118 research outputs found

    Modeling of Tau-Mediated Synaptic and Neuronal Degeneration in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD) are typified and diagnosed postmortem by the combined accumulations of extracellular amyloid plaques and of intracellular tauopathy, consisting of neuropil treads and neurofibrillary tangles in the somata. Both hallmarks are inseparable and remain diagnostic as described by Alois Alzheimer more than a century ago. Nevertheless, these pathological features are largely abandoned as being the actual pathogenic or neurotoxic factors. The previous, almost exclusive experimental attention on amyloid has shifted over the last 10 years in two directions. Firstly, from the “concrete” deposits of amyloid plaques to less well-defined soluble or pseudosoluble oligomers of the amyloid peptides, ranging from dimers to dodecamers and even larger aggregates. A second shift in research focus is from amyloid to tauopathy, and to their mutual relation. The role of Tau in the pathogenesis and disease progression is appreciated as leading to synaptic and neuronal loss, causing cognitive deficits and dementia. Both trends are incorporated in a modified amyloid cascade hypothesis, briefly discussed in this paper that is mainly concerned with the second aspect, that is, protein Tau and its associated fundamental questions

    Pharmacological targeting of GSK-3 and NRF2 provides neuroprotection in a preclinical model of tauopathy

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    Tauopathies are a group of neurodegenerative disorders where TAU protein is presented as aggregates or is abnormally phosphorylated, leading to alterations of axonal transport, neuronal death and neuroinflammation. Currently, there is no treatment to slow progression of these diseases. Here, we have investigated whether dimethyl fumarate (DMF), an inducer of the transcription factor NRF2, could mitigate tauopathy in a mouse model. The signaling pathways modulated by DMF were also studied in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEFs) from wild type or KEAP1-deficient mice. The effect of DMF on neurodegeneration, astrocyte and microglial activation was examined in Nrf2+/+ and Nrf2−/− mice stereotaxically injected in the right hippocampus with an adeno-associated vector expressing human TAUP301L and treated daily with DMF (100 mg/kg, i.g) during three weeks. DMF induces the NRF2 transcriptional through a mechanism that involves KEAP1 but also PI3K/AKT/GSK-3-dependent pathways. DMF modulates GSK-3β activity in mouse hippocampi. Furthermore, DMF modulates TAU phosphorylation, neuronal impairment measured by calbindin-D28K and BDNF expression, and inflammatory processes involved in astrogliosis, microgliosis and pro-inflammatory cytokines production. This study reveals neuroprotective effects of DMF beyond disruption of the KEAP1/NRF2 axis by inhibiting GSK3 in a mouse model of tauopathy. Our results support repurposing of this drug for treatment of these diseasesThis work was supported by a Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant SAF2016-76520-

    Optimized pharmacological control over the AAV-Gene-Switch vector for regulable gene therapy.

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    Gene therapy in its current design is an irreversible process. It cannot be stopped in case of unwanted side effects, nor can expression levels of therapeutics be adjusted to individual patient's needs. Thus, the Gene-Switch (GS) system for pharmacologically regulable neurotrophic factor expression was established for treatment of parkinsonian patients. Mifepristone, the synthetic steroid used to control transgene expression of the GS vector, is an approved clinical drug. However, pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of mifepristone vary considerably between different experimental animal species and depend on age and gender. In humans, but not in any other species, mifepristone binds to a high-affinity plasma carrier protein. We now demonstrate that the formulation of mifepristone can have robust impact on its ability to activate the GS system. Furthermore, we show that a pharmacological booster, ritonavir (Rtv), robustly enhances the pharmacological effect of mifepristone, and allows it to overcome gender- and species-specific pharmacokinetic and -dynamic issues. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the GS vector can be efficiently controlled by mifepristone in the presence of its human plasma carrier protein, α1-acid glycoprotein, in a "humanized" rat model. Thus, we have substantially improved the applicability of the GS vector toward therapeutic use in patients

    Calpastatin-mediated inhibition of calpains in the mouse brain prevents mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis, nuclear localization and aggregation, relieving Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease is the most frequently found dominantly-inherited cerebellar ataxia. Over-repetition of a CAG trinucleotide in the MJD1 gene translates into a polyglutamine tract within the ataxin 3 protein, which upon proteolysis may trigger Machado-Joseph disease. We investigated the role of calpains in the generation of toxic ataxin 3 fragments and pathogenesis of Machado-Joseph disease. For this purpose, we inhibited calpain activity in mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease by overexpressing the endogenous calpain-inhibitor calpastatin. Calpain blockage reduced the size and number of mutant ataxin 3 inclusions, neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration. By reducing fragmentation of ataxin 3, calpastatin overexpression modified the subcellular localization of mutant ataxin 3 restraining the protein in the cytoplasm, reducing aggregation and nuclear toxicity and overcoming calpastatin depletion observed upon mutant ataxin 3 expression. Our findings are the first in vivo proof that mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis by calpains mediates its translocation to the nucleus, aggregation and toxicity and that inhibition of calpains may provide an effective therapy for Machado-Joseph diseas

    Neuronal Redox-Imbalance in Rett Syndrome Affects Mitochondria as Well as Cytosol, and Is Accompanied by Intensified Mitochondrial O2 Consumption and ROS Release

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    Rett syndrome (RTT), an X chromosome-linked neurodevelopmental disorder affecting almost exclusively females, is associated with various mitochondrial alterations. Mitochondria are swollen, show altered respiratory rates, and their inner membrane is leaking protons. To advance the understanding of these disturbances and clarify their link to redox impairment and oxidative stress, we assessed mitochondrial respiration in defined brain regions and cardiac tissue of male wildtype (WT) and MeCP2-deficient (Mecp2-/y) mice. Also, we quantified for the first time neuronal redox-balance with subcellular resolution in cytosol and mitochondrial matrix. Quantitative roGFP1 redox imaging revealed more oxidized conditions in the cytosol of Mecp2-/y hippocampal neurons than in WT neurons. Furthermore, cytosol and mitochondria of Mecp2-/y neurons showed exaggerated redox-responses to hypoxia and cell-endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. Biochemical analyzes exclude disease-related increases in mitochondrial mass in Mecp2-/y hippocampus and cortex. Protein levels of complex I core constituents were slightly lower in Mecp2-/y hippocampus and cortex than in WT; those of complex V were lower in Mecp2-/y cortex. Respiratory supercomplex-formation did not differ among genotypes. Yet, supplied with the complex II substrate succinate, mitochondria of Mecp2-/y cortex and hippocampus consumed more O2 than WT. Furthermore, mitochondria from Mecp2-/y hippocampus and cortex mediated an enhanced oxidative burden. In conclusion, we further advanced the molecular understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction in RTT. Intensified mitochondrial O2 consumption, increased mitochondrial ROS generation and disturbed redox balance in mitochondria and cytosol may represent a causal chain, which provokes dysregulated proteins, oxidative tissue damage, and contributes to neuronal network dysfunction in RTT

    Optical Recording of Neuronal Activity with a Genetically-Encoded Calcium Indicator in Anesthetized and Freely Moving Mice

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    Fluorescent calcium (Ca2+) indicator proteins (FCIPs) are promising tools for functional imaging of cellular activity in living animals. However, they have still not reached their full potential for in vivo imaging of neuronal activity due to limitations in expression levels, dynamic range, and sensitivity for reporting action potentials. Here, we report that viral expression of the ratiometric Ca2+ sensor yellow cameleon 3.60 (YC3.60) in pyramidal neurons of mouse barrel cortex enables in vivo measurement of neuronal activity with high dynamic range and sensitivity across multiple spatial scales. By combining juxtacellular recordings and two-photon imaging in vitro and in vivo, we demonstrate that YC3.60 can resolve single action potential (AP)-evoked Ca2+ transients and reliably reports bursts of APs with negligible saturation. Spontaneous and whisker-evoked Ca2+ transients were detected in individual apical dendrites and somata as well as in local neuronal populations. Moreover, bulk measurements using wide-field imaging or fiber-optics revealed sensory-evoked YC3.60 signals in large areas of the barrel field. Fiber-optic recordings in particular enabled measurements in awake, freely moving mice and revealed complex Ca2+ dynamics, possibly reflecting different behavior-related brain states. Viral expression of YC3.60 – in combination with various optical techniques – thus opens a multitude of opportunities for functional studies of the neural basis of animal behavior, from dendrites to the levels of local and large-scale neuronal populations

    Animalia in fabula. Interdisziplinäre Gedanken über das Tier in der Sprache, Literatur und Kultur

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    Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen über das Tier in der Sprache, Literatur und Kultur. Mitwirkende Fächer: Anglistik, Arabistik, Judaistik, Geschichte, Katholische Theologie, Kunstgeschichte, Romanistik, Slawisti