377 research outputs found

    Large Excavation Behavior at Petacalco, Mexico

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    The pumping sump for the Petacalco, Gro. Power Plant required for its construction an excavation 100 x 87 m plan and 11 m depth. The calculated flow towards the excavation was 370 l/s. Two perimetral systems were proposed to control the inflow water: Cut-off wall or conventional pumping system. After a technical-economical analysis, the first one was selected. Due to construction delays of the cut-off wall and program construction demands, the excavation began simultaneously and advanced faster than the wall. The observed inflow water was ten times lesser than the predicted one, so that the construction of the wall was suspended. The excavation finished using a 6 diameter pump working continuously with a 35 l/s flow. During the excavation randomly thin layers and pockets of peat and organic clay were observed. These materials were not detected in the geotechnical exploration. The flow reduction is attributed to the presence of those materials

    UABICI Walking Intervention Related To BMI, BP And Emotional Attitude

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    INTRODUCTION: Physical activity is defined as bodily activity that results in energy expenditure. Exercise refers to physical activity that is structured to meet specific fitness gains. Maintaining a physically active lifestyle has been associated with health outcomes that include benefits to cognitive function. Exercise can increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and other growth factors, stimulate neurogenesis, and improve learning and mental performance. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that most adults engage in a regular exercise regime in order to maintain health and wellbeing. PURPOSE: Apply at UABC Valle Dorado developed Program every last Sunday of each month that consists in two activities: One was walking 5km /at 5 METs and the other was cycling 10 km with low effort. Every participant did a route by walking or cycling. A monthly intervention with promotion, prevention and measurement of BMI, BP. That activity was done 75 times. METHODS: Participants were 150 students and family members over 18 years old. The design was, observational and correlational. Medicine school students were checking before the physical activity BP, BMI, warm exercises to experience equilibrium, for about 15 minutes with jumping jacks, pushups, before walking. 5METS/ 5km Psychology students applied violent survey. Since 1st UABICI until the last 75th August 2017. RESULTS: Mean age was 22 years old. Participants on baseline mean BMI was 27.5 (5.1) kg/m2 with 38.1 normal, 29.9 % overweight, and 30.0% obese. At the end of the intervention, the participants reduced BMI, 26.4 with 40 % normal, 32% overweight and 28% obese. BP was normal. CONCLUSION: Participants were 98 percent students and only 2 percentage of teachers, that achieved lower obesity parameters compared with the initial measure. Some students started to form groups of cycling and walking, at the time they noticed the results

    High genetic connectivity in a gastropod with long-lived planktonic larvae

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    Genetic connectivity plays a crucial role in shaping the geographic structure of species. Our aim in this study was to explore the pattern of genetic connectivity in Bursa scrobilator, an iconic marine caenogastropod with long-lived pelagic larvae. Our study was based on the analysis of DNA sequence data for the 658-bp barcoding fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. This is the largest DNA sequence dataset assembled to date for B. scrobilator. These data confirm that the two recently described subspecies B. scrobilator scrobilator (Linnaeus, 1758), from the Mediterranean and Macaronesia, and B. s. coriacea (Reeve, 1844), from West Africa, constitute two evolutionarily significant units (ESUs). We found that for the nominal subspecies, the variation in morphology (shell, radula and gross anatomy) and DNA sequences was not geographically structured, and this agrees with what we would expect in a species with high connectivity at the larval stage. The divergence between the two subspecies cannot be easily explained by isolation by distance, and we would argue that one or more extrinsic factors may have played a role in isolating the two ESUs and maintaining that isolation

    Representations and geometrical properties of generalized inverses over fields

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    In this paper, as a generalization of Urquhart’s formulas, we present a full description of the sets of inner inverses and (B, C)-inverses over an arbitrary field. In addition, identifying the matrix vector space with an affine space, we analyze geometrical properties of the main generalized inverse sets. We prove that the set of inner inverses, and the set of (B, C)-inverses, form affine subspaces and we study their dimensions. Furthermore, under some hypotheses, we prove that the set of outer inverses is not an affine subspace but it is an affine algebraic variety. We also provide lower and upper bounds for the dimension of the outer inverse set.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Representations and symbolic computation of generalized inverses over fields

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    This paper investigates representations of outer matrix inverses with prescribed range and/or none space in terms of inner inverses. Further, required inner inverses are computed as solutions of appropriate linear matrix equations (LME). In this way, algorithms for computing outer inverses are derived using solutions of appropriately defined LME. Using symbolic solutions to these matrix equations it is possible to derive corresponding algorithms in appropriate computer algebra systems. In addition, we give sufficient conditions to ensure the proper specialization of the presented representations. As a consequence, we derive algorithms to deal with outer inverses with prescribed range and/or none space and with meromorphic functional entries.Agencia Estatal de investigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Different approaches for the detection of SSH anomalous connections

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    Abstract The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a well-known standard protocol, mainly used for remotely accessing shell accounts on Unix-like operating systems to perform administrative tasks. As a result, the SSH service has been an appealing target for attackers, aiming to guess root passwords performing dictionary attacks or to directly exploit the service itself. To identify such situations, this article addresses the detection of SSH anomalous connections from an intrusion detection perspective. The main idea is to compare several strategies and approaches for a better detection of SSH-based attacks. To test the classification performance of different classifiers and combinations of them, SSH data coming from a real-world honeynet are gathered and analysed. For comparison purposes and to draw conclusions about data collection, both packet-based and flow data are analysed. A wide range of classifiers and ensembles are applied to these data, as well as different validation schemes for better analysis of the obtained results. The high-rate classification results lead to positive conclusions about the identification of malicious SSH connections

    Deux méthodes de comparaison d'images pour l'identification d'objets à partir de données prospectives

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    Cette étude aborde le problème de l'identification d'objets mobiles à partir de données délivrées par un senseur prospectif dont la conception est actuellement en cours. Le but est d'estimer la faisabilité d'une telle identification à l'aide d'outils disponibles à ce jour en reconnaissance des formes. On présente dans ce papier la réalisation complète d'une chaîne de simulation, comprenant à la fois la génération des données (non disponibles) et la mise en place de processus capables de les exploiter dans un but d'identification. Des paramètres variables contrôlent la nature des images (richesse, niveau de bruit) tout au long de la simulation, ceci afin de pouvoir prendre en compte des données de qualité variable

    Spark plasma sintering and optical properties of Tm3+ and Tm3+ /Yb3+ doped NaLaF4 transparent glass-ceramics

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    Tm3+ doped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics (GCs) containing NaLaF4 nanocrystals (NCs) have been obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). First, the precursor glasses were melted and then milled and sieved to a suitable particle size. Glass powder pellets were sintered by spark plasma sintering under vacuum conditions. The SPS processing parameters (temperature, pressure, and holding time) were optimized to obtain transparent glass-ceramics. The times of SPS processing are considerably shorter compared with those for the preparation of these GCs by conventional thermal treatment. All glass-ceramics contain nanocrystals of the β- NaLaF4 phase with an average crystal size of 20 nm, but the more highly doped samples (2Tm3+ and 0.5Tm3+/2Yb3+) show evidence of the presence of another phase corresponding with α-NaLaF4. The luminescence properties of the near infrared (NIR) emissions of Tm3+ for different concentrations reveal the presence of concentration quenching of the 3H4 and 3F4 levels. The analysis of the decay from the 3H4 level with increasing concentration is consistent with a dipole-dipole quenching process assisted by energy migration, whereas the self-quenching of the 3F4→3H6 emission can be attributed to fast diffusion. Energy transfer between Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions is confirmed by the NIR and upconverted (UC) emissions after Yb3+ excitation at 975 nm. No UC emission is observed under 791 nm excitation of Tm3+ ions.Funding from MICINN under project PID2020–115419 GB-C-21/C-22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 is acknowledged. This paper is part of the dissemination activities of project FunGlass. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 739566

    The Impact of Charcoal Production on Forest Degradation: a Case Study in Tete, Mozambique

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    Charcoal production for urban energy consumption is a main driver of forest degradation in sub-Saharan Africa. Urban growth projections for the continent suggest that the relevance of this process will increase in the coming decades. Forest degradation associated to charcoal production is difficult to monitor and commonly overlooked and underrepresented in forest cover change and carbon emission estimates. We use a multi-temporal dataset of very high-resolution remote sensing images to map kiln locations in a representative study area of tropical woodlands in central Mozambique. The resulting maps provided a characterization of the spatial extent and temporal dynamics of charcoal production. Using an indirect approach we combine kiln maps and field information on charcoal making to describe the magnitude and intensity of forest degradation linked to charcoal production, including aboveground biomass and carbon emissions. Our findings reveal that forest degradation associated to charcoal production in the study area is largely independent from deforestation driven by agricultural expansion and that its impact on forest cover change is in the same order of magnitude as deforestation. Our work illustrates the feasibility of using estimates of urban charcoal consumption to establish a link between urban energy demands and forest degradation. This kind of approach has potential to reduce uncertainties in forest cover change and carbon emission assessments in sub-Saharan Africa

    El buen profesor. Efectividad en el laboratorio de física de la Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México (NMSU)

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    El título de la tesis “El buen profesor. Efectividad en el laboratorio de física de la Universidad Estatal de Nuevo Méjico [NMSU]”, indica los dos objetivos que nos queremos proponer en este trabajo de investigación: de una parte, conocer la forma de enseñar de los profesores de los laboratorios de física del primer año de la carrera de la NMSU; de otra, comprobar su efectividad. Inicialmente nos centraremos en buscar y caracterizar al buen profesor; para en un segundo momento exponer los resultados de los casos particulares investigados