113 research outputs found

    Modeling and Design Optimization of a Rotational Soft Robotic System Driven by Double Cone Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

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    Dielectric elastomers (DEs) consist of highly compliant electrostatic transducers which can be operated as actuators, by converting an applied high voltage into motion, and as sensors, since capacitive changes can be related to displacement information. Due to large achievable deformation (on the order of 100%) and high flexibility, DEs appear as highly suitable for the design of soft robotic systems. An important requirement for robotic systems is the possibility of generating a multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) actuation. By means of DE technology, a controllable motion along several directions can be made possible by combining different membrane actuators in protagonist-antagonist configurations, as well as by designing electrode patterns which allow independent activation of different sections of a single membrane. However, despite several concepts of DE soft robots have been presented in the recent literature, up to date there is still a lack of systematic studies targeted at optimizing the design of the system. To properly understand how different parameters influence the complex motion of DE soft robots, this paper presents an experimental study on how geometry scaling affects the performance of a specific MDOF actuator configuration. The system under investigation consists of two cone DE membranes rigidly connected along the outer diameter, and pre-compressed out-of-plane against each other via a rigid spacer. The electrodes of both membranes are partitioned in four sections that can be activated separately, thus allowing the desired MDOF actuation feature. Different prototypes are assembled and tested to study the influence of the inner radius as well as the length of the rigid spacer on the achievable motion range. For the first experimental study presented here, we focus our analysis on a single actuation variable, i.e., the rotation of the rigid spacer about a fixed axis. A physics-based model is then developed and validated based on the collected experimental measurements. A model-based investigation is subsequently performed, with the aim of studying the influence of the regarded parameters on the rotation angle. Finally, based on the results of the performed study, a model-based optimization of the prototype geometry is performed

    Scalable Bi-Directional SMA-Based Rotational Actuator

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    In industrial applications, rotatory motions and torques are often needed. State-of-the-art actuators are based on either combustion engines, electro-motors, hydraulic, or pneumatic machines. The main disadvantages are the construction space, the high weight, and a large amount of needed peripheral devices. To overcome these limitations, compact and light-weight actuator systems can be built by using shape memory alloys (SMAs), which are known for their superior energy density. In this paper, the development of a scalable bi-directional rotational actuator based on SMA wires is presented. The scalability was based on a modular design, which allowed the actuator to be adapted to various application specifications by customizing the rotational angle and the output torque. On the mechanical side, each module enabled a small rotatory motion, which added up to the total angle of the actuator. The SMA wires were arranged in an agonist-antagonist configuration to provide active rotation in both directions. The presented prototype achieved a total rotation of 100°. The modularity of the mechanical concept is also reflected in the electronics, which is discussed in this paper as well. This consideration allows the electronics to be adapted to the mechanics with minimal changes. As a result, a prototype, including the presented mechanical and electronic design, is reported in this study

    Equilibrium thermodynamics of pseudoelasticity and quasiplasticity

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    Motivated by recent experimental results by Glasauer [7], a thermodynamic theory of shape memory alloys is proposed, which includes not only the high temperature - pseudoelastic - behavior but also the low temperature range of quasiplasticity. Due to the occurance of three different phases - austenite and two martensitic variants - several cases of two-phase equilibria and a three-phase equilibrium have to be taken into account. Their relevance is determined by minimization of the total free energy and subsequently illustrated by the construction of phase charts. A special point of interest is the influence of interfacial energy effects on these phase charts, resulting in phenomena like, for example, the apparent violation of Gibbs' phase rule. Furthermore, their role in the hysteretic load-displacement behavior is discussed in the light of the additional quasiplastic case

    A unified approach to thermo-mechano-caloric-characterization of elastocaloric materials

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    This paper presents a novel approach to characterizing the relevant mechanical, thermal and caloric properties of elastocalorics material in a single testing device. Usually, tensile experiments are performed to determine the rate- and process-depending stress/strain behavior of nickel-titanium-based shape memory alloys and potentially other elastocaloric materials made from metallic alloys. These tests are relevant for, e.g., characterization of hysteresis properties and subsequent calculation of mechanical work input. In addition, simultaneous observation with an infrared camera is useful to understand temperature evolution and maximum temperature changes achievable during the loading/unloading process. Characterization of the caloric properties of the materials determines latent heats and, together with the mechanical work, also the material coefficient of performance. It is typically carried out via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which is performed in a separate device and requires a second experiment with different types of samples. Furthermore, DSC measurements do not reflect the way mechanically induced phase transformations trigger the release and absorption of latent heats as it is the case for elastocalorics. In order to provide a more consistent understanding of the relevant elastocaloric material properties, we here present a novel method that (a) allows for a systematic determination of load-dependent latent heats and (b) introduces a comprehensive testing setup and suitable testing routine to determine the mechanical, thermal and caloric parameters in the same experimental device and with the same sample, thus greatly simplifying the overall procedure

    Finite element modeling and simulation of a robotic finger actuated by Ni-Ti shape memory alloy wires

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    In this paper, a dynamic model for an artificial finger driven by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires is presented. Due to their high energy density, these alloys permit the realization of highly compact actuation solutions with potential applications in many areas of robotics, ranging from industrial to biomedical ones. Despite many advantages, SMAs exhibit a highly nonlinear and hysteretic behavior which complicates system design, modeling, and control. In case SMA wires are used to activate complex robotic systems, the further kinematic nonlinearities and contact problems make the modeling significantly more challenging. In this paper, we present a finite element model for a finger prototype actuated by a bundle of SMA wires. The commercially available software COMSOL is used to couple the finger structure with the SMA material, described via the Muller-Achenbach-Seelecke model. By means of several experiments, it is demonstrated how the model reproduces the finger response for different control inputs and actuator geometries

    Effects of Electrode Materials and Compositions on the Resistance Behavior of Dielectric Elastomer Transducers

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    Dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers possess various advantages in comparison to alternative actuator technologies, such as, e.g., electromagnetic drive systems. DE can achieve large deformations, high driving frequencies, and are energy efficient. DEs consist of a dielectric membrane sandwiched between conductive electrodes. Electrodes are especially important for performance, as they must maintain high electrical conductivity while being subjected to large stretches. Low electrical resistances allow faster actuation frequencies. Additionally, a rate-independent, monotonic, and hysteresis-free resistance behavior over large elongations enables DEs to be used as resistive deformation sensors, in contrast to the conventional capacitive ones. This paper presents a systematic study on various electrode compositions consisting of different polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and nano-scaled carbon blacks (CB). The experiments show that the electrode resistance depends on the weight ratio of CB to PDMS, and the type of CB used. At low ratios, a high electrical resistance accompanied by a bimodal behavior in the resistance time evolution was observed, when stretching the electrodes cyclic in a triangular manner. This phenomenon decreases with increasing CB ratio. The type of PDMS also influences the resistance characteristics during elongation. Finally, a physical model of the observed phenomenon is presented

    A Multifunctional Characterization Test Bench for Shape Memory Alloy Micro-Wires : Design, Implementation and Validation

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    Most relevant to predicting the behavior of shape-memory-alloy (SMA)-based actuatorsensor applications activated by Joule heating are the electro-mechanical characteristics of the material under consideration. For a comprehensive characterization, a single setup that is able to provide all relevant data and information is desirable. This work covers the design, implementation and validation of such a high-end test bench for the holistic characterization of SMA micro-wires. In addition, the setup provides the possibility of application simulation experiments. Key elements of the design are the clamping mechanism guided on air bearings, a linear direct drive, a high-resolution load cell, a high-precision constant current source and a stress-controlled in-line wire sample installation. All measurements take place inside an isolated, temperature-controlled chamber. With the presented setup, the electro-mechanical and thermal characteristics of SMA wire samples with diameters from 20 µm to 100 µm can be determined. Via hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) implementation, the outputs with different biasing mechanisms and additional end-stops can be simulated even at high ambient temperatures. The generated results facilitate the prediction of the exact characteristics of SMA-driven actuator-sensor systems in a variety of applications and lead to a better general understanding of the alloy’s properties. All functionalities and features of the setup are presented by discussing the results of exemplary experiments

    Model-Based Design Optimization of Soft Polymeric Domes Used as Nonlinear Biasing Systems for Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

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    Due to their unique combination of features such as large deformation, high compliance, lightweight, energy efficiency, and scalability, dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers appear as highly promising for many application fields, such as soft robotics, wearables, as well as micro electromechanical systems (MEMS). To generate a stroke, a membrane DE actuator (DEA) must be coupled with a mechanical biasing system. It is well known that nonlinear elements, such as negative-rate biasing springs (NBS), permit a remarkable increase in the DEA stroke in comparison to standard linear springs. Common types of NBS, however, are generally manufactured with rigid components (e.g., steel beams, permanent magnets), thus they appear as unsuitable for the development of compliant actuators for soft robots and wearables. At the same time, rigid NBSs are hard to miniaturize and integrate in DE-based MEMS devices. This work presents a novel type of soft DEA system, in which a large stroke is obtained by using a fully polymeric dome as the NBS element. More specifically, in this paper we propose a model-based design procedure for high-performance DEAs, in which the stroke is maximized by properly optimizing the geometry of the biasing dome. First, a finite element model of the biasing system is introduced, describing how the geometric parameters of the dome affect its mechanical response. After conducting experimental calibration and validation, the model is used to develop a numerical design algorithm which finds the optimal dome geometry for a given DE membrane characteristics. Based on the optimized dome design, a soft DEA prototype is finally assembled and experimentally tested

    Dielectric Elastomer Cooperative Microactuator Systems : DECMAS

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    This paper presents results of the first phase of “Dielectric Elastomer Cooperative Microactuator Systems” (DECMAS), a project within the German Research Foundation Priority Program 2206, “Cooperative Multistable Multistage Microactuator Systems” (KOMMMA). The goal is the development of a soft cooperative microactuator system combining high flexibility with largestroke/high-frequency actuation and self-sensing capabilities. The softness is due to a completely polymer-based approach using dielectric elastomer membrane structures and a specific silicone bias system designed to achieve large strokes. The approach thus avoids fluidic or pneumatic components, enabling, e.g., future smart textile applications with cooperative sensing, haptics, and even acoustic features. The paper introduces design concepts and a first soft, single-actuator demonstrator along with experimental characterization, before expanding it to a 3 × 1 system. This system is used to experimentally study coupling effects, supported by finite element and lumped parameter simulations, which represent the basis for future cooperative control methods. Finally, the paper also introduces a new methodology to fabricate metal-based electrodes of sub-micrometer thickness with high membrane-straining capability and extremely low resistance. These electrodes will enable further miniaturization towards future microscale applications
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