184 research outputs found

    Wide-Field Survey of Globular Clusters in M31. I. A Catalog of New Clusters

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    We present the result of a wide-field survey of globular clusters (GCs) in M31 covering a 3deg x 3deg field c. We have searched for GCs on CCD images taken with Washington CMT1 filters at the KPNO 0.9 m telescope using steps: (1) inspection of morphological parameters given by the SExtractor package such as stellarity, full maximum, and ellipticity; (2) consulting the spectral types and radial velocities obtained from spectra takena spectrograph at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope; and (3) visual inspection of the images of each object. We have and GC candidates, of which 605 are newly found GCs and GC candidates and 559 are previously known GCs. Amoects there are 113 genuine GCs, 258 probable GCs, and 234 possible GCs, according to our classification critee known objects there are 383 genuine GCs, 109 probable GCs, and 67 possible GCs. In total there are 496 genprobable GCs and 301 possible GCs. Most of these newly found GCs have T1 magnitudes of 17.5 - 19.5 mag, [17.9 < V < 19.9 mag assuming (C-T1) ~ 1.5], and (C-T1) colors in the range 1 - 2.Comment: accepted by AJ, using emulateapj.cl

    Formation of SMBH seeds in Pop III star clusters through collisions : the importance of mass loss

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    Runaway collisions in dense clusters may lead to the formation of supermassive black hole (SMBH) seeds, and this process can be further enhanced by accretion, as recent models of SMBH seed formation in Population III star clusters have shown. This may explain the presence of supermassive black holes already at high redshift, z>6z>6. However, in this context, mass loss during collisions was not considered and could play an important role for the formation of the SMBH seed. Here, we study the effect of mass loss, due to collisions of protostars, in the formation and evolution of a massive object in a dense primordial cluster. We consider both constant mass loss fractions as well as analytic models based on the stellar structure of the collision components. Our calculations indicate that mass loss can significantly affect the final mass of the possible SMBH seed. Considering a constant mass loss of 5% for every collision, we can lose between 60-80% of the total mass that is obtained if mass loss were not considered. Using instead analytical prescriptions for mass loss, the mass of the final object is reduced by 15-40%, depending on the accretion model for the cluster we study. Altogether, we obtain masses of the order of 104M⊙10^4M_{\odot}, which are still massive enough to be SMBH seeds.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Thirty Meter Telescope Site Testing I: Overview

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    As part of the conceptual and preliminary design processes of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), the TMT site testing team has spent the last five years measuring the atmospheric properties of five candidate mountains in North and South America with an unprecedented array of instrumentation. The site testing period was preceded by several years of analyses selecting the five candidates, Cerros Tolar, Armazones and Tolonchar in northern Chile; San Pedro Martir in Baja California, Mexico and the 13 North (13N) site on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Site testing was concluded by the selection of two remaining sites for further consideration, Armazones and Mauna Kea 13N. It showed that all five candidates are excellent sites for an extremely large astronomical observatory and that none of the sites stands out as the obvious and only logical choice based on its combined properties. This is the first article in a series discussing the TMT site testing project.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP, April 2009 issu

    Immune-mediated hookworm clearance and survival of a marine mammal decrease with warmer ocean temperatures

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    Indexación: Scopus.We appreciate the logistical support of the Chilean Navy, Artisanal fishermen of Quellon (Vessel crews Marimar II and Nautylus V), and the crews of the Chilean Navy lighthouse. We thank Amanda Hooper, Eugene DeRango, Elvira Vergara, Ignacio Silva, Dr. Lorraine Barbosa, Emma Milner, Sian Tarrant, Emily Morris, Suzette Miller, and Piero Becker for dedicated field assistance. We thank Dr. Vanesa Ezenwa for comments and insights in earlier versions of the manuscript. This work was supported by The Rufford Small Grant Foundation (Grant N 18815–1), Morris Animal Foundation (Grant N D16ZO-413), and the Society for Marine Mammalogy Small Grants in aid awards 2015 and 2016.Increases in ocean temperature are associated with changes in the distribution of fish stocks, and the foraging regimes and maternal attendance patterns of marine mammals. However, it is not well understood how these changes affect offspring health and survival. The maternal attendance patterns and immunity of South American fur seals were assessed in a rookery where hookworm disease is the main cause of pup mortality. Pups receiving higher levels of maternal attendance had a positive energy balance and a more reactive immune system. These pups were able to expel hookworms through a specific immune mediated mechanism and survived the infection. Maternal attendance was higher in years with low sea surface temperature, therefore, the mean hookworm burden and mortality increased with sea surface temperature over a 10-year period. We provide a mechanistic explanation regarding how changes in ocean temperature and maternal care affect infectious diseases dynamics in a marine mammal. © Seguel et al.https://elifesciences.org/articles/3843

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from acidic soils favors production of tomatoes and lycopene concentration

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    This study was supported by FONDECYT 11170641 and MEC80190060 (P. Aguilera), MEC 80180077 (A. Seguel), from Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID, Chile

    Pathological Findings in Cetaceans Sporadically Stranded Along the Chilean Coast

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    Indexación: Scopus.Chile has one of the largest coastlines in the world with at least 50% of the world cetacean species occurring within its jurisdictional waters. However, little is known regarding the health status and main causes of death in cetaceans off continental Chile. In this report, we summarize the major pathological findings and most likely causes of death of 15 cetaceans stranded along the Chilean coast between 2010 and 2019. Drowning, due to fishing gear entanglement, was the most likely cause of death in 3 Burmeister’s porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis), a Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) and a short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Additionally, the 3 Burmeister’s porpoises had mild to moderate eosinophilic and histiocytic pneumonia with pulmonary vasculitis associated with the nematode Pseudalius inflexus. A fourth Burmeister’s porpoise died of drowning after stranding alive at a sandy beach. Two fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) died most likely of trauma associated with large vessel collision. A long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and an Orca (Orcinus orca) stranded most likely due to traumatic intra/interspecific interaction with other odontocete although for the pilot whale, osteoporosis with loss of alveolar bone and all teeth could have played a role. For a Strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardi), Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima), Southern right-whale dolphin (Lissodelphis peronii), Peale’s dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis) and a dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), the cause of stranding could not be determined. This study shows, despite the small number of examined carcasses that in Chile, human related trauma is an important cause of single cetacean stranding events. © Copyright © 2020 Alvarado-Rybak, Toro, Abarca, Paredes, Español-Jiménez and Seguel.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.00684/ful

    Suicidal Ideation Mediates the Relationship Between Affect and Suicide Attempt in Adolescents

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    Indexación ScopusSuicide, as one of the leading causes of death for the adolescent population, both in Chile and globally, remains a complex and elusive phenomenon. This research studies the association between positive and negative affect in relation with suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt, given that affectivity is a fundamental basis on which people make evaluations on their satisfaction with life. First, it examines the reliability, structure, and validity of Watson’s positive and negative affect scale (PANAS) scale in a representative random sample of Chilean high school students (N = 4,568). The scale evidences strong reliability coefficients and a confirmatory factor analysis, excluding one positive (excited) and one negative (nervous) item. The scale shows a satisfactory goodness of fit. Secondly, it investigates the association of PANAS positive and negative affect scores with suicidal ideation as well as reported attempt in adolescents, controlling for the potential effect of age and sex (N = 420 high school students). Low positive and high negative affect, but not sex and age, show a significant association with suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation totally mediates the association of affect with suicide attempt, as expected. Results are discussed regarding prevention and it considers how positive and negative affect can be relevant as indicators for prevention and treatment using widely available technology. © Copyright © 2020 Rubio, Oyanedel, Bilbao, Mendiburo-Seguel, López and Páez.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.524848/ful

    Suicidal Ideation Mediates the Relationship Between Affect and Suicide Attempt in Adolescents.

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    Indexación: ScopusSuicide, as one of the leading causes of death for the adolescent population, both in Chile and globally, remains a complex and elusive phenomenon. This research studies the association between positive and negative affect in relation with suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt, given that affectivity is a fundamental basis on which people make evaluations on their satisfaction with life. First, it examines the reliability, structure, and validity of Watson’s positive and negative affect scale (PANAS) scale in a representative random sample of Chilean high school students (N = 4,568). The scale evidences strong reliability coefficients and a confirmatory factor analysis, excluding one positive (excited) and one negative (nervous) item. The scale shows a satisfactory goodness of fit. Secondly, it investigates the association of PANAS positive and negative affect scores with suicidal ideation as well as reported attempt in adolescents, controlling for the potential effect of age and sex (N = 420 high school students). Low positive and high negative affect, but not sex and age, show a significant association with suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation totally mediates the association of affect with suicide attempt, as expected. Results are discussed regarding prevention and it considers how positive and negative affect can be relevant as indicators for prevention and treatment using widely available technology.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.524848/ful
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