96 research outputs found

    Challenges in using land use and land cover data for global change studies

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    Land use and land cover data play a central role in climate change assessments. These data originate from different sources and inventory techniques. Each source of land use/cover data has its own domain of applicability and quality standards. Often data are selected without explicitly considering the suitability of the data for the specific application, the bias originating from data inventory and aggregation, and the effects of the uncertainty in the data on the results of the assessment. Uncertainties due to data selection and handling can be in the same order of magnitude as uncertainties related to the representation of the processes under investigation. While acknowledging the differences in data sources and the causes of inconsistencies, several methods have been developed to optimally extract information from the data and document the uncertainties. These methods include data integration, improved validation techniques and harmonization of classification systems. Based on the data needs of global change studies and the data availability, recommendations are formulated aimed at optimal use of current data and focused efforts for additional data collection. These include: improved documentation using classification systems for land use/cover data; careful selection of data given the specific application and the use of appropriate scaling and aggregation methods. In addition, the data availability may be improved by the combination of different data sources to optimize information content while collection of additional data must focus on validation of available data sets and improved coverage of regions and land cover types with a high level of uncertainty. Specific attention in data collection should be given to the representation of land management (systems) and mosaic landscape

    Estimating breast tumor blood flow during neoadjuvant chemotherapy using interleaved high temporal and high spatial resolution MRI

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    Purpose: To evaluate an interleaved MRI sampling strategy that acquires both high temporal resolution (HTR) dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) data for quantifying breast tumor blood flow (TBF) and high spatial resolution (HSR) DCE data for clinical reporting, following a single standard injection of contrast agent. Methods: A simulation study was used to evaluate the performance of the interleaved technique under different conditions. In a prospective clinical study, 18 patients with primary breast cancer, who were due to undergo neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT), were examined using interleaved HTR and HSR DCE-MRI at 1.5 Tesla. Tumor regions of interest were analyzed with a two-compartment tracer kinetic model. Paired parameters (n = 10) from the data acquired before and post–cycle 2 of NACT were compared using the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: Simulations demonstrated that TBF was reliably estimated using the proposed strategy. The region of interest analysis revealed significant changes in TBF (0.81–0.43 mL/min/mL; P = 0.002) following two cycles of NACT. The HSR data were reported in the normal way and enabled the assessment of tumor volume, which decreased by 53% following NACT (P = 0.065). Conclusions: TBF can be measured reliably using the proposed strategy without compromising a standard clinical protocol. Furthermore, in our feasibility study, TBF decreased significantly following NACT, whereas capillary permeability surface-area product did not

    Exploring interaction differences in Microblogging Word of Mouth between entrepreneurial and conventional service providers

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    In this study, we explore the interaction network properties of Microblogging Word of Mouth (MWOM), and how it is utilized by two different types of service providers, namely entrepreneurial and conventional. We use social network analysis, involving network metrics, sentiment, content and semantic analysis of real time data collected via Twitter, to compare two providers in terms of how they leverage MWOM in their social interactions. Results demonstrate that MWOM is utilized in an inherently different manner by an entrepreneurial provider, compared to a conventional one. Based on the findings, the study identifies distinctions between the entrepreneurial and conventional service providers in how they utilize MWOM on social media. Specifically, the entrepreneurial provider capitalizes on the interactive nature and dialogic capabilities of Twitter; whereas the conventional provider mostly relies on focal information sharing, thus neglecting the network members’ content creation and relationship building capability of social media networks. The study has significant implications as it provides key insights and lessons in terms of how companies should respond to emerging digital opportunities in their online social interactions

    Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally

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    The expansion of the world's merchant fleet poses a great threat to the ocean's biodiversity. Collisions between ships and marine megafauna can have population-level consequences for vulnerable species. The Endangered whale shark (Rhincodon typus) shares a circumglobal distribution with this expanding fleet and tracking of movement pathways has shown that large vessel collisions pose a major threat to the species. However, it is not yet known whether they are also at risk within aggregation sites, where up to 400 individuals can gather to feed on seasonal bursts of planktonic productivity. These "constellation" sites are of significant ecological, socio-economic and cultural value. Here, through expert elicitation, we gathered information from most known constellation sites for this species across the world (>50 constellations and >13,000 individual whale sharks). We defined the spatial boundaries of these sites and their overlap with shipping traffic. Sites were then ranked based on relative levels of potential collision danger posed to whale sharks in the area. Our results showed that researchers and resource managers may underestimate the threat posed by large ship collisions due to a lack of direct evidence, such as injuries or witness accounts, which are available for other, sub-lethal threat categories. We found that constellations in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, and Southeast and East Asia, had the greatest level of collision threat. We also identified 39 sites where peaks in shipping activity coincided with peak seasonal occurrences of whale sharks, sometimes across several months. Simulated collision mitigation options estimated potentially minimal impact to industry, as most whale shark core habitat areas were small. Given the threat posed by vessel collisions, a coordinated, multi-national approach to mitigation is needed within priority whale shark habitats to ensure collision protection for the species

    The Generation R Study: design and cohort update 2010

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    The Generation R Study is a population-based prospective cohort study from fetal life until young adulthood. The study is designed to identify early environmental and genetic causes of normal and abnormal growth, development and health during fetal life, childhood and adulthood. The study focuses on four primary areas of research: (1) growth and physical development; (2) behavioural and cognitive development; (3) diseases in childhood; and (4) health and healthcare for pregnant women and children. In total, 9,778 mothers with a delivery date from April 2002 until January 2006 were enrolled in the study. General follow-up rates until the age of 4 years exceed 75%. Data collection in mothers, fathers and preschool children included questionnaires, detailed physical and ultrasound examinations, behavioural observations, and biological samples. A genome wide association screen is available in the participating children. Regular detailed hands on assessment are performed from the age of 5 years onwards. Eventually, results forthcoming from the Generation R Study have to contribute to the development of strategies for optimizing health and healthcare for pregnant women and children

    The Effectiveness of Legal Safeguards in Jurisdictions that Allow Assisted Dying

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    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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