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    Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pelajaran Ekonomi di Smak Abdi Wacana

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    : This research aims to determine the effect of family environment on learning outcomes of students of class XI IPS SMA Kristen Abdi Wacana Pontianak . The method used is descriptive method . These samples included 55 people with the study population . Based on the results obtained by t-test t calculate of 6.188 and t table amounted to -2.006 , this shows that t calculate > t table ( 6.188 > 2.006 ) so Ho refused and Ha is received. While the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable can be seen from the coefficient of determination , that is equal to 0.419, which means the influence of family environment on student learning outcomes by 41.9 % while the remaining 58.1 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. So it can be concluded that there is influence between family environment on student learning outcomes on economic subjects in class XI IPS SMA Kristen Abdi Wacana Pontiana