7 research outputs found

    Expression and subcellular localisation of AID and APOBEC3 in adenoid and palatine tonsils

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing catalytic polypeptide 3 (A3) family are cytidine deaminases that play critical roles in B-cell maturation, antiviral immunity and carcinogenesis. Adenoids and palatine tonsils are secondary lymphoid immune organs, in which AID and A3s are thought to have several physiological or pathological roles. However, the expression of AID or A3s in these organs has not been investigated. Therefore, we investigated the expression profiles of AID and A3s, using 67 samples of adenoids and palatine tonsils from patients, with reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and immunohistochemical analyses. AID and A3s expression levels in the adenoids and the palatine tonsils of the same individual significantly correlated with each other. Of note, AID expression level in the adenoids negatively correlated with the age (r = −0.373, P = 0.003). The younger group with adenoid vegetation and tonsillar hypertrophy showed more abundant AID expression than the older group with recurrent tonsillitis and peritonsillar abscesses (P = 0.026). Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the distribution of AID and A3s in the epithelial cells as well as germinal centres. The localisation of AID expression and its relation to age may contribute to adenoid vegetation and inflammation.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology B23390396,A2468906

    CD38, CD157, and RAGE as Molecular Determinants for Social Behavior

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    Recent studies provide evidence to support that cluster of differentiation 38 (CD38) and CD157 meaningfully act in the brain as neuroregulators. They primarily affect social behaviors. Social behaviors are impaired in Cd38 and Cd157 knockout mice. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the CD38 and CD157/BST1 genes are associated with multiple neurological and psychiatric conditions, including autism spectrum disorder, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. In addition, both antigens are related to infectious and immunoregulational processes. The most important clues to demonstrate how these molecules play a role in the brain are oxytocin (OT) and the OT system. OT is axo-dendritically secreted into the brain from OT-containing neurons and causes activation of OT receptors mainly on hypothalamic neurons. Here, we overview the CD38/CD157-dependent OT release mechanism as the initiation step for social behavior. The receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is a newly identified molecule as an OT binding protein and serves as a transporter of OT to the brain, crossing over the blood–brain barrier, resulting in the regulation of brain OT levels. We point out new roles of CD38 and CD157 during neuronal development and aging in relation to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide+ levels in embryonic and adult nervous systems. Finally, we discuss how CD38, CD157, and RAGE are crucial for social recognition and behavior in daily life