666 research outputs found

    Simulations of deposition growth models in various dimensions. Are overhangs important?

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    We present simulation results of deposition growth of surfaces in 2, 3 and 4 dimensions for ballistic deposition where overhangs are present, and for restricted solid on solid deposition where there are no overhangs. The values of the scaling exponents for the two models are found to be different, suggesting that they belong to different universality classes.Comment: figures available from author

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi pada Karyawan Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru)

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    This study aimed to analyze the organizational culture and work environt and its employee jobsatisfaction.. organizational culture as a variable (X1), work environtas a variable (X2), and employee jobsatisfaction as a variable (Y). The method in this research is descriptive and quantitative using SPSS 16, wherein the samples used are employees of the is 95 done by census and data collection through questionnaires. The results of the analysis using the validity, reliability, determination test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression test, t test and F. It can be concluded that the organizational culture have a significant effect on employee jobsatifaction of the hotel mutiara merdeka ,pekanbaru work environt significantly influence employee jobsatisfaction of thehotel mutiara merdeka pekanbaru and organizational culture and, work environt significant employee jobsatisfaction the hotel mutiara merdeka pekanbaru

    Construction of a high-efficiency multi-site-directed mutagenesis

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    Although site-directed mutagenesis has been used in many fields, it still has low rate of success and high cost because of low-yield target products. A modified method for multi-site-directed mutagenesis was developed with shifted primer design and cold-start polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The developed method was successfully applied to hexapeptide gene synthesis and recombinant enterokinase gene modification in the plasmids pET41a and pET24b-EK. The efficiency was pronounced at a 1:10 molar ratio of 7-base mutant products to 705-bp fragment products as control. Even in a 10-base substitution mutagenic PCR, a 1:50 molar ratio of mutant  products to 705-bp fragment products was reached. Meanwhile, the quality of mutants was proved through the transformation efficiency and  sequencing. This method was beneficial to prepare high-quality multibase mutagenesis and also implied that large-scale multibase mutagenesis was feasible, efficient, economical, and productive.Key words: Site-directed multibase mutagenesis, shift primer, hexapeptide gene, enterokinase gene


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    Sexual harassment of women is a case that happens from time to time. Women will experience fear, anxiety, concern for sexual harassment, especially women who work as waitress serving guests. Supervisor's social support is needed so that anxiety is not bad for waitress jobs. So the purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there is a relationship between leadership social support and anxiety about sexual harassment of maids in Semarang City. The population in this study was a female waitress totalling 42 people who worked in karaoke rooms and Semarang. This study uses a population study. The methods of data collection used were psychological scales: Anxiety Scale of the Sexual Harassment and Social Support Scale Tops. Anxiety Scale of the Sexual Harassment consists of 19 items (α = 0.846) and the Social Support Scale Tops 40 items (α = 0.960). Data analysis was conducted using simple regression analysis version. The results showed a correlation coefficient rxy = -0.601 with p = 0.000 (

    Thin Animals

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    Lattice animals provide a discretized model for the theta transition displayed by branched polymers in solvent. Exact graph enumeration studies have given some indications that the phase diagram of such lattice animals may contain two collapsed phases as well as an extended phase. This has not been confirmed by studies using other means. We use the exact correspondence between the q --> 1 limit of an extended Potts model and lattice animals to investigate the phase diagram of lattice animals on phi-cubed random graphs of arbitrary topology (``thin'' random graphs). We find that only a two phase structure exists -- there is no sign of a second collapsed phase. The random graph model is solved in the thermodynamic limit by saddle point methods. We observe that the ratio of these saddle point equations give precisely the fixed points of the recursion relations that appear in the solution of the model on the Bethe lattice by Henkel and Seno. This explains the equality of non-universal quantities such as the critical lines for the Bethe lattice and random graph ensembles.Comment: Latex, 10 pages plus 6 ps/eps figure

    Theta-point universality of polyampholytes with screened interactions

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    By an efficient algorithm we evaluate exactly the disorder-averaged statistics of globally neutral self-avoiding chains with quenched random charge qi=±1q_i=\pm 1 in monomer i and nearest neighbor interactions qiqj\propto q_i q_j on square (22 monomers) and cubic (16 monomers) lattices. At the theta transition in 2D, radius of gyration, entropic and crossover exponents are well compatible with the universality class of the corresponding transition of homopolymers. Further strong indication of such class comes from direct comparison with the corresponding annealed problem. In 3D classical exponents are recovered. The percentage of charge sequences leading to folding in a unique ground state approaches zero exponentially with the chain length.Comment: 15 REVTEX pages. 4 eps-figures . 1 tabl

    Hubungan Penampilan Induk Anak Domba Dari Berbagai Tipe Kelahiran

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    The objectives of the study was to analyse the relationship between dam and their offspring on the basis of body measurement and body weight at some partus types. In this study, 85 ewes and 127 lamb were used as materials. Purposive sampling was used to determine the samples of partum type of ewes having single (A1), twin (A2) and more than two lambs (AL2). Parameters measured were the body length, shoulder height, hip width, chest circumference and chest width. The results showed that all body measurement of dam related to the lambs. The highest correlation were in ≥ P2 for shoulder height, chest circumference, hip width and body length. Those were 0.310: 0.702: - 0.655 and 0.373 respectively. In conclusion, there was relationship on all birth type and parameters between dam and lambs. The AL2 showed closer relationship as compared to that of A1 and A2. Those were body length, shoulder height, chest circumference and hip width