5 research outputs found

    Отдаленные результаты хирургического лечения распространенного рака яичников на этапе первичной циторедукции

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    Background. Comparative assessment of the long-term oncological results of extended, combined and standard surgical interventions. Materials and methods. The study included women with histologically verified ovarian cancer T3—4N0—1M0—1. Group A (experimental) patients underwent advanced and combined surgical interventions; group B (control) patients underwent standard surgical interventions. In the postoperative period, all patients received 6 courses of polychemotherapy with a combination of platinum and taxanes. The authors compared the frequency of achieving optimal and conditionally radical operations after performing extended and combined operations and standard surgical interventions, the structure, frequency and causes of intra- and postoperative complications, and overall and disease-free survival.Results. From 2010 to 2018, we selected 150 archived case histories of patients with advanced ovarian cancer (III-IV stages). 135 (90 %) patients were able to track the long-term results of treatment. In group A (experimental), complete debulking was achieved in 52.8 %, in group B (control) — 26.7 %. In group A, 6 (19.9 %) patients had postoperative complications of I-II degree of severity, 1 patient had postoperative complications of IIIA degree of severity, complications of IIIB-IV degree of severity in the study group did not occur (p = 0.05). In group B, intraoperative complications were observed in 27 (22.5 %) patients. Postoperative I—II degrees of severity were observed in 28 (23.3 %) patients, III—IV degrees of severity — in 8 (6.6 %). In group B, the overall survival rate was 54.7 months, and re¬lapse-free was 14.3 months, in group A — 79.2 months and 19 months respectively (p = 0.004 and <0.05).Conclusions. The method of choosing treatment for patients with advanced ovarian cancer in the first stage is surgery in the amount of com - plete debulking. Performing combined and advanced operations for advanced ovarian cancer affects the success of complete debulking and is reasonable.Цель исследования — сравнительная оценка отдаленных онкологических результатов расширенных, комбинированных и стан¬дартных хирургических вмешательств.Материалы и методы. В исследование включали женщин с гистологически верифицированным раком яичников T3—4N0—1M0—1. Пациенткам группы А (исследования) выполнялись расширенные и комбинированные хирургические вмешательства, пациенткам группы В (контроля) — стандартные хирургические вмешательства. В послеоперационном периоде все больные получили 6 курсов полихимиотерапии комбинацией препаратов платины и таксанов. Сравнивали частоту достижения оптимальных и условно радикальных операций после выполнения расширенных и комбинированных операций и стандартных хирургических вмешательств, структуру, частоту и причины интра- и послеоперационных осложнений, общую и безрецидивную выживаемость. Результаты. С 2010 по 2018 г. нами были отобраны 150 архивных историй болезней пациенток с распространенным раком яичников (III—IV стадии). Проследить отдаленные результаты лечения удалось у 135 (90 %) больных. В группе А (исследования) полной циторедукции удалось достичь в 53,3 % случаев, в группе В (контроля) — в 26,7 %. В группе А у 6 (19,9 %) больных имелись послеоперационные осложнения I—II степени тяжести, у 1 больной — IIIA степени, осложнения IIIB—IV степени тяжести в группе исследования не встречались (р = 0,05). В группе В интраоперационные осложнения наблюдались у 27(22,5 %) пациенток. Послеоперационные осложнения I—II степени тяжести отмечены у 28 (23,3 %) пациенток, III—IV степени тяжести — у 8 (6,6 %). В группе В показатель общей выживаемости составил 54,7мес, безрецидивной выживаемости — 14,3 мес; в группе А — 79,2 и 19мес соответственно (р = 0,004 и <0,05).Выводы. Выполнение комбинированных и расширенных операций при распространенном раке яичников влияет на успех выполнения полной циторедукции и является обоснованным

    Long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of common ovarian cancer at the stage of primary debulking

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    Background. Comparative assessment of the long-term oncological results of extended, combined and standard surgical interventions. Materials and methods. The study included women with histologically verified ovarian cancer T3—4N0—1M0—1. Group A (experimental) patients underwent advanced and combined surgical interventions; group B (control) patients underwent standard surgical interventions. In the postoperative period, all patients received 6 courses of polychemotherapy with a combination of platinum and taxanes. The authors compared the frequency of achieving optimal and conditionally radical operations after performing extended and combined operations and standard surgical interventions, the structure, frequency and causes of intra- and postoperative complications, and overall and disease-free survival.Results. From 2010 to 2018, we selected 150 archived case histories of patients with advanced ovarian cancer (III-IV stages). 135 (90 %) patients were able to track the long-term results of treatment. In group A (experimental), complete debulking was achieved in 52.8 %, in group B (control) — 26.7 %. In group A, 6 (19.9 %) patients had postoperative complications of I-II degree of severity, 1 patient had postoperative complications of IIIA degree of severity, complications of IIIB-IV degree of severity in the study group did not occur (p = 0.05). In group B, intraoperative complications were observed in 27 (22.5 %) patients. Postoperative I—II degrees of severity were observed in 28 (23.3 %) patients, III—IV degrees of severity — in 8 (6.6 %). In group B, the overall survival rate was 54.7 months, and re¬lapse-free was 14.3 months, in group A — 79.2 months and 19 months respectively (p = 0.004 and <0.05).Conclusions. The method of choosing treatment for patients with advanced ovarian cancer in the first stage is surgery in the amount of com - plete debulking. Performing combined and advanced operations for advanced ovarian cancer affects the success of complete debulking and is reasonable

    Greek art: Classical to Hellenistic

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