61 research outputs found

    Interacting gases of ultracold polar molecules

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    Ultracold quantum gases are versatile model systems for exploring quantum physics or for the simulation of solid state materials. Meanwhile, they have been created from various atomic species - from alkali metals over alkaline earths to rare earth elements. The latest addition are quantum gases of different kinds of polar molecules. Expectations for quantum gases of heteronuclear molecules are high: Due to their large electric dipole moments, these molecules can interact with each other via long-range interactions - not just via contact interactions as is the case for most atoms. Additionally, they have vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom, with open up new possibilities for quantum simulation. But the same degrees of freedom also pose some challenges. For example, they make the preparation of the quantum gas more difficult, which is typically produced with a combination of laser cooling and evaporative cooling in the atomic case. Molecules mostly lack closed transitions in their spectra, which are required for laser cooling. Therefore, we create our molecular quantum gas from a mixture of two atomic quantum gases. In this work, such an experimental method was developed for fermionic NaK molecules, which is based on the two-photon process Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP). Within STIRAP, the hyperfine structure of the chosen intermediate state plays an important role. Experimentally, and with the help of a theoretical model describing the whole process, we find that we produce the most molecules when we use a large one-photon detuning, if the hyperfine structure of the intermediate state is unresolved. In another project, we explored the rotational level structure of the molecular ground state populated by STIRAP. Rotation is closely linked to the electric dipole moment. The superposition of the ground state with the first excited rotational state, for example, has a transition dipole moment of almost 60% of the permanent electric dipole moment. Unfortunately, coherence times of such superpositions are typically short, as the different polarizabilities of the rotational states lead to dephasing in optical traps. However, using a special polarization angle and a small, dc electric field, we can compensate these differences and realize a spin-decoupled magic trap. With this new technique we obtain record coherence times, at least for small molecular densities. For larger densities we observe first indications for dipolar interactions in a bulk gas of polar molecules, which we also model using the moving-average cluster expansion (MACE)

    Interacting gases of ultracold polar molecules

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    Ultracold quantum gases are versatile model systems for exploring quantum physics or for the simulation of solid state materials. Meanwhile, they have been created from various atomic species - from alkali metals over alkaline earths to rare earth elements. The latest addition are quantum gases of different kinds of polar molecules. Expectations for quantum gases of heteronuclear molecules are high: Due to their large electric dipole moments, these molecules can interact with each other via long-range interactions - not just via contact interactions as is the case for most atoms. Additionally, they have vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom, with open up new possibilities for quantum simulation. But the same degrees of freedom also pose some challenges. For example, they make the preparation of the quantum gas more difficult, which is typically produced with a combination of laser cooling and evaporative cooling in the atomic case. Molecules mostly lack closed transitions in their spectra, which are required for laser cooling. Therefore, we create our molecular quantum gas from a mixture of two atomic quantum gases. In this work, such an experimental method was developed for fermionic NaK molecules, which is based on the two-photon process Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP). Within STIRAP, the hyperfine structure of the chosen intermediate state plays an important role. Experimentally, and with the help of a theoretical model describing the whole process, we find that we produce the most molecules when we use a large one-photon detuning, if the hyperfine structure of the intermediate state is unresolved. In another project, we explored the rotational level structure of the molecular ground state populated by STIRAP. Rotation is closely linked to the electric dipole moment. The superposition of the ground state with the first excited rotational state, for example, has a transition dipole moment of almost 60% of the permanent electric dipole moment. Unfortunately, coherence times of such superpositions are typically short, as the different polarizabilities of the rotational states lead to dephasing in optical traps. However, using a special polarization angle and a small, dc electric field, we can compensate these differences and realize a spin-decoupled magic trap. With this new technique we obtain record coherence times, at least for small molecular densities. For larger densities we observe first indications for dipolar interactions in a bulk gas of polar molecules, which we also model using the moving-average cluster expansion (MACE)

    Extending rotational coherence of interacting polar molecules in a spin-decoupled magic trap

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    Superpositions of rotational states in polar molecules induce strong, long-range dipolar interactions. Here we extend the rotational coherence by nearly one order of magnitude to 8.7(6) ms in a dilute gas of polar 23^{23}Na40^{40}K molecules in an optical trap. We demonstrate spin-decoupled magic trapping, which cancels first-order and reduces second-order differential light shifts. The latter is achieved with a dc electric field that decouples nuclear spin, rotation and trapping light field. We observe density-dependent coherence times, which can be explained by dipolar interactions in the bulk gas.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Modeling the adiabatic creation of ultracold, polar 23Na40K\mathrm{^{23}Na^{40}K} molecules

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    In this work we model and realize stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) in the diatomic 23Na40K\mathrm{^{23}Na^{40}K} molecule from weakly bound Feshbach molecules to the rovibronic ground state via the vd=5,J=Ω=1\left|v_d=5,J=\Omega=1\right\rangle excited state in the d3Πd^3\Pi electronic potential. We demonstrate how to set up a quantitative model for polar molecule production by taking into account the rich internal structure of the molecules and the coupling laser phase noise. We find excellent agreement between the model predictions and the experiment, demonstrating the applicability of the model in the search of an ideal STIRAP transfer path. In total we produce 5000 fermionic groundstate molecules. The typical phase-space density of the sample is 0.03 and induced dipole moments of up to 0.54 Debye could be observed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures Version 2: Fixed a few typos, elaborated more on the differences between different choices of intermediate state, clarified H\"onl-London factor, added a intuitive explanation of the benefits of detuned STIRAP, elaborated on realized dipole moments in diatomics, compared phase-space density reducing processes in the whole molecule creation process, added two more reference

    Macroscopic and Microscopic Modeling of the Growth of YBaCuO Bulk Material

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    Super-Droplet Method for the Numerical Simulation of Clouds and Precipitation: a Particle-Based Microphysics Model Coupled with Non-hydrostatic Model

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    A novel simulation model of cloud microphysics is developed, which is named Super-Droplet Method (SDM). SDM enables accurate calculation of cloud microphysics with reasonable cost in computation. A simple SDM for warm rain, which incorporates sedimentation, condensation/evaporation, stochastic coalescence, is developed. The methodology to couple SDM and a non-hydrostatic model is also developed. It is confirmed that the result of our Monte Carlo scheme for the coalescence of super-droplets agrees fairly well with the solution of stochastic coalescence equation. A preliminary simulation of a shallow maritime cumulus formation initiated by a warm bubble is presented to demonstrate the practicality of SDM. Further discussions are devoted for the extension and the computational efficiency of SDM to incorporate various properties of clouds, such as, several types of ice crystals, several sorts of soluble/insoluble CCNs, their chemical reactions, electrification, and the breakup of droplets. It is suggested that the computational cost of SDM becomes lower than spectral (bin) method when the number of attributes dd becomes larger than some critical value, which may be 242\sim4

    Внедрение системы менеджмента качества на основе требований ISO 9001 в организации

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    Объект исследования – система менеджмента качества ООО "Спар-Томск".Цель работы – разработка мероприятий по внедрению системы менеджмента качества на основе стандарта ISO 9001:2015 на предприятие. Актуальность темы работы обусловлена тем, что для успешного функционирования бизнеса необходимо производить конкурентоспособные услуги. Приход на томский рынок розничной торговли федеральных компаний обостряет конкурентную борьбу, поскольку расширение рынка дает покупателю право выбирать магазин, который в большей степени удовлетворяет его потребности. Система менеджмента качества является универсальный инструментом в повышение удовлетворенности потребителей. В процессе работы проводилось: исследование теоретических аспектов и особенностей системы менеджмента в розничной торговле.The object of the study is the quality management system of LLC Spar-Tomsk. The purpose of the work is to develop measures to implement quality management systems based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard on the enterprise. Relevance of the topic of work, necessary for the successful functioning of the business. Coming to the Tomsk market is a competitive struggle, as the expansion of the market gives the buyer the right to choose a store that more suits his needs. The quality management system is a universal tool in improving customer satisfaction. In the course of the work the research was carried out: the study of theoretical aspects and features of the management system in retail trade

    Gesetz der Volksrepublik China gegen familiäre Gewalt

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    (Am 27.12.2015 durch den Ständigen Ausschuss des 12. Nationalen Volkskongresses der Volksrepublik China in seiner 18. Sitzung verabschiedet)Anti-domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted at the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on December 27, 2015