluate many technical aspects of health care service quality. Physicians can provide a high level technical quality but still be rated low by patients because of the lack of humanity, responsiveness or satisfaction. For physicians and other health care providers measurement of service quality has typically been driven by medical outcomes. However, outcomes indicative of quality may differ for a patient and physician. Health care administrators often use managerial input measures such as the average number of nursing hours required for an outpatient surgery. This research paper aims to explore the ways and means towards optimizing the competing stake holders perspectives on enhancing the service quality in health care.Service quality; Healthcare; Optimization; India;

    Liouville numbers, Liouville sets and Liouville fields

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    Following earlier work by E.Maillet 100 years ago, we introduce the definition of a Liouville set, which extends the definition of a Liouville number. We also define a Liouville field, which is a field generated by a Liouville set. Any Liouville number belongs to a Liouville set S having the power of continuum and such that the union of S with the rational number field is a Liouville field.Comment: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, to appea

    Liouville Numbers and Schanuel's Conjecture

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    In this paper, using an argument of P. Erdos, K. Alniacik and E. Saias, we extend earlier results on Liouville numbers, due to P. Erdos, G.J. Rieger, W. Schwarz, K. Alniacik, E. Saias, E.B. Burger. We also produce new results of algebraic independence related with Liouville numbers and Schanuel's Conjecture, in the framework of G delta-subsets.Comment: Archiv der Math., to appea

    A perspective on toxicology of Conus venom peptides

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    Abstract The evolutionarily unique and ecologically diverse family Conidae presents fundamental opportunities for marine pharmacology research and drug discovery. The focus of this investigation is to summarize the worldwide distribution of Conus and their species diversity with special reference to the Indian coast. In addition, this study will contribute to understanding the structural properties of conotoxin and therapeutic application of Conus venom peptides. Cone snails can inject a mix of various conotoxins and these venoms are their major weapon for prey capture, and may also have other biological purposes, and some of these conotoxins fatal to humans. Conus venoms contain a remarkable diversity of pharmacologically active small peptides; their targets are an iron channel and receptors in the neuromuscular system. Interspecific divergence is pronounced in venom peptide genes, which is generally attributed to their species specific biotic interactions. There is a notable interspecific divergence observed in venom peptide genes, which can be justified as of biotic interactions that stipulate species peculiar habitat and ecology of cone snails. There are several conopeptides used in clinical trials and one peptide (Ziconotide) has received FDA approval for treatment of pain. This perspective provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution of cone shells and focus on the molecular approach in documenting their taxonomy and diversity with special reference to geographic distribution of Indian cone snails, structure and properties of conopeptide and their pharmacological targets and future directions
