1,311 research outputs found

    Temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillar laser

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    Neuromimetic systems are systems mimicking the functionalities orarchitecture of biological neurons and may present an alternativepath for efficient computing and information processing. We demonstratehere experimentally temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillarlaser with integrated saturable absorber. Temporal summation is theproperty of neurons to integrate delayed input stimuli and to respondby an all-or-none kind of response if the inputs arrive in a sufficientlysmall time window. Our system alone may act as a fast optical coincidence detector and paves the way to fast photonic spike processing networks

    Perilaku dan Loyalitas Konsumen Madu di Kota Bengkulu

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    Indonesia with a current population of nearly 240 million people, is the 4th largest population in the world need quite a lot of honey. The research objective was to analyze customer characteristics honey based group of consumers, identify the attributes of honey products that affect on purchase decisions, analyze consumer behavior and customer loyalty to honey, analyze the marketing mix right is based on the analysis of consumer behavior and consumer perception of the local honey product, and formulate strategies marketing of honey in the city of Bengkulu. Determining the location of the research conducted on honey outlets in the city of Bengkulu, the selection was conducted intentionally (purposive).The location of this study were at 8 stores/outlets of honey and herbs as well as a fairly large supermarket, honey outlets which was set as the study site. Data collection was done during the months of June-August 2015. The number of respondents in this study was 96. The data collected in this research were primary and secondary data that being collected to obtain the study aims to analysis of consumer behavior is processed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and analysis of loyalty consumer using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The method results Importance Performance Analysisis based on Cartesian diagram shows that there is one attribute that is considered important and is the main priority in determining customer satisfaction. The attribute was the special price for every purchase at a time/day/month special like, Ramadhan, Eid and other interest consumen calculation. Based Satisfaction Index, the level of consumer satisfaction reached 71.30% honey. The calculation results show that in general consumers of honey was categorized satisfied (0.61 <CSI ? 0.80)

    Strategi Pengembangan Koperasi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Papua

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      Purpose of this study is to identify and analyze internal and external factors that influence the development Kopma Unipa and to develop and recommend alternative strategies that can be applied in the development of Kopma Unipa . The study was conducted at the Student Cooperative Unipa. Subjects in this study are the management of the Student Cooperative. While method analysis used to formulate a strategy is a descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis using the SWOT and SWOT Matrix Diagrams. Analysis identifying the internal and external environment Kopma Unipa show that the strength is Kopma Unipa have democratic oversight system, has legal entities, the student has the intellectual capital and high creativity, capital aid from the University, has a diverse unit activity, and the relative price equal to competitors. While Kopma weakness is less strategic location, students have time constraints, lack of understanding of cooperative, low management capabilities, weak participation of members, the promotion is not maximized, the lack of training or training, products sold are still limited choice and number, and space cooperatives are less extensive. Based on the SWOT analysis matrix formulation of strategies to develop Kopma Unipa is to increase the role and participation of students in Kopma, increasing the supply of primary goods into student, develop innovation in all aspects of the utilization of technological progress, expand market share, forming a pattern of good marketing, improving the ability of management, strategic build a separate building, build a corporation and coordination with the Government, Academic and cooperatives that exist in the region, improve service quality, and internal consolidation

    Degradation Risk Assessment: Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on Geoheritage

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    Several factors and processes, both natural and anthropogenic, can threaten the integrity of any geosite, leading to their degradation. For this reason, geoheritage degradation risks should be considered a fundamental step in any geoconservation strategy, all the more when the aim is to tackle the effects of climate change. The present work proposes a quantitative methodology for the degradation risk assessment of geosites by considering the extrinsic factors that can damage the geoheritage. The methodology has been tested on the Maltese Islands, where considerable previous research has been undertaken in order to highlight the international significance of the Maltese landscapes. Three criteria to assess the degradation risk are proposed: natural vulnerability, anthropogenic vulnerability and public use. For each criterion, several parameters have been identified in order to propose a detailed numerical evaluation. The results show that the degradation risk of geosites is mainly related to negligence and lack of knowledge of its inherent geological heritage, and which leads to public misuse and mismanagement of the geosites. The results give an overview of the condition of the geosites and provide information for the design and management of suitable protection measures, especially in the light of future threats related to climate change

    Understanding the Excess 1/f Noise in MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperatures

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    Characterization, modeling, and development of cryo-temperature CMOS technologies (cryo-CMOS) have significantly progressed to help overcome the interconnection bottleneck between qubits and the readout interface in quantum computers. Nevertheless, available compact models still fail to predict the deviation of 1/f noise from the expected linear scaling with temperature ( T\textit{T} ), referred to as “excess 1/f noise”, observed at cryogenic temperatures. In addition, 1/f noise represents one of the main limiting factors for the decoherence time of qubits. In this article, we extensively characterize low-frequency noise on commercial 28-nm CMOS and on research-grade Ge-channel MOSFETs at temperatures ranging from 370 K down to 4 K. Our investigations exclude electron heating and bulk dielectric defects as possible causes of the excess 1/f noise at low temperatures. We show further evidence for a strong correlation between the excess 1/f noise and the saturation of the subthreshold swing (SS) observed at low temperatures. The most plausible cause of the excess noise is found in band tail states in the channel acting as additional capture/emission centers at cryogenic temperatures

    Characterization of DC performance and low-frequency noise of an array of nMOS Forksheets from 300 K to 4 K

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    The DC and low-frequency noise performance of an array of 800 parallel Forksheet MOSFETs were investigated by performing measurements over a wide temperature range from 300 K to 4 K. The array structure allowed to measure a representative average performance of the devices and provided a large effective area for 1/f noise analysis. Results showed an improvement in the saturation drain current when going from room temperature to cryogenic temperatures, with the subthreshold swing saturating around 100 K and the threshold voltage shifting by approximately 150 mV, following similar trends observed in Silicon cryogenic electronics. Additionally, the study confirms that the noise at cryogenic temperatures does not follow the commonly assumed linear scaling with temperature. This deviation from the linear scaling has been associated with the presence of tail states at the interface in bulk and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices. These results suggest that the excess 1/f noise in this advanced device architecture is not related to the device architecture but rather to the microscopic material properties of semiconductor/dielectric interfaces

    Emprego de n-butil-cianoacrilato associado ou não à sutura na síntese de gastrotomias em ratos (Rattus norvegicus)

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