96 research outputs found

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of primary ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: It remains unknown whether primary ocular adnexal extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) is a homogeneous entity, as there are few reports of the results of cytogenetic or molecular analyses of these tumors. METHODS: We performed interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis to detect translocations and aneuploidy in 34 cases of primary ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma, and reviewed the histopathological findings. Correlations between the results of FISH analysis, the histopathological features and the clinical data were also analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 34 cases, FISH analysis revealed t(14;18)(q32;q21) in one case, trisomy 3 in 21 cases (62%), and trisomy 18 in 16 cases (47%). The cases with trisomy 18 had significantly more prominent lymphoepithelial lesions (LELs) and less nodularity in the tumors. In regard to the clinical correlations, tumors with trisomy 18 were observed predominantly in females and younger patients; also, in the majority of the cases, the tumor was of conjunctival origin. All the cases with recurrence showed trisomy 18 in the tumor. CONCLUSION: Primary ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma is a significantly heterogeneous entity. Cases with trisomy 18 may have unique clinicopathological features

    Endothelial-mesenchymal transition in human atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Atrial fibrosis is a hallmark of atrial structural remodeling leading to the persistence of atrial fibrillation. Although fibroblasts play a major role in atrial fibrosis, their source in the adult atrium is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that endothelial cells contribute to fibroblast accumulation through an endothelial-mesenchymal transition in the atrium of patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods and results: The study group consisted of patients with atrial fibrillation and valvular disease or atrial septal defect who underwent left atrial appendectomy during cardiac surgery (n =38). The amount of fibrotic depositions in the left atrium positively correlated with left atrial dimension. Furthermore, snail and S100A4, indicative of endothelial-mesenchymal transition, were quantified in the left atrium using western blot analysis, which showed statistically significant correlations with left atrial dimension. Immunofluorescence assay of the left atrial tissue identified snail and S100A4 being expressed within the endocardium which is composed of CD31+ cells. The snail-positive endocardium also showed the expression of membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase. Immunofluorescence multi-labeling experiments identified that heat shock protein 47, prolyl-4-hydroxylase, and procollagen type 1 co-localized with snail and S100A4 within the endothelial cells of the left atrium, indicating the mesenchymal phenotype to produce collagen. Conclusions: In this study, we showed that the endothelial-mesenchymal transition occurs in the atrium of patients with atrial fibrillation. This observation should help in constructing a novel therapeutic approach for preventing atrial structural remodeling. © 2016 Japanese College of Cardiology

    Elucidating colorectal cancer-associated bacteria through profiling of minimally perturbed tissue-associated microbiota

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    Sequencing-based interrogation of gut microbiota is a valuable approach for detecting microbes associated with colorectal cancer (CRC); however, such studies are often confounded by the effect of bowel preparation. In this study, we evaluated the viability of identifying CRC-associated mucosal bacteria through centimeter-scale profiling of the microbiota in tumors and adjacent noncancerous tissue from eleven patients who underwent colonic resection without preoperative bowel preparation. High-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that differences between on- and off-tumor microbiota varied considerably among patients. For some patients, phylotypes affiliated with genera previously implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis, as well as genera with less well-understood roles in CRC, were enriched in tumor tissue, whereas for other patients, on- and off-tumor microbiota were very similar. Notably, the enrichment of phylotypes in tumor-associated mucosa was highly localized and no longer apparent even a few centimeters away from the tumor. Through short-term liquid culturing and metagenomics, we further generated more than one-hundred metagenome-assembled genomes, several representing bacteria that were enriched in on-tumor samples. This is one of the first studies to analyze largely unperturbed mucosal microbiota in tissue samples from the resected colons of unprepped CRC patients. Future studies with larger cohorts are expected to clarify the causes and consequences of the observed variability in the emergence of tumor-localized microbiota among patients

    Super-hard X-Ray Emission from eta Carinae Observed with Suzaku

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    We present the Suzaku results of eta Carinae in the 5--50 keV range conducted twice around the apastron in 2005 August for 50 ks and in 2006 February for 20 ks. The X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) produced hard (5--12 keV) band spectra, resolving K shell lines from highly ionized Fe and Ni. The Hard X-ray Detector yielded a significant detection in the super-hard (15--50 keV) band, which is uncontaminated by near-by sources. We constrained the temperature of the optically-thin thermal plasma emission dominant in the hard band as 3--4 keV using the K-shell line features with the XIS. We found significant excess emission above the thermal emission in the super-hard band with the PIN, confirming the previous INTEGRAL ISGRI report. The entire 5--50 keV spectra were fitted by a combination of a thermal plasma model plus a flat power-law or a very hot thermal bremsstrahlung model for the excess emission. No significant change of the excess emission was found at different epochs within the systematic and statistical uncertainties and no flare-like flux amplification was seen in the hard band, indicating that the excess emission is a steady phenomenon. We argue that the super-hard emission is attributable to the inverse Compton of stellar UV photons by non-thermal electrons or to the thermal bremsstrahlung of very hot plasma, and not to the bremsstrahlung by non-thermal electrons colliding with cold ambient matter.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ (10 pages, 7 Postscript figures

    Έλεγχος και ανάλυση υδραυλικής αντλίας με εφαρμογές σε συστήματα άρδευσης

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    <p>In the HBSS model, the isolated islet yield was significantly increased in the ductal injection (gray bar: ductal group: n = 9), vascular perfusion (dotted bar: vascular group: n = 9), and ductal injection/vascular perfusion groups (squared bar: combination group: n = 10) compared with that of the cold ischemia control group (black bar: control group: n = 9). The islets isolated from pancreases with a negligible cold ischemia time (less than 10 min) served as the fresh control group (white bar: fresh group: n = 7). The islet yield of the fresh group was significantly higher than that of the other groups. No significant differences were observed among the ductal, vascular, and combination groups. *<i>P</i><0.05, **<i>P</i><0.005, ***<i>P</i><0.0001.</p