199 research outputs found

    The challenge of supporting care for dementia in primary care

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    Most patients with dementia receive care within primary care systems and have challenging medical and psychiatric issues. Their dementia related symptoms are often not recognized by the primary care system; they suffer from multiple chronic medical conditions; receive numerous psychotropic medications including anticholinergics; and display clinically relevant behavioral and psychological symptoms. Improving the care for such vulnerable patients demands supporting the primary care system with various resources, including dementia care managers, access to and coordination with interdisciplinary dementia specialists, and a feasible dementia screening and diagnosis process

    The role and place of religion in light of social change

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    نسعى من خلال هذه الورقة البحثية إلى تسليط الضوء على دور ومكانة الدين في حياة الفرد والمجتمع وهذا في ظل موجة التغير الاجتماعي التي شهدها العالم برمته وقد تجسدت مظاهرها في الحداثة، العولمة، الغزو الثقافي كما أنها تجاوزت كل الحدود والخصوصيات بما فيها المعتقدات الدينية، فهذه الأخيرة من أبرز الخصوصيات التي تميز بين الشعوب والمجتمعات ورغم ذلك لم تسلم من تأثير تلك الظاهرة، ومرد ذلك هو أن الإنسان بطبيعته ميال إلى التغير مثلما هو ميال إلى التدين. إضافة إلى وجود علاقة تفاعلية بين الدين والتغير الاجتماعي.                             ومما لا شك فيه هو أن الدين هو نزعة طبيعية فطرية في الإنسان، وقد وجد منذ الأزل، فالإنسان منذ البداية شعر بالنقص وبالحاجة إلى إله يعبده ويلجأ إليه وقت الأزمات، وقد وجد ضالته في القوى العليا وما وراء الطبيعة ومع الوقت عرف ديانات مختلفة حتى وصل إلى دين التوحيد مع الإسلام الذي كان آخر دين عرفه الإنسان في حياته. وإذا كان الدين يمثل أحد الجوانب المهمة في حياة الفرد والمجتمع ويتفاعل مع جميع الأنظمة والأنساق الاجتماعية، فإنه بطبيعة الحال سوف يتأثر بما يطرأ على تلك الأنساق من تغيرات، فالدين ليس في منأى عن التحولات الاجتماعية ومستجدات العصر خاصة وأن هذا التحول أو التغير الاجتماعي هو أمر طبيعي وضروري في الحياة الاجتماعية.            Through this research paper, we seek to shed light on the role and place of religion in the life of the individual and society, and this is in light of the wave of social change witnessed by the whole world, and its manifestations have been embodied in modernity, globalization, cultural invasion as it has exceeded all borders and particularities, including religious beliefs, the latter is one of the most prominent characteristics that distinguish between peoples and societies, although it has not been spared the impact of this phenomenon, and the reason for this is that man is by nature inclined to change. Just as he is inclined to religiosity. In addition, there is an interactive relationship between religion and social change.            There is no doubt that religion is an innate natural tendency in man, and has existed since time immemorial, man from the beginning felt inferiority and the need for a god to worship and resort to him in times of crisis, and he found his way in the higher powers and the supernatural and with time he knew different religions until he reached the religion of monotheism with Islam, which was the last religion known to man in his life. If religion represents one of the important aspects in the life of the individual and society and interacts with all social systems and patterns, it will naturally be affected by the changes that occur in those systems, as religion is not immune from social transformations and developments of the times, especially since this transformation or social change is natural and necessary in social life

    The Characterization of the oxide films formed at the surface of Ni-base alloys in pressurized water reactors primary coolant by transmission electron microscopy

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    International audienceThe oxide film formed on nickel-based alloys in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) primary coolant conditions (325°C, aqueous media) has been investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). TEM observations revealed an oxide layer divided in two parts. The internal layer was mainly composed of a continuous spinel layer, identified as a mixed iron and nickel chromite (Ni(1-x)FexCr2O4). Moreover, nodules of Cr2O3 were present at the interface between this spinel and the alloy. The external layer is composed of large crystallites corresponding to a spinel structure rich in iron (Ni(1-z)Fe(2+z)O4) resulting from precipitation phenomena. The influence of alloy surface defects was also studied underlining two main consequences on the formation of the passive film e.g. the internal layer. On one hand, the growth kinetics of the internal spinel rich in chromium increased with the surface defect density. Besides that, when the defect density increased, the oxide scale became more finely crystallized. This result agrees with a growth mechanism due to a rate limiting process of diffusion through the grain boundaries of the oxide. On the other hand, the quantity of Cr2O3 nodules increased with the number of surface defects, revealing that the nodules nucleated preferentially at defect location

    Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of Ni-base alloys in pressurised water reactor primary conditions: Influence of subsurface defects

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    International audienceOxidation of Alloy 690 in PWR primary water conditions has been investigated, considering particularly the role played by subsurface structural defects. To simulate a defective surface state, Xe implantation has been set up on samples. Corrosion experiments were thereafter performed in a corrosion loop simulating the PWR medium with durations between 24 h and 1000 h. Microstructural observations and NRA measurements underlined the role played by defects on the crystallinity of the continuous oxide spinel layer, on the nucleation of Cr2O3 nodules and on the oxidation rate. The higher defects concentration seemed to modify the oxygen diffusion in the oxide scale

    A detailed TEM and SEM study of Ni-base alloys oxide scales formed in primary conditions of pressurized water reactor

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    International audiencehe oxide film formed on nickel-based alloys in pressurized water reactors (PWR) primary coolant conditions (325 °C, aqueous media) is very thin, in the range of 1–100 nm thick, depending on the surface state and on the corrosion test duration. The nature and the structure of this scale have been investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). TEM observations revealed an oxide layer divided in two parts. The internal layer was mainly composed of a continuous spinel layer, identified as a mixed iron and nickel chromite (Ni(1−x)FexCr2O4). Moreover, nodules of Cr2O3, with a size about 5 nm, were present at the interface between this spinel and the alloy. No chromium depletion was observed in the alloy, at the alloy/oxide interface. The external layer is composed of large crystallites corresponding to a spinel structure rich in iron (Ni(1−z)Fe(2+z)O4) resulting from precipitation phenomena. SEM and TEM observations showed a link between the nucleation and/or the growth of crystallites of nickel ferrite and the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. A link between the presence of surface defects and the nucleation of the crystallites was also underlined by SEM observations. Partially hydrated nickel hydroxide, was also observed by TEM in the external scale. Based on these results, some considerations about the mechanism of formation of this oxide layer are discussed

    Comparison of platinum deposit methods on carbon aerogels used in Proton Exchange. Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC)

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    International audienceWith the rarefaction and price increase of fossil fuels along with the consequences of greenhouse effect, many challenges have to be taken up. Consequently, a strong research effort is devoted to cleaner energy converters like fuel cells. In the car industry, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) are chosen by a majority. But, remaining problems must be solved before a development at a large scale, among which: reducing the costs and increasing the power density and durability. Costs reduction mostly implies both diminishing the platinum quantity required for the oxygen reduction reaction at the cathode and increasing its activity. For these reasons, researches are devoted to the impact study of various methods of platinum deposit on the performances of new electrocatalysts and to the understanding of phenomena occurring in fuel cells

    Corrosion sous contrainte assistée par l'irradiation en milieu primaire d'aciers inoxydables austénitiques

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    National audienceLes internes de cuves des REP sont soumis à divers modes de sollicitation, notamment de corrosion sous contrainte assistée par l'irradiation (IASCC). L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier le couplage de plusieurs phénomènes physiques et chimiques interagissant en IASCC. En particulier, nous nous intéresserons au couplage microstructure (hétérogénéités chimique, cristallographique, nature des joints de grains...) / mécanismes de déformation / mécanismes d'irradiation / effet de l'environnement / champs mécaniques. Nous présenterons notamment la méthodologie et les premiers résultats concernant l'irradiation aux protons sur matériau massif et les essais de corrosion sous contrainte associés ; ainsi que la méthodologie concernant l'irradiation de lames minces qui sera effectuée sur la plate-forme JANNUS du CSNSM, où le matériau sera exposé simultanément à un faisceau d'irradiation et un faisceau d'implantation d'hélium

    Optimized diffusion–convection compromise for reversible CO2_{2} capture on hydroxylated organo-montmorillonite

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2_{2}) was reversibly captured at room temperature and normal pressure by a low cost hybrid absorbent (NaMt-H30) obtained through Na-montmorillonite intercalation with Boltorn dendrimer H30 (1 wt%). Measurements through thermal programmed desorption between 20 °C and 200 °C showed variations of the retention capacities of CO2_{2} (CRC) and water (WRC) according to the nitrogen stream throughput, contact time and injected CO2_{2} amount for adsorbent saturation. CRC and WRC modeling as functions of these parameters was achieved using a 333^{3} factorial design involving 27 attempts. Model analysis revealed that the retention of CO2_{2} and water molecules depend not only on the individual effects of each parameters but also on their interactions. High nitrogen throughput and low amount of impregnation resulted in detrimental effects on both CO2_{2} and moisture retention. This was explained in terms of diffusion and mass loss during impregnation through forced convection. An optimum compromise between these factors in correlation with the contribution of moisture content turned out to be an essential requirement for achieving highest CRC levels that express the effective material affinity towards carbon dioxide. These findings provide a useful tool for rigorously optimizing the reversible capture of CO2_{2} by hydroxylated adsorbents

    Toxicity of boehmite nanoparticles: impact of the ultrafine fraction and of the agglomerates size on cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory response

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    International audienceBoehmite (γ-AlOOH) nanoparticles (NPs) are used in a wide range of industrial applications. However, little is known about their potential toxicity. This study aimed at a better understanding of the relationship between the physico-chemical properties of these NPs and their in vitro biological activity. After an extensive physico-chemical characterization, the cytotoxicity, pro-inflammatory response and oxidative stress induced by a bulk industrial powder and its ultrafine fraction were assessed using RAW264.7 macrophages. Although the bulk powder did not trigger a significant biological activity, pro-inflammatory response was highly enhanced with the ultrafine fraction. This observation was confirmed with boehmite NPs synthesized at the laboratory scale, with well-defined and tightly controlled physico-chemical features: toxicity was increased when NPs were dispersed. In conclusion, the agglomerates size of boehmite NPs has a major impact on their toxicity, highlighting the need to study not only raw industrial powders containing NPs but also the ultrafine fractions representative of respirable particles. Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/08958378.2014.92599

    Optimized diffusion–convection compromise for reversible CO2_{2} capture on hydroxylated organo-montmorillonite

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2_{2}) was reversibly captured at room temperature and normal pressure by a low cost hybrid absorbent (NaMt-H30) obtained through Na-montmorillonite intercalation with Boltorn dendrimer H30 (1 wt%). Measurements through thermal programmed desorption between 20 °C and 200 °C showed variations of the retention capacities of CO2_{2} (CRC) and water (WRC) according to the nitrogen stream throughput, contact time and injected CO2_{2} amount for adsorbent saturation. CRC and WRC modeling as functions of these parameters was achieved using a 333^{3} factorial design involving 27 attempts. Model analysis revealed that the retention of CO2_{2} and water molecules depend not only on the individual effects of each parameters but also on their interactions. High nitrogen throughput and low amount of impregnation resulted in detrimental effects on both CO2_{2} and moisture retention. This was explained in terms of diffusion and mass loss during impregnation through forced convection. An optimum compromise between these factors in correlation with the contribution of moisture content turned out to be an essential requirement for achieving highest CRC levels that express the effective material affinity towards carbon dioxide. These findings provide a useful tool for rigorously optimizing the reversible capture of CO2_{2} by hydroxylated adsorbents