3,307 research outputs found

    Incoherent dynamics in neutron-matter interaction

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    Coherent and incoherent neutron-matter interaction is studied inside a recently introduced approach to subdynamics of a macrosystem. The equation describing the interaction is of the Lindblad type and using the Fermi pseudopotential we show that the commutator term is an optical potential leading to well-known relations in neutron optics. The other terms, usually ignored in optical descriptions and linked to the dynamic structure function of the medium, give an incoherent contribution to the dynamics, which keeps diffuse scattering and attenuation of the coherent beam into account, thus warranting fulfilment of the optical theorem. The relevance of this analysis to experiments in neutron interferometry is briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation

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    Given a time series of multicomponent measurements of an evolving stimulus, nonlinear blind source separation (BSS) seeks to find a "source" time series, comprised of statistically independent combinations of the measured components. In this paper, we seek a source time series with local velocity cross correlations that vanish everywhere in stimulus state space. However, in an earlier paper the local velocity correlation matrix was shown to constitute a metric on state space. Therefore, nonlinear BSS maps onto a problem of differential geometry: given the metric observed in the measurement coordinate system, find another coordinate system in which the metric is diagonal everywhere. We show how to determine if the observed data are separable in this way, and, if they are, we show how to construct the required transformation to the source coordinate system, which is essentially unique except for an unknown rotation that can be found by applying the methods of linear BSS. Thus, the proposed technique solves nonlinear BSS in many situations or, at least, reduces it to linear BSS, without the use of probabilistic, parametric, or iterative procedures. This paper also describes a generalization of this methodology that performs nonlinear independent subspace separation. In every case, the resulting decomposition of the observed data is an intrinsic property of the stimulus' evolution in the sense that it does not depend on the way the observer chooses to view it (e.g., the choice of the observing machine's sensors). In other words, the decomposition is a property of the evolution of the "real" stimulus that is "out there" broadcasting energy to the observer. The technique is illustrated with analytic and numerical examples.Comment: Contains 14 pages and 3 figures. For related papers, see http://www.geocities.com/dlevin2001/ . New version is identical to original version except for URL in the bylin

    Observer with a constant proper acceleration

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    Relying on the equivalence principle, a first approach of the general theory of relativity is presented using the spacetime metric of an observer with a constant proper acceleration. Within this non inertial frame, the equation of motion of a freely moving object is studied and the equation of motion of a second accelerated observer with the same proper acceleration is examined. A comparison of the metric of the accelerated observer with the metric due to a gravitational field is also performed.Comment: 5 figure

    Nuclear Incompressibility in Asymmetric Systems at Finite Temperature and Entropy

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    The nuclear incompressibility κ\kappa is investigated in asymmetric systems in a mean field model. The calculations are done at zero and finite temperatures and include surface, Coulomb and symmetry energy terms for several equations of state. Also considered is the behavior of the incompressibility at constant entropy kappaQkappa_Q which is shown to have a very different behavior than the isothermal kappakappa. Namely, kappaQkappa_Q decreases with increasing entropy while the isothermal kappakappa increases with increasing TT. A duality is found between the adiabatic kappaQkappa_Q and the T=0 isothermal kappakappa. Analytic and also simple approximate expressions for kappakappa are given.Comment: 11 page

    Precision Measurement of the n-3He Incoherent Scattering Length Using Neutron Interferometry

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    We report the first measurement of the low-energy neutron-3^3He incoherent scattering length using neutron interferometry: bi=(2.512±0.012statistical±0.014systematic)b_i' = (-2.512\pm 0.012{statistical}\pm0.014{systematic}) fm. This is in good agreement with a recent calculation using the AV18+3N potential. The neutron-3^3He scattering lengths are important for testing and developing nuclear potential models that include three nucleon forces, effective field theories for few-body nuclear systems, and neutron scattering measurements of quantum excitations in liquid helium. This work demonstrates the first use of a polarized nuclear target in a neutron interferometer.Comment: 4 figure

    Loss of redundant gene expression after polyploidization in plants

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    Based on chromosomal location data of genes encoding 28 biochemical systems in allohexaploid wheat,Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD), it is concluded that the proportions of systems controlled by triplicate, duplicate, and single loci are 57%, 25%, and 18% respectively

    Photon Shot Noise Dephasing in the Strong-Dispersive Limit of Circuit QED

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    We study the photon shot noise dephasing of a superconducting transmon qubit in the strong-dispersive limit, due to the coupling of the qubit to its readout cavity. As each random arrival or departure of a photon is expected to completely dephase the qubit, we can control the rate at which the qubit experiences dephasing events by varying \textit{in situ} the cavity mode population and decay rate. This allows us to verify a pure dephasing mechanism that matches theoretical predictions, and in fact explains the increased dephasing seen in recent transmon experiments as a function of cryostat temperature. We investigate photon dynamics in this limit and observe large increases in coherence times as the cavity is decoupled from the environment. Our experiments suggest that the intrinsic coherence of small Josephson junctions, when corrected with a single Hahn echo, is greater than several hundred microseconds.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; includes Supporting Online Material of 6 pages with 5 figure

    Complete positivity and entangled degrees of freedom

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    We study how some recently proposed noncontextuality tests based on quantum interferometry are affected if the test particles propagate as open systems in presence of a gaussian stochastic background. We show that physical consistency requires the resulting markovian dissipative time-evolution to be completely positive.Comment: 23 pages, plain-TeX, no figure