23 research outputs found

    Undergraduate Engineering Ceramics Laboratory Development

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    Effect of Temperature on Wetting Angle

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    Proliferation Resistant Reprocessing Methods

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    Industrial Earthquake Preparedness in Shizuoka and the Role of the Prefectural Government

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    The Shizuoka Prefectural Office in Japan plays an important role in promoting earthquake emergency preparedness among its industries. In addition to implementing regulatory requirements and enacting new regulations as necessary, the Prefectural Office also provides significant guidance to industry. This includes making publications available and periodic surveys of the status of industrial emergency preparedness. A pharmaceutical company in the prefecture has developed an impressive earthquake preparedness program and hazard reduction techniques. This program addresses both primary and secondary effects of earthquakes

    Barriers to Mitigation: A Pilot Study

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    This pilot research was undertaken to discover barriers that prevent homeowners from mitigating earthquake hazards in their homes. There is a relatively significant body of literature on disaster mitigation, which is reviewed and summarized in this report. However, no studies address how these barriers may be overcome so that homeowners would be more proactive in mitigation. If the barriers can be identified, then future communications and policy actions that address these barriers can be taken, resulting in more widespread mitigation implementation that reduces the injury and damage potential that communities face, leading to a reduction in the post-disaster response requirement, and the time required to achieve recovery. Data came from an online survey of San José State University employees; the survey took approximately 15 minutes for respondents to complete. Questions addressed home characteristics, demographic characteristics, perceptions of earthquake risk, levels of mitigation, past experience with earthquake injury or damage, social influences on hazard and damage prevention, and reactions to various incentives. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS version 16.0. Of the total 331 respondents, 215 were homeowners and consequently used for data analysis. Of these homeowners, 79 % owned single-family homes. The sample overwhelmingly expects a major earthquake to occur within the next 10 years, and most expect to suffer earthquake-caused injuries and damage within their homes in the near future. The findings indicate the importance of earthquake expectations and the social network for influencing mitigation. Physical proximity to others who experienced earthquake damage and relational closeness to those who have taken mitigation actions were found to have a positive effect on mitigation implementation by individuals. Homeowners assumed responsibility for mitigation, and cost is generally not a concern. The most prevalent obstacles to mitigation were the feeling that the mitigation is not necessary or that it is inconvenient. Home structures and systems mitigation is far more commonplace than home contents mitigation. Mitigation of home contents was perceived as not being very important, and this perception prevents individuals from taking mitigation actions. All incentive types that were presented to respondents, which were primarily financial in nature, were reported as likely to increase mitigation. Providing advice and information was also reported to likely result in higher levels of mitigation. The development of mitigation approaches that are low-cost and simple is expected to have a positive effect on mitigation actions. In addition, codes were found to be effective at prompting mitigation – most respondents had mitigated for items that have code requirements. One outcome of this is that mitigation of structures is more widely reported than mitigation of home contents. More research is needed to explore non-financial incentives for mitigation, including incentives provided by personal relationships and how social relationships may be leveraged. There is also a need to explore whether different types of incentives (such as free labor or education) would be more or less effective at prompting particular mitigation actions (such as securing the foundation or strapping down appliances). It would be helpful to take a “bottom up” approach by conducting focus groups on these topics. Demographic effects on mitigation and barriers to mitigation also need to be explored further. There were suggestions that demography mattered, but the sample size for this survey was not sufficiently large to draw statistically valid conclusions. There is also a need to revise the survey instrument to remove some ambiguities and inadequacies that currently exist. It would be useful to explore why persons might have taken particular mitigation actions and how social networks affect their mitigation action, among other things. Heightened perceptions of earthquake threats, experience with earthquake injuries and damage, and social relationships are critical predictors of mitigation. Individuals who know others who have mitigated are more likely to mitigate; therefore improved communications, on the personal level, on the topic of mitigation can be effective. Given the perceptions of mitigating home contents, the public also needs to be made more aware of the threats posed by home contents during an earthquake

    Effects of Welding Electropolished Stainless Steel as Used in Ultra-Pure Fluid Delivery Systems for the Semiconductor and Pharmaceutical Industries

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    In the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, care is taken to prevent any contribution to product contamination or corrosion from the fluid delivery systems. Electropolished 316L stainless steel has become the industry standard due to its superior corrosion resistance. However, welding of the tubing often leads to discoloration in the heat affected zone (HAZ) which can lead to corrosion. Electropolished specimens from various lots of 316L stainless steel tubing were welded under identical parameters, but with varying concentrations of oxygen leaked into the argon purge gas during the welding, simulating on-site welding conditions. Various levels of discoloration were observed in the HAZ after welding. The chemical composition and thickness of the discoloration and an adjacent clean reference area on each specimen were analyzed by Auger Electron Spectroscopy. The cause of the discoloration was due to an iron-enriched oxide layer in the HAZ in the sensitizing temperature range. The thickness and level of discoloration depended upon the concentration of oxygen in the purge gas. The presence of this oxide layer is due to the rapid growth kinetics of FeO compared to that of C^C^. The composition of the original steel was found to be only a minor factor in the extent of the discoloration

    Development of processing techniques for advanced thermal protection materials

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    The main purpose of this work has been in the development and characterization of materials for high temperature applications. Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) are constantly being tested, and evaluated for increased thermal shock resistance, high temperature dimensional stability, and tolerance to environmental effects. Materials development was carried out through the use of many different instruments and methods, ranging from extensive elemental analysis to physical attributes testing. The six main focus areas include: (1) protective coatings for carbon/carbon composites; (2) TPS material characterization; (3) improved waterproofing for TPS; (4) modified ceramic insulation for bone implants; (5) improved durability ceramic insulation blankets; and (6) ultra-high temperature ceramics. This report describes the progress made in these research areas during this contract period

    Separation Technologies Reviewed

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    Sol-gel synthesis and densification of aluminoborosilicate powders. Part 2: Densification

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    Aluminoborosilicate (ABS) powders, high in alumina content, were synthesized by the sol-gel process utilizing four different methods of synthesis. The effect of these methods on the densification behavior of ABS powder compacts was studied. Five regions of shrinkage in the temperature range 25-1184 C were identified. In these regions, the greatest shrinkage occurred between the gel-to-glass transition temperature (T sub g approximately equal to 835 C) and the crystallization transformation temperature (T sub t approximately equal 900 C). The dominant mechanism of densification in this range was found to be viscous sintering. ABS powders were amorphous to x-rays up to T sub t at which a multiphasic structure crystallized. No 2Al2O3.B2O3 was found in these powders as predicted in the phase diagram. Above T sub t, densification was the result of competing mechanisms including grain growth and boria fluxed viscous sintering. Apparent activation energies for densification in each region varied according to the method of synthesis