376 research outputs found

    Domestic Terrorism, Official Response and the Politics of Black Gold in Niger-Delta, Nigeria

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    Modern societies are embroiled with varied levels of conflict. The type and intensity of conflict is often historically determined and the causative factors are also closely tied to the social dynamics of the global community. Many factors tend to account for modern conflict. Apart from having political, economic, and environmental causes some are precipitated by sociocultural and human factors. One area of concern is the type of weapons and strategies employed in the furtherance of the various interests of the combatants. While few socio-cultural groups favor Ghandian strategy several others adopt violence ranging from insurrection to terrorism. It is within the purview of the weapons and strategies employed in modern conflict that this paper examines the dimension of conflict along Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. It situates this dimension within the category of home grown terrorism in order to establish its criminal burden and also uses conflict theory to explain its socio-political relevance. It finally concludes with several alleviating strategies towards solving the current imbrogli

    Ethnicisation of Violent Conflicts in Jos?

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    For over a decade now, violent conflict has been a recurring decimal in Plateau State, most especially in Jos the state capital. However, some commentators have examined the simmering conflicts in Jos by adopting mono-causal perspective. Anchored on eclectic model of conflict analysis and with heavy reliance on secondary data, this study examined violent conflict in Jos. The study found that conflicts in Jos and elsewhere are caused by confluence of factors and as such solutions to conflict should embrace the various manifestations of conflict so as to proffer workable solutions

    Digitalizing Secondary School Activities in Ibadan Metropolitan Secondary Schools, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Problems associated with manual school activities prompted an investigation into digitalization of secondary school activities in Ibadan metropolis secondary schools considering stakeholders’ preparation vide available ICT facilities, administrators’ and student’ readiness with a survey sample of  teachers and students that consisted of 600 respondents. Data collection instrument is “Digitalizing Secondary Schools Activities Questionnaire” (DSSAQ) with ‘r’-0.80, 0.78 for teachers’ and students respectively. Study results indicate that a significant relationship exist between students’ readiness and digitalization of secondary school activities; r = 0.194; p< 0.05, school administrators’ readiness and digitalization of secondary school activities............Keywords: educational activities, educational stakeholders, digitalizing school activities DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-10 Publication date:May 31st 2019

    Eco-Conflict Management, Resolution and Prevention in Eco-Poetics: An Interface Between the Natural and The Built Environment

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    The interplay and the dynamics of human interest: ideology, idiosyncrasy, belief, ethnicity, social stratification, race and language are key factors in the promotion of human conflicts. Conflict management and resolution has often been human-focused while studies that concerns eco-conflict between the natural and the built environment are far between. This paper intends to explore eco-conflict management, resolution and prevention through selected nature-poems with specific reference to Niyi Osundare’s use of metaphor and imagery in “The Road crosses the River” and other related nature poems. The paper combines the eco-criticism theory, a critical approach which attempts to find a meeting point between literature and the environment and the theory of conflict management which contends that conflict is a state of incompatibility among values. We deduced from our findings that man has largely defrauded the natural environment through wanton exploitation, domestication of the natural environment and the consequent depletion of the eco-system in particular. The eco-conflict management, resolution, prevention, the dialectics of sustainability of the natural and the built environments are succinctly resolved through the literary dynamics of eco-poetic

    State Failure, Youths Dual Victimization And Unbated Terror Of Internet Crime In Nigeria

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    This paper examines the impact of the internet technology on the increase in youth 's socio-economic victimization that is consistently entrenched covertly by the democratic state. The social and psychological costs of the operationality of this medium remain excruciatingly high in the domain of crime with the youths always at the receiving ends either as a users or victims. To establish the core o{victimi:::ation as propelled by the slate, the paper utilizes two models and followed by this is the analys is o{state omissions that are promoting the vulnerability ofyoulhs in the context of technological relat ed crimes. Finully. the paper proffers solutions to state induceable factors that are promoting youth 's vulnerability under the Nigeria 's democracy

    Local Elite and Corruption:Revisiting Marginalization of the Niger Delta

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    The prevalence of contradictions generated by Nigeria's past colonial e:>..perience sewrally explains major intra and inter-ethnic bickering that followed the nations' political independence. The centerpiece of these contradictions lie in the themes of credible agitations represented in the quest for self-autonomy, resource control, spatial exploitation and a host of others which do not only pitch several ethnic nationalities against the state but also threatens the corporate existence among major stake-holders. At post-independence, the nation's environment witnessed the growth of a particular segment of her population that became the custodian of power structure, the group that overtly manipulates same to further their interest. Consequently, the actions ofthis group appear diametrically opposed to the collective good of the mass, which are continually displaced through scheming engendered· by corruption. When evaluated from an institutional perspective, the successful encapsulation of the indigenous elite into the network of world capitalist system by its nature created a lacuna e.,plicable in the duality of allegiance. This dual allegiance, to a large extent, is tailored towards satisfYing the h1terest of the elite class on one hand and at the other extreme glossing over the interest of the ever rampaging marginalized locales or segment. The Niger-Delta predicament represents one of such contradictions nurtured by corruption and sustained by allegiance to the hegemonic power of the state, which create the needed interconnectivity between the ruling elite at the national, state and local government levels. This interconnectivity intensifies the continued neglect of the Niger-Delta. It is within this framework that this paper examines the impact of state and local sponsored corruption on the well-being of the peoples in the Niger-Delta. It also locates the root of corruption in the philosophical leaning of oil curse paradigm and concludes by proffering solution to the problems that beset the Niger-Delta Region
