6 research outputs found

    Investigation of various maize hybrids for bioethanol, starch and animal feed production

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    Bioetanol je biogorivo koje se Å”irom sveta najviÅ”e koristi kao zamena za fosilna goriva. Trend proizvodnje ovog goriva je rastući, a kukuruz predstavlja jednu od najboljih obnovljivih sirovina za njegovu proizvodnju zahvaljujući visokom sadržaju skroba u zrnu. Suva džibra sa rastvorenim materijama (SDžSRM) je najznačajniji sporedni proizvod procesa proizvodnje bioetanola iz kukuruza. Zahvaljujući visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti, sadržaju proteina i drugih hranljivih materija, predstavlja kvalitetno hranivo koje može naći primenu kao komponenta u smeÅ”ama koje se koriste za ishranu životinja. Procesom mokrog mlevenja zrna kukuruza se osim skroba, koji je osnovni proizvod od velikog značaja za prehrambenu i druge industrije, dobijaju vredni sporedni proizvodi koji takođe mogu naći primenu u ishrani ljudi i životinja. U teorijskom delu ove disertacije dat je sveobuhvatni prikaz svetskih trendova u proizvodnji bioetanola. Predstavljene su savremene tehnologije prerade kukuruza koje se koriste u proizvodnji ovog alternativnog goriva i skroba kao i inovacije koje se razvijaju u cilju poboljÅ”anja efikasnosti i ekonomske isplativosti ovih postupaka. Hibridi kukuruza stvoreni u Institutu za kukuruz "Zemun Polje" predstavljaju jedinstven polazni materijal za istraživanja mogućnosti proizvodnje bioetanola, skroba i hrane za životinje. Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se polazeći od drugačijih fizičkih karakteristika i hemijskog sastava hibrida standardnog kvaliteta zrna i hibrida specifičnih svojstava različite genetičke osnove utvrdi na koji način i u kojoj meri ova svojstva zrna utiču na prinos i kvalitet finalnih proizvoda. Određena su fizička svojstva i hemijski sastav zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza. IzvrÅ”ena je optimizacija procesa enzimske hidrolize i alkoholne fermentacije braÅ”na celog zrna odabranih hibrida kukuruza primenom enzima termostabilne Ī±-amilaze Termamyl SC i glukoamilaze SAN Extra L, kao i proizvodnog mikroorganizma - kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus. Pri optimalnim reakcionim uslovima (odnos kukuruznog braÅ”na i vode 1:3; koncentracija Ī±-amilaze Termamyl SC 0,02% (v/w), glukoamilaze SAN Extra L 0,12% (v/w) i koncentracija inokuluma kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus 2% (v/v); temperatura fermentacije 30ĖšC) utvrđeno je adekvatno vreme trajanja fermentacije u cilju dobijanja Å”to većeg prinosa etanola i uÅ”tede električne energije koji za modifikovani proces simultane saharifikacije i fermentacije iznosi 36h...Bioethanol is a biofuel that is mostly used as a replacement for fossil fuels worldwide. Trends of producing this alternative fuel are rising and maize is one of the best renewable raw materials for the production of fuel ethanol due to the high content of starch in the grain. Major by-product that arises from the fermentation process of corn is dried distillersā€™ grains with solubles (DDGS). Due to its high feeding value, high protein and other valuable nutrients it represents an excellent component for livestock feed mixtures. Corn grain wet milling process produces apart from corn starch, which is the main product of great importance to the food and other industries, valuable by-products, which may also find their applications in human and animal nutrition. In the theoretical part of this dissertation a comprehensive overview of global trends in the production of bioethanol was made. State of the art technologies of corn grain processing used in the production of this alternative fuel and starch, as well as innovations that are being developed in order to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these production processes were introduced. Hybrids created in the Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" represent unique starting material for research of the possibilities of bioethanol, starch and animal feed production. The aim of this study was to, starting from different physical properties and chemical composition of standard and specialty hybrids of different genetic background, determine how and in which level do the grain characteristics affect the yield and quality of the final products. The physical and chemical properties of grain corn hybrids were investigated. The optimization process of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of whole grain flour obtained from the selected maize hybrids by using thermostable enzyme Ī±-amylase Termamyl SC and glucoamylase SAN Extra L, as well as the production microorganism - yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus was conducted. Under optimal reaction conditions (ratio of corn flour and water 1:3, the concentration of Ī±-amylase Termamyl SC 0.02% (v/w), glucoamylase SAN Extra L 0.12% (v/w) and inoculum concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus 2% (v/v), fermentation temperature 30ĖšC) adequate fermentation time for the modified process of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was determined (36h) in order to obtain a higher yield of ethanol as well as electricity savings..

    Suva džibra različitih hibrida kukuruza kao hranivo za životinje

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    This paper presents results of studies on qualities of maize dried distillers' grains with solubles (DDGS), as animal feed, which is a by-product from the process of maize grain-based bioethanol production. Twenty maize hybrids, developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, were used in this study. The moisture content in all DDGS samples was below 13% - the maximum value according to the Serbian Regulation. Furthermore, obtained results show that all observed DDGS samples had a high content of protein (29.58 - 36.08%), i.e. three-fold higher than in the initial raw material - maize grain. The digestibility of dry matter in samples of DDGS ranged from 74.09 (ZP Rumenka) to 82.41% (ZP 505). Based on obtained results, samples of DDGS were of high quality and therefore can be used as feed for the preparation of complete and concentrated feed.Proizvodnjom bioetanola od zrna kukuruza dobija se sporedni proizvod poznat kao kukuruzna džibra. Na svaki litar bioetanola proizvedenog od zrna kukuruza nastaje oko 0,89 kg suve kukuruzne džibre. Ovaj sporedni proizvod industrije bioetanola predstavlja odličan izvor proteina i energije pa se zbog toga najčeŔće koristi kao komponenta smeÅ”a za ishranu domaćih životinja. Prihod od prodaje suve kukuruzne džibre mogao bi da ima pozitivan uticaj na ekonomsku isplativost proizvodnje bioetanola postupkom suvog mlevenja s obzirom da se ovim procesom jedna trećina kukuruznog zrna prevodi u suvu džibru. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta suve kukuruzne džibre, kao hraniva za životinje. U istraživanju je koriŔćeno 20 hibrida kukuruza Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje '. Sadržaj suve materije kretao se od 90,47 (ZP Rumenka) do 91,87% (ZP 362), Å”to ukazuje da je sadržaj vlage u svim uzorcima bio manji od 13%, maksimalne vrednosti prema Pravilniku o kvalitetu hrane za životinje. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitani uzorci imali visok sadržaj proteina, između 29,58 (ZP 505) i 36,08% (ZP 611k). Pored toga uočeno je da je sadržaj proteina u suvoj džibri skoro utrostručen u odnosu na zrno kukuruza kao polaznu sirovinu. Svarljivost suve materije uzoraka suve kukuruzne džibre kretala se u rasponu od 74,09 (ZPRumenka) do 82,41% (ZP 505). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da su uzorci suve džibre svih ispitivanih hibrida dobrog kvaliteta i mogu se koristiti kao hranivo za pripremu potpunih i koncentrovanih smeÅ”a za ishranu životinja

    A genetic base of utilisation of maize grain as a valuable renewable raw material for bioethanol production

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops, and as such, one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials for the production of energy and multitude of different products. Many studies have shown that the kernel composition and starch structure of maize are highly influenced by genetic background of the maize. Maize grain consists of approximately 70% of starch, which makes it a very suitable feedstock for the bioethanol production. This study was conducted with aim to understand how different genetic background affects bioethanol yield and other fermentation properties of the selected maize genotypes in the process of maize grain-based bioethanol production. Twenty seven maize hybrids, including genotypes of standard chemical composition as well as specialty maize hybrids such as popping, waxy, white kernel and red kernel hybrids, developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, were investigated in this study. The lowest bioethanol yield of 7.25% w/w obtained for hybrid ZP 611k after 48 h of fermentation and the highest by genotype ZP 434 (8.96% w/w). A very significant positive correlation was determined between kernel starch content and the bioethanol yield after 48h of fermentation, as well as volumetric productivity (48h) (r=0.67). Between bioethanol yield after 48h of fermentation and soft endosperm content in kernel of the investigated ZP maize hybrids a very significant positive correlation was assessed (r=0.66). Higher overall bioethanol yields have been obtained from genotypes containing higher starch and lower protein and lipid contents

    Uticaj hibrida kukuruza na prinos bioetanola i kvalitet suve kukuruzne džibre

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops. and one of the most significant renewable raw materials for the production of energy and many different products. Bioethanol is a biofuel that is mostly used as a replacement for fossil fuels worldwide. Major byĀ­product that arises from the fermentation process of corn is dried distillers' grains (DDG). Due to its high feeding value it represents an excellent component for livestock feed mixtures. The main goal of this study was to determine the technological quality of maize grain and the influence of maize hybrid on bioethanol yield and quality of this process' by-product, dried distillers' grains. Five maize hybrids developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, were investigated in this study. The lowest concentration of bioethanol in the fermentation medium after 44h of alcoholic fermentation (8.64% w/w) was obtained by hybrid ZP 560, and the highest (9.10% w/w) by hybrid ZP 600, while compared to the maximum theoretical bioethanol yield, the highest scoring hybrid was ZP 606 (93.59%) and the lowest ZP 505 (87.33%). The highest in vitro dry matter digestibility of DDG was determined in a sample obtained from hybrid ZP 505 (82.41%) and the lowest (77.12%) in the DDG sample of ZP 606. The chemical composition and physical characteristics of the grain, as well as other parameters of the production process have influenced the overall bioethanol yield. Hybrids created in the Maize Research Institute represent unique starting material for research of the possibilities of bioethanol, starch, food and animal feed production.Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) je jedna od najznačajnijih ratarskih biljaka koja se svrstava u veoma važne obnovljive ugljenohidratne sirovone za proizvodnju energije i mnogobrojnih proizvoda različite namene. Bioetanol je biogorivo koje se najviÅ”e koristi kao zamena za fosilna goriva. Trend proizvodnje ovog goriva je rastući, a kukuruz zahvaljujući visokom sadržaju skroba u zrnu, predstavlja jednu od najboljih obnovljivih sirovina za njegovu proizvodnju. Suva kukuruzna džibra je najznačajniji sporedni proizvod dobijanja bioetanola iz kukuruza. Zahvaljujući visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti, sadržaju proteina i drugih hranljivih materija, predstavlja kvalitetno hranivo koje može naći primenu kao komponenta u smeÅ”ama za ishranu životinja. U cilju ispitivanja uticaja hibrida kukuruza na kvalitet zrna, fermentaciona svojstva, prinos bioetanola i kvalitet suve kukuruzne džibre koriŔćeno je zrno pet hibrida kukuruza stvorenih u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Najnižu koncentraciju bioetanola u fermentacionom medijumu nakon 44h alkoholnog vrenja (8,64 % w/w) ostvario je hibrid ZP 560 a najviÅ”u ZP 600 (9,10 % w/w). U odnosu na maksimalni teorijski prinos najviÅ”i je imao hibrid ZP 606 (93,59%), a najniži ZP 505 (87,33%). Najveća in vitro svarljivost suve materije kukuruzne džibre određena je u uzorku dobijenom od hibrida ZP 505 (82,41%), a najniža (77,12%) u uzorku džibre hibrida ZP 606. Hemijski sastav i fizičke karakteristike zrna, kao i drugi parametri procesa proizvodnje uticali su na prinos bioetanola

    Possibilities of utilization of co-products from corn grain ethanol and starch production

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    In recent decades, the expansion of alternative fuels production from crops traditionally used for food and animal feed has led to significant changes in the field of energy production, agriculture and food industry. Starch and sugar feedstocks for ethanol production (corn, wheat, sugar beet, sugar cane, etc.) require increasing arable land to meet market demands for the biofuel production. Although intensive studies are being carried out in order to identify improved and more cost-effective methods for the utilization of lignocellulosic and communal waste in the production of alcohol fuel, the possibility of using dry distillersā€™ grains with solubles (DDGS), by-product of bioethanol production from corn and wheat as well as alcoholic beverages industry, is now in focus. Application of DDGS in livestock and poultry diets in concentrations greater than traditional could positively affect the economic viability of this biofuel production, but also stabilize the current imbalance in the food and animal feed market. However, DDGS feedstuff should not be treated as a perfect substitute for corn because the complexity of ration formulation determined at the farm or feedlot level is driven by energy and protein and other nutrient requirements, as well as their relative costs in the ration. Nevertheless, processing of corn by wet milling provides a multitude of co-products suitable for feedstuffs, food industry, pharmaceuticals, chemistry etc. Some of the most important wet milling co-products that have their use in feedstuffs are corn gluten feed and corn gluten meal. The use of DDGS as a substitute for traditional feed could prevent indirect land-use changes associated with biofuel production, and therefore preserve the environmental destruction by saving the forests and permanent pastures. The use of distillerā€™s grains can be beneficial to biofuel growth as this is an additional, the second largest, source of income accounting of 10-20% total income. In this paper, the possibilities of by-products from corn grain bioethanol and alcoholic beverages production are represented. Emphasis is placed on the dry distillers' grains with solubles, which is the most abundant and for researchers currently the most attractive co-product of bioethanol industry. Co-products from wet milling starch and ethanol production have not yet been thoroughly investigated and therefore represent an interesting subject for further research