11 research outputs found

    Dispositivo portátil não invasivo para a monitorização contínua da concentração de álcool no sangue

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    O álcool é um dos principais constituintes de bebidas alcoólicas e, seguramente, é a droga de abuso mais antiga de entre as conhecidas atualmente. Esta substância é uma das causas mais comuns de acidentes rodoviários e estes por sua vez têm-se tornado, no decorrer dos anos, uma questão de saúde pública. O tema proposto tem por objetivo a criação de um dispositivo portátil não invasivo destinado à deteção em tempo real da concentração de álcool no sangue através do suor. Este dispositivo é constituído essencialmente por dois componentes primordiais: um biossensor amperométrico, que promove, recolhe e analisa uma amostra de suor, e a componente da cadeia de aquisição de dados e processamento, que faz a aquisição e conversão analógica/digital dos dados do biossensor e posterior processamento digital dos resultados. O suor é promovido aplicando a técnica de iontoforese. O objetivo reside em que o utilizador assim que comece a ingerir álcool, ligue o dispositivo de modo que as medições, executadas a cada 5 minutos, lhe permitam saber em tempo real e em qualquer lugar, quais os seus níveis de alcoolémia. O público-alvo deste estudo são os condutores profissionais, pois apesar da profissão incorrer em maior experiência de condução e responsabilidade, são o grupo onde a probabilidade de ocorrência de acidentes por efeito do álcool é mais elevada face ao número de horas ao volante. O dispositivo foi projetado para ser usado como um relógio de pulso, pois também oferece essa funcionalidade para manter a descrição da monitorização da concentração de álcool no sangue. Todo o processo de promoção do suor na pele do utilizador foi apenas estudado teoricamente, não tendo sindo um processo implementado no protótipo final. O utilizador é informado que o valor de alcoolémia está a aumentar com um sinal luminoso e sonoro, podendo visualizar no LCD do dispositivo o valor da concentração de álcool no sangue em g/l, pela pressão de um botão. Pretende-se que este protótipo possa servir como mais uma medida para consciencialização dos condutores para os efeitos nefastos da condução sob o efeito de álcool, assim como um meio de redução dos acidentes de viação daí decorrentes.Alcohol is one of the main constituents of alcoholic beverages and, surely, is the drug of abuse among the oldest currently known. This substance is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents and these in turn have become, over the years, a public health issue. The theme aims to create a portable non-invasive device intended for real-time detection of alcohol concentration in the blood through sweat. This device consists essentially of two primary components: an amperometric biosensor, which promotes, collects and analyses a sample of sweat, and the component of the data acquisition and processing system, which makes the acquisition and analogue-to-digital conversion of the bio-data and subsequent digital processing of the results. Sweat is promoted by applying the iontophoresis technique. As soon as the user starts to ingest alcohol, he/she will turn the device to perform measurements every 5 minutes, to know in real time and in any place, which are his/her alcohol levels. The target audience of this study are professional drivers, because despite the profession incur in greater driving experience and responsibility, this is the group where the probability of accidents by effect of alcohol is higher compared to the number of hours driving. The device is designed to be used as a wrist watch, because it also offers this functionality to keep a discrete monitoring of the concentration of alcohol in the blood. The whole process of promotion of sweat on the skin of the user was only studied theoretically. It has not been implemented in the final prototype. The user is informed that the value of alcohol is increasing by luminous and audible signal, and the LCD of the device can show the value of alcohol concentration in the blood expressed in g/l, by pushing a button. It is intended that this prototype can additionally serve as a measure to drivers' awareness to the adverse effects of driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as a means of reducing traffic accidents

    Preliminary study of a non-invasive portable device for continuous monitoring of blood alcohol concentration

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    Alcohol is one of the main constituents of alcoholic beverages and, surely, is the oldest and most abused drug among those currently known. This substance is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents and these in turn have become, over the years, a public health issue. The target audience of this study are users that want to consciously drink alcoholic beverages and particularly professional drivers. This is the target audience since despite having greater experience and responsibility, their profession is the most affected by the consumption of alcohol, especially due to the fact they spend more hours driving than average drivers, increasing the likelihood of traffic accidents. This paper describes a portable non-invasive device for continuous monitoring of the concentration of alcohol in the blood. This device consists essentially of two primary components: an amperometric biosensor, which promotes, collects and analyzes a sample of sweat, and the data acquisition and processing system, which makes the acquisition and analog/digital conversion of the biodata and subsequent digital processing of the results. Sweat is promoted by applying the technique of iontophoresis. Measurements are performed every 5 minutes, allowing the user to know in real time and in any place, which is his alcohol level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnologias e estratégias de comunicação online durante a pandemia covid-19: o caso das instituições de ensino superior em Portugal

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    The suspension of classroom classes from March 2020, determined by the Portuguese government in response to the CoViD-19 pandemic, imposed on educational institutions an unprecedented urgency of innovative pedagogical practices facilitated by technology. Among the many challenges, teachers had to adapt and reinvent their teaching strategies and methodologies. Having additional difficulties such as the lack of access to technologies that facilitate online classes and a concern about the possible decrease in the quality of learning due to the sudden switch to emergency remote learning (ERE). This communication proposal is an integral part of a broader study, still in progress, and from which we will present the results regarding the use of technologies for synchronous and asynchronous communication, in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement. The main objective of the investigation was to understand how higher education professors and students experienced the digital transition to the ERE, the pedagogical practices and the communication strategies adopted during this period. The investigation used mixed methods and, in order to respond to the proposed objectives and describe the pedagogical practices implemented and the communication strategies, specific instruments were built for data collection. A questionnaire was developed, aimed at students, and interviews aimed at both students and teachers, focusing on the technological, pedagogical and emotional dimensions, as well as on the evaluation of the experience. Data collection was carried out after the first confinement, at the end of the first semester of 2020, and took place in eight Portuguese higher education institutions (four Universities and four Polytechnic Institutes). In this communication, we will present a preliminary analysis of the results obtained and that are related to the pedagogical strategies adopted and the use of technology in synchronous and asynchronous online communication. We will also discuss the impacts of remote teaching on teaching work, evaluating whether they can bring positive and/or negative consequences to the pedagogical activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The informality in the actions of the Ombudsman.

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    Relatório de Estágio do Mestrado em Administração Público-Privada apresentado à Faculdade de DireitoThis report reflects the work performed during five months of training in the Office of the Ombudsman, a State organ, however, is independent of this. Initially, will be made a presentation of the organ from its historical Genesis to the activity which is currently developing, as it acts in the various situations of conflict that are placed on a daily basis, as it seeks to solve quickly and effectively all of them through the means of which it is endowed.Next, the expectations regarding the stage where all the work carried out in the various departments that I integrate within the Administrative Support Services to the Ombudsman's Office are described, including: Information and Public Relations Division; Information Technology Division; Documentation Division, HR Section, General File and Archive; Accounting, Heritage and Commissary Section; Section of ProcessesThe internship was focused on receiving confidential complaints, having accessing them and being able to follow the entire treatment process in order to solve them quickly and effectively. A process that took place between the receipt of complaints in the Ombudsman's administrative departments, and then the various divisions in support of the Ombudsman's activities.. Were also analyzed other areas of administration, such as the human resources and accounting areas, where I had the opportunity to be in contact with all the work of administrative jurisdiction such as: recruitment, absence and attendance (HR), management, stewardship and budget.So, I'll present a reflection about the informality of the role of the Ombudsman, using approaches of theoretical, historical and legal reason, the reality of the Ombudsman.Keywords: Ombudsman. Performance. Public Administration. Internship.Este relatório traduz o trabalho realizado durante cinco meses de estágio na Provedoria de Justiça, um órgão de Estado que, contudo, é independente deste.Inicialmente, será feita uma apresentação da Provedoria de Justiça e do Provedor de Justiça / Ombudsman, desde a sua génese histórica à actividade que desenvolve actualmente, como atua nas várias situações de conflito que lhe são colocadas diariamente, como procura solucionar rápida e eficazmente todas elas através dos meios de que é dotado.Seguidamente, é apresentado as expectativas em relação ao estágio onde é descrito todo o trabalho realizado nos vários departamentos que integrei dentro dos Serviços de Apoio Administrativo à Provedoria de Justiça, sendo eles: Divisão de Informações e Relações Públicas; Divisão de Informática; Divisão de Documentação;Secção de Pessoal, Expediente Geral e Arquivo; Secção de Contabilidade, Património e Economato; Secção de ProcessosNa sua maioria, o estágio centrou-se na receção de queixas confidenciais, tendo acesso às mesma e podendo acompanhar todo o processo de tratamento com vista ao seu solucionamento rápido e eficaz. Processo que se desenvolvia entre a receção de queixa nos serviços administrativos da Provedoria, passando, em seguida para as várias divisões de apoio à atuação do Provedor de Justiça.Foram também analisadas outras áreas da administração, tais com as áreas de Recursos Humanos e Contabilidade, onde tive oportunidade de estar em contacto com todo o trabalho de foro administrativo tal como: recrutamento, faltas e assiduidades (área de RH), fundo de maneio, economato e orçamento.Assim, apresentarei uma reflexão sobre a informalidade da atuação do Provedor de Justiça, utilizando abordagens de razão teórica, históricas e jurídicas, da realidade da Provedoria de Justiça portuguesa.Palavras-chave: Provedor de Justiça. Atuação. Administração Pública. Ombudsman. Estágio

    City, territory, urbanization : urban infrastruture parameterization

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    As fórmulas na arquitectura / 4.º Seminário Internacional de Arquitectura e Matemática ; coordenação de Fátima Silva, Elsa Negas, Rui Seco. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada, 2020. - P. 225-246.The city, a human creation dating back thousands of years, has been over the last three centuries deeply transformed and widely spread. As a word and as a concept, the city has been substituted, firstly by urbanization and then by urbanized territory, suburbanization, urban sprawl, x-urbanism and other terms, varying according to the language and the perspective. This imprecision and comprehensiveness of terms and concepts hinders perception and reasoning and hampers urban management and planning. This study aims to contribute towards a more accurate knowledge on the territory and the city, from the analysis of data about infrastructure and basic urban services. For that purpose, it proposes the creation of an indicator for evaluating urban infrastructure. As part of a broader research project dedicated to the estuary of the Tagus River and its territory, it analyses the heterogeneity of the estuarine area identifying and studying the differences in its urbanization levels. At this stage the main focus is to establish a methodology and to apply and test it in a parcelled basis. Key factors such as mobility – transports, connections, roads - access to media and information - data networks and digital communication - as well as traditional city infrastructures – water supply, electricity, sanitation - and urban services – administration, commerce, public services - are considered in this analysis as inputs which infrastructure the territory and potentially foster its development. From their surveying will be sought a precise tool of assessing their relative weight in the territory, either by means of a mathematically based evaluation, such as a formula, or by representation through diagrams, cartography and other graphic displays

    Closing remarks

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    As fórmulas na arquitectura / 4.º Seminário Internacional de Arquitectura e Matemática ; coordenação de Fátima Silva, Elsa Negas, Rui Seco. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada, 2020. - P. 303-308


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    As fórmulas na arquitectura / 4.º Seminário Internacional de Arquitectura e Matemática ; coordenação de Fátima Silva, Elsa Negas, Rui Seco. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada, 2020. - P. 7-8

    Scan path optimization with/without clustering for active beam delivery in charged particle therapy

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    none10siFerraz Dias, Marta Filipa; Riboldi, Marco; Seco, Joao; Castelhano, Inês; Pella, Andrea; Mirandola, Alfredo; Peralta, Luís; Ciocca, Mario; Orecchia, Roberto; Baroni, GuidoFERRAZ DIAS, MARTA FILIPA; Riboldi, Marco; Seco, Joao; Castelhano, Inês; Pella, Andrea; Mirandola, Alfredo; Peralta, Luís; Ciocca, Mario; Orecchia, Roberto; Baroni, Guid

    Learning during emergency remote teaching in Portugal: higher education students' emotional snapshot

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    This chapter will address results of LE@D’s project “Teaching in Times of Emergency: Digital Transition,” which focused on the experience of rapid digital transition to an “emergency teaching,” a scenario quite different from distance education. Through a mixed methods approach, data was collected through an online questionnaire applied to students and videoconference interviews conducted with both higher education faculty and students. Participants in this research are students and faculty from eight Portuguese higher education institutions, four from universities (three public and one private) and four from polytechnic institutes (three public and one private), covering the regions of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve (Central and Southern Portugal). In this chapter, the authors present a preliminary analysis of the results obtained related to the psychological aspects experienced during this period, aiming at understanding the impact this shift has had on students’ cognitive adaptation and social and emotional processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online communication and assessment practices during the Covid Pandemic: a study of the portuguese higher education students’ perceptions

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    Financed national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the projects UIDB/04372/2020This proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and pedagogical practices experienced by students from various higher education degrees in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement determined by the Portuguese Government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the general research was to understand how Higher Education faculty and students experienced the digital transition to emergency education and the pedagogical practices adopted during the period. The research was based on a mixed methods approach and, in order to address the research objectives and describe the pedagogical practices implemented, specific instruments were developed for data collection. A questionnaire was developed, aimed at students, and interviews aimed at both students and faculty, focusing on technological and pedagogical dimensions, as well as the assessment of the experience. Data collection was carried out after the first lockdown, at the end of the first semester of 2020, and took place in eight higher education institutions. In this paper we will present a preliminary analysis of Questionnaire results related to two dimensions: online communication and assessment.LE@D, FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio