355 research outputs found

    Effect of chloramine concentration on biofilm maintenance on pipe surfaces exposed to nutrient-limited drinking water

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    This study addresses the effect of specific monochloramine concentration on biofilm density and bacterial functional potential in nutrient-limited water. The efficacy of monochloramine residual maintenance on biofilm density was studied at a range of 0.5 to 2.0 mg/ℓ, using a 3:1 (w/w) dosing ratio of chlorine to ammonia, with the provision of low-nutrient water (0.18 mg/ℓ as total organic carbon, 0.055 mg/ℓ as biodegradable dissolved organic carbon, and 10.5 μg/ℓ as assimilable organic carbon) using a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter. Biofilm density was monitored using biofilm bacteria counts and analysis of the physiological substrate utilisation profiles in Biolog gram-negative (GN) micro-plates. The monochloramine residuals were maintained stable in the low-nutrient water pipes, which contributed to the inhibition of biofilm density. Increasing the monochloramine residual from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/ℓ suppressed the total cells and heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria in the biofilms by about 1 and 2 log units, respectively. The biofilm HPC densities were more sensitive to monochloramine residual, and the reduction in biofilm HPC densities expressed as log CFU/cm2 showed an exponential relationship with the increase in monochloramine residual. The Biolog micro-plate-based community-level assay showed that the biofilm communities occurring at 3 levels of chloramination were distinguished by the differences in their substrate utilisation potentials. The functional/metabolic potential of the biofilm community’s ability to utilise specific substrates was much lower at higher monochloramine concentration. Results suggest that the maintenance of a consistently high-level monochloramine residual in the low-nutrient water system led not only to a reduction in biofilm density on pipe surfaces but also depressed potential functional/metabolic ability of the biofilm community.Keywords: biofilm, monochloramine residual, low-nutrient water, HPC, physiological substrate utilisation profile, GA

    Gas-Filled Phospholipid Nanoparticles Conjugated with Gadolinium Play a Role as a Potential Theragnostics for MR-Guided HIFU Ablation

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    To develop a long-circulating theragnostics, meaning therapeutics and diagnostics for MR-guided HIFU ablation, we designed and prepared Gd-C5F12-phospholipid nanobubbles (PLNs) 30–100 nm in diameter. The biochemical and physical characterization of Gd-C5F12-PLNs were performed. Since Gd-C5F12-PLN-50 (Φ = 50 nm) and Gd-C5F12-PLN-100 (Φ = 100 nm) enhanced the hyperthermal effect of HIFU size- and concentration-dependently in a tissue-mimicking phantom, its circulation, distribution, tumor accumulation and tumor ablation were examined in tumor-bearing mice. The plasma-half life of Gd-C5F12-PLNs was longer than 1.5 hrs. Gd-C5F12-PLNs mainly accumulated in the liver and the spleen, suggesting that they are slowly secreted through the hepatobiliary pathway. Monitored by the T1 signal intensity of MR, Gd-C5F12-PLNs accumulated in tumor tissues for 8 hours in mice. HIFU with Gd-C5F12-PLN-100 showed the increased tumor ablation area as compared with HIFU alone. The results suggest that Gd-C5F12-PLNs exhibit a potential theragnostics for MR-guided HIFU ablation

    Nest entry shape change may cause nest abandonment in urban cavity-nesting species: a case study of the Tree Sparrow Passer montanus

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    The threat of predation is the main cause of bird nest abandonment, with such behaviour imposing considerable energetic costs on breeding birds. However, for several species, nest abandonment can be a less costly alternative to complete brood failure. In this study, we examined nest abandonment among Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) by surveying 71 Tree Sparrow nests with various types of entry holes and conducted artificially manipulating some of the entrance shapes. We found that nest abandonment was caused by changes to the nest entry shape in seven cases and by human interference in two cases. Nest abandonments occurred throughout the breeding season, and breeding pairs attempted to breed again immediately after nest abandonment. The results of the artificial nest entry shape manipulation experiment showed that nine of twelve nests (75.0%) were abandoned where the nest entrance holes were widened, and six of eleven nests (54.5%) were abandoned where the nest entrance holes were narrowed. However, none of the nests were abandoned where the entry shape was unchanged. Thus, nest abandonment by Tree Sparrows is correlated with nest entry shape manipulation and is more likely to occur when the energy cost of breeding again is less than that of abandoning the nest

    Generation of Fibroblasts Lacking the Sal-like 1 Gene by Using Transcription Activator-like Effector Nuclease-mediated Homologous Recombination

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    The Sal-like 1 gene (Sall1) is essential for kidney development, and mutations in this gene result in abnormalities in the kidneys. Mice lacking Sall1 show agenesis or severe dysgenesis of the kidneys. In a recent study, blastocyst complementation was used to develop mice and pigs with exogenic organs. In the present study, transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated homologous recombination was used to produce Sall1-knockout porcine fibroblasts for developing knockout pigs. The vector targeting the Sall1 locus included a 5.5-kb 5′ arm, 1.8-kb 3′ arm, and a neomycin resistance gene as a positive selection marker. The knockout vector and TALEN were introduced into porcine fibroblasts by electroporation. Antibiotic selection was performed over 11 days by using 300 μg/mL G418. DNA of cells from G418-resistant colonies was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to confirm the presence of fragments corresponding to the 3′ and 5′ arms of Sall1. Further, mono- and bi-allelic knockout cells were isolated and analyzed using PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism. The results of our study indicated that TALEN-mediated homologous recombination induced bi-allelic knockout of the endogenous gene

    One-Step Fabrication of Hierarchically Structured Silicon Surfaces and Modification of Their Morphologies Using Sacrificial Layers

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    Fabrication of one-dimensional nanostructures is a key issue for optical devices, fluidic devices, and solar cells because of their unique functionalities such as antireflection and superhydrophobicity. Here, we report a novel one-step process to fabricate patternable hierarchical structures consisting of microstructures and one-dimensional nanostructures using a sacrificial layer. The layer plays a role as not only a micromask for producing microstructures but also as a nanomask for nanostructures according to the etching time. Using this method, we fabricated patterned hierarchical structures, with the ability to control the shape and density of the nanostructure. The various architectures provided unique functionalities. For example, our sacrificial-layer etching method allowed nanostructures denser than what would be attainable with conventional processes to form. The dense nanostructure resulted in a very low reflectance of the silicon surface (less than 1%). The nanostructured surface and hierarchically structured surface also exhibited excellent antiwetting properties, with a high contact angle (>165°) and low sliding angle (<1°). We believe that our fabrication approach will provide new insight into functional surfaces, such as those used for antiwetting and antireflection surface applications

    Association between Smoking Status and the Risk of Hip Fracture in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Study

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    Background Limited longitudinal evidence exists regarding the potential association between smoking status and hip fracture among individuals with type 2 diabetes. We investigated this association using large-scale, nationwide cohort data for the Korean population. Methods This nationwide cohort study included 1,414,635 adults aged 40 and older who received Korean National Health Insurance Service health examinations between 2009 and 2012. Subjects with type 2 diabetes were categorized according to their smoking status, amount smoked (pack-years), number of cigarettes smoked per day, and duration of smoking. The results are presented as hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the associations between smoking status parameters and risk of hip fracture in multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression analysis. Results Compared with never-smokers, an increased adjusted HR (aHR) for hip fracture was observed in current smokers (1.681; 95% CI, 1.578 to 1.791), and a comparable aHR for hip fracture was found in former smokers (1.065; 95% CI, 0.999 to 1.136). For former smokers who had smoked 20 pack-years or more, the risk was slightly higher than that for never-smokers (aHR, 1.107; 95% CI, 1.024 to 1.196). The hip fracture risk of female former smokers was similar to that of female current smokers, but the hip fracture risk in male former smokers was similar to that of male never-smokers. Conclusion Smoking is associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in patients with type 2 diabetes. Current smokers with diabetes should be encouraged to quit smoking because the risk of hip fracture is greatly reduced in former smokers

    Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing and Solution Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting

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    A powder-bed-based additive manufacturing process called electron beam melting (EBM) is defined by high temperature gradients during solidification, which produces an extremely fine microstructure compared to the traditional cast material. However, porosity and segregation defects are still present on a smaller scale which may lead to a reduction in mechanical properties. It is important to have a better knowledge of the influence of post-fabrication treatments on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics before the use of additive manufacturing parts in specific applications. In this study, the effects of solution heat treatment (SHT) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by the EBM process have been investigated. The SHT and HIP treatments can significantly improve the ductility of EBM Ti-6Al-4V due to the coarsening of α laths and the formation of β grains
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