635 research outputs found

    New insights on the interaction between thiophene derivatives and Au surfaces: the case of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and the relevant polymer.

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    The nature of the interface between electrogenerated poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and the Au substrate is studied in detail. In particular, the adsorption of the relevant monomer, namely, 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene, is investigated and compared with that of other thiophene derivatives. Different deposition procedures have been adopted: very thin films of the thiophene derivatives have been obtained through chemisorption processes from vapor and liquid phases, on Au polycrystalline substrates, Au nano particles possessing different size, and a Au(111) single crystal. Different techniques, operating both in situ and ex situ, have been employed for the characterization of these deposits, that is, X-ray photoemission and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The results show that the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/metal interface is far from being simply constituted by unreacted molecules in contact with the substrate; rather, the formation of oligothiophene species and sulfur atoms at the interface has been ascertained

    Surface ruptures on cross-faults in the 24 November 1987 Superstition Hills, California, earthquake sequence

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    Left-lateral slip occurred on individual surface breaks along northeast-trending faults associated with the 24 November 1987 earthquake sequence in the Superstition Hills, Imperial Valley, California. This sequence included the M_s = 6.2 event on a left-lateral, northeast-trending “cross-fault” between the Superstition Hills fault (SHF) and Brawley seismic zone, which was spatially associated with the left-lateral surface breaks. Six distinct subparallel cross-faults broke at the surface, with rupture lengths ranging from about Formula to 10 km and maximum displacements ranging from 30 to 130 mm. About half a day after the M_s = 6.2 event, an M_s = 6.6 earthquake nucleated near the intersection of the cross-faults with the SHF, and rupture propagated southeast along the SHF. Whereas right-lateral slip on the SHF occurred dominantly on a single trace in a narrow zone, the cross-fault surface slip was distributed over several stands across a 10-km-wide zone. Also, whereas afterslip accounted for a large proportion of total slip on the SHF, there is no evidence for afterslip on the cross-faults. We present documentation of these surface ruptures. A simple mechanical model of faulting illustrates how the foreshock sequence may have triggered the main rupture. Displacement on other cross-faults could trigger an event on the southern San Andreas fault by a similar mechanism in the future

    Seismicity and fault interaction, Southern San Jacinto Fault Zone and adjacent faults, southern California: Implications for seismic hazard

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    The southern San Jacinto fault zone is characterized by high seismicity and a complex fault pattern that offers an excellent setting for investigating interactions between distinct faults. This fault zone is roughly outlined by two subparallel master fault strands, the Coyote Creek and Clark-San Felipe Hills faults, that are located 2 to 10 km apart and are intersected by a series of secondary cross faults. Seismicity is intense on both master faults and secondary cross faults in the southern San Jacinto fault zone. The seismicity on the two master strands occurs primarily below 10 km; the upper 10 km of the master faults are now mostly quiescent and appear to rupture mainly or solely in large earthquakes. Our results also indicate that a considerable portion of recent background activity near the April 9, 1968, Borrego Mountain rupture zone (M_L=6.4) is located on secondary faults outside the fault zone. We name and describe the Palm Wash fault, a very active secondary structure located about 25 km northeast of Borrego Mountain that is oriented subparallel to the San Jacinto fault system, dips approximately 70° to the northeast, and accommodates right-lateral shear motion. The Vallecito Mountain cluster is another secondary feature delineated by the recent seismicity and is characterized by swarming activity prior to nearby large events on the master strand. The 1968 Borrego Mountain and the April 28, 1969, Coyote Mountain (M_L=5.8) events are examples of earthquakes with aftershocks and subevents on these secondary and master faults. Mechanisms from those earthquakes and recent seismic data for the period 1981 to 1986 are not simply restricted to strike-slip motion; dipslip motion is also indicated. Teleseismic body waves (long-period P and SH) of the 1968 and 1969 earthquakes were inverted simultaneously for source mechanism, seismic moment, rupture history, and centroid depth. The complicated waveforms of the 1968 event (M_o=1.2 × 10^(19) Nm) are interpreted in terms of two subevents; the first caused by right-lateral strike-slip motion in the mainshock along the Coyote Creek fault and the second by a rupture located about 25 km away from the master fault. Our waveform inversion of the 1969 event indicates that strike-slip motion predominated, releasing a seismic moment of 2.5 × 10^(17) Nm. Nevertheless, the right-lateral nodal plane of the focal mechanism is significantly misoriented (20°) with respect to the master fault, and hence the event is not likely to be associated with a rupture on that fault. From this and other examples in southern California, we conclude that cross faults may contribute significantly to seismic hazard and that interaction between faults has important implications for earthquake prediction

    New apparatus for DTA at 2000 bar: thermodynamic studies on Au, Ag, Al and HTSC oxides

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    A new DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) device was designed and installed in a Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP) furnace in order to perform high-pressure thermodynamic investigations up to 2 kbar and 1200C. Thermal analysis can be carried out in inert or oxidising atmosphere up to p(O2) = 400 bar. The calibration of the DTA apparatus under pressure was successfully performed using the melting temperature (Tm) of pure metals (Au, Ag and Al) as standard calibration references. The thermal properties of these metals have been studied under pressure. The values of DV (volume variation between liquid and solid at Tm), ROsm (density of the solid at Tm) and ALPHAm (linear thermal expansion coefficient at Tm) have been extracted. A very good agreement was found with the existing literature and new data were added. This HP-DTA apparatus is very useful for studying the thermodynamics of those systems where one or more volatile elements are present, such as high TC superconducting oxides. DTA measurements have been performed on Bi,Pb(2223) tapes up to 2 kbar under reduced oxygen partial pressure (p(O2) = 0.07 bar). The reaction leading to the formation of the 2223 phase was found to occur at higher temperatures when applying pressure: the reaction DTA peak shifted by 49C at 2 kbar compared to the reaction at 1 bar. This temperature shift is due to the higher stability of the Pb-rich precursor phases under pressure, as the high isostatic pressure prevents Pb from evaporating.Comment: 6 figures, 3 tables, Thermodynamics, Thermal property, Bi-2223, fundamental valu

    Beyond the Binding Site: The Role of the β2 – β3 Loop and Extra-Domain Structures in PDZ Domains

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    A general paradigm to understand protein function is to look at properties of isolated well conserved domains, such as SH3 or PDZ domains. While common features of domain families are well understood, the role of subtle differences among members of these families is less clear. Here, molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the binding mechanism in PSD95-PDZ3 is critically regulated via interactions outside the canonical binding site, involving both the poorly conserved loop and an extra-domain helix. Using the CRIPT peptide as a prototypical ligand, our simulations suggest that a network of salt-bridges between the ligand and this loop is necessary for binding. These contacts interconvert between each other on a time scale of a few tens of nanoseconds, making them elusive to X-ray crystallography. The loop is stabilized by an extra-domain helix. The latter influences the global dynamics of the domain, considerably increasing binding affinity. We found that two key contacts between the helix and the domain, one involving the loop, provide an atomistic interpretation of the increased affinity. Our analysis indicates that both extra-domain segments and loosely conserved regions play critical roles in PDZ binding affinity and specificity

    Temporal shoreline series analysis using GNSS

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    In recent decades, Boa Viagem beach located in the city of Recife-PE and Piedade in JaboatĂŁo dos Guararapes-PE (Brazil) has seen urbanization near the coastline causing changes in social, economic and morphological aspects, where coastal erosion problems are observed. This study uses GNSS (global navigation satellite system) shoreline monitoring approach, which is quicker, and provides continuously updatable data at cm-level accuracy to analyze and determine temporal positional shifts of the shoreline as well as annual average rates through EPR (end point rate). To achieve this, kinematic GNSS survey data for the years 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012 were used. The results show sectorial trends over the years, with the highest annual retreat rate of 8.16 m /year occurring during the period 2007-2009. Variety of different patterns over the shoreline were also observed. These findings could be essential for decision making in coastal environments

    Data Sharing and Research on Peer Review: A Call to Action

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    While recent surveys show that most stakeholders recognise the importance of peer review to the publication process, there is a lack of systematic research on the topic. In a period of hyper-competition for resources, with perverse incentives that lead to academic capitalism and a \u201cpublish or perish\u201d mentality, the lack of robust and cumulative research on approaches, models and practices of peer review can slow down efforts towards fostering research integrity and the credibility of scholarly communication. A major challenge in studying peer review systematically is the lack of available data. While data sharing in scientific research has made relevant progress in certain fields, the lack of infrastructures to promote the sharing of peer review data among publishers, journals and academic scholars, the challenges posed by privacy and data protection legislation, and the perceived lack of incentives for publishers, learned societies and journals to share data, have all hampered efforts in this important domain. While public authorities, learned societies and publishers may face different priorities, incentives and obstacles regarding data sharing, the time has come to call to action all stakeholders who play a part in this field. In this paper, we argue that an infrastructure for data sharing is needed to stimulate independent, collaborative, public research on peer review and we suggest measures and initiatives to set up a collaborative effort towards this goal

    Unlock ways to share data on peer review

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    Peer review is the defining feature of scholarly communication. In a 2018 survey of more than 11,000 researchers, 98% said that they considered peer review important or extremely important for ensuring the quality and integrity of scholarly communication. Indeed, now that the Internet and social media have assumed journals\u2019 original role of dissemination, a journal\u2019s main function is curation. Both the public and the scientific community trust peer review to uphold shared values of rigour, ethics, originality and analysis by improving publications and filtering out weak or errant ones. Scholarly communities rely on peer review to establish common knowledge and credit
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