22 research outputs found

    Galaxy pairs in the SDSS - XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers.

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We investigate the connection between star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers at low redshift (z ≤ 0.06). The study we present is based on IRAM 30-m CO(1-0) observations of 11 galaxies with a close companion selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The pairs have mass ratios ≤4, projected separations r p ≤ 30 kpc and velocity separations ΔV ≤ 300 km s -1, and have been selected to exhibit enhanced specific star formation rates (sSFRs). We calculate molecular gas (H 2) masses, assigning to each galaxy a physically motivated conversion factor αCO, and we derive molecular gas fractions and depletion times. We compare these quantities with those of isolated galaxies from the extended CO Legacy Data base for the GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey sample (xCOLDGASS; Saintonge et al.) with gas quantities computed in an identical way. Ours is the first study which directly compares the gas properties of galaxy pairs and those of a control sample of normal galaxies with rigorous control procedures and for which SFR and H 2 masses have been estimated using the same method. We find that the galaxy pairs have shorter depletion times and an average molecular gas fraction enhancement of 0.4 dex compared to the mass matched control sample drawn from xCOLDGASS. However, the gas masses (and fractions) in galaxy pairs and their depletion times are consistent with those of non-mergers whose SFRs are similarly elevated. We conclude that both external interactions and internal processes may lead to molecular gas enhancement and decreased depletion times.Peer reviewe

    A re-assessment of strong line metallicity conversions in the machine learning era

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    Strong line metallicity calibrations are widely used to determine the gas phase metallicities of individual HII regions and entire galaxies. Over a decade ago, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 (SDSS DR4), Kewley \& Ellison published the coefficients of third-order polynomials that can be used to convert between different strong line metallicity calibrations for global galaxy spectra. Here, we update the work of Kewley \& Ellison in three ways. First, by using a newer data release (DR7), we approximately double the number of galaxies used in polynomial fits, providing statistically improved polynomial coefficients. Second, we include in the calibration suite five additional metallicity diagnostics that have been proposed in the last decade and were not included by Kewley \& Ellison. Finally, we develop a new machine learning approach for converting between metallicity calibrations. The random forest algorithm is non-parametric and therefore more flexible than polynomial conversions, due to its ability to capture non-linear behaviour in the data. The random forest method yields the same accuracy as the (updated) polynomial conversions, but has the significant advantage that a single model can be applied over a wide range of metallicities, without the need to distinguish upper and lower branches in R23R_{23} calibrations. The trained random forest is made publicly available for use in the community.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 13 tables (MNRAS accepted

    The ALMaQUEST survey – III. Scatter in the resolved star-forming main sequence is primarily due to variations in star formation efficiency

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    Using a sample of 11,478 spaxels in 34 galaxies with molecular gas, star formation and stellar maps taken from the ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation (ALMaQUEST) survey, we investigate the parameters that correlate with variations in star formation rates on kpc scales. We use a combination of correlation statistics and an artificial neural network to quantify the parameters that drive both the absolute star formation rate surface density (Sigma_SFR), as well as its scatter around the resolved star forming main sequence (Delta Sigma_SFR). We find that Sigma_SFR is primarily regulated by molecular gas surface density (Sigma_H2) with a secondary dependence on stellar mass surface density (Sigma_*), as expected from an `extended Kennicutt-Schmidt relation'. However, Delta Sigma_SFR is driven primarily by changes in star formation efficiency (SFE), with variations in gas fraction playing a secondary role. Taken together, our results demonstrate that whilst the absolute rate of star formation is primarily set by the amount of molecular gas, the variation of star formation rate above and below the resolved star forming main sequence (on kpc scales) is primarily due to changes in SFE

    Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey – X. Does gas content alter star formation rate enhancement in galaxy interactions?

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    New spectral line observations, obtained with the Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), of a sample of 34 galaxies in 17 close pairs are presented in this paper. The sample of galaxy pairs is selected to contain galaxies in close, major interactions (i.e. projected separations 3σ. We compare the H i gas fraction of the galaxies with the triggered star formation present in that galaxy. When compared to the star formation rates (SFRs) of non-pair galaxies matched in mass, redshift, and local environment, we find that the star formation enhancement is weakly positively correlated (∼2.5σ) with H i gas fraction. In order to help understand the physical mechanisms driving this weak correlation, we also present results from a small suite of binary galaxy merger simulations with varying gas fractions. The simulated galaxies indicate that larger initial gas fractions are associated with lower levels of interaction-triggered star formation (relative to an identical galaxy in isolation), but also show that high gas fraction galaxies have higher absolute SFRs prior to an interaction. We show that when interaction-driven SFR enhancements are calculated relative to a galaxy with an average gas fraction for its stellar mass, the relationship between SFR and initial gas fraction dominates over the SFR enhancements driven by the interaction. Simulated galaxy interactions that are matched in stellar mass but not in gas fraction, like our VLA sample, yield the same general positive correlation between SFR enhancement and gas fraction that we observe

    The ALMaQUEST Survey - II. What drives central starbursts at z ∼ 0?

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    Starburst galaxies have elevated star formation rates (SFRs) for their stellar mass. In Ellison et al., we used integral field unit maps of SFR surface density (ΣSFR) and stellar mass surface density (Σ⋆) to show that starburst galaxies in the local universe are driven by SFRs that are preferentially boosted in their central regions. Here, we present molecular gas maps obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observatory for 12 central starburst galaxies at z ∼ 0 drawn from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. The ALMA and MaNGA data are well matched in spatial resolution, such that the ALMA maps of molecular gas surface density (⁠ΣH2⁠) can be directly compared with MaNGA maps at kpc-scale resolution. The combination of ΣH2⁠, Σ⋆ and ΣSFR at the same resolution allow us to investigate whether central starbursts are driven primarily by enhancements in star formation efficiency (SFE) or by increased gas fractions. By computing offsets from the resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt relation (⁠ΣH2 versus ΣSFR) and the molecular gas main sequence (Σ⋆ versus ΣH2⁠), we conclude that the primary driver of the central starburst is an elevated SFE. We also show that the enhancement in ΣSFR is accompanied by a dilution in O/H, consistent with a triggering that is induced by metal poor gas inflow. These observational signatures are found in both undisturbed (9/12 galaxies in our sample) and recently merged galaxies, indicating that both interactions and secular mechanisms contribute to central starbursts

    The ALMaQUEST Survey: V. The non-universality of kpc-scale star formation relations and the factors that drive them

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    Using a sample of ~15,000 kpc-scale star-forming spaxels in 28 galaxies drawn from the ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation (ALMaQUEST) survey, we investigate the galaxy-to-galaxy variation of the `resolved' Schmidt-Kennicutt relation (rSK; Sigma_H2 - Sigma_SFR), the `resolved' star forming main sequence (rSFMS; Sigma_* - Sigma_SFR) and the `resolved' molecular gas main sequence (rMGMS; Sigma_* - Sigma_H2). The rSK relation, rSFMS and rMGMS all show significant galaxy-to-galaxy variation in both shape and normalization, indicating that none of these relations is universal between galaxies. The rSFMS shows the largest galaxy-to-galaxy variation and the rMGMS the least. By defining an `offset' from the average relations, we compute a Delta_rSK, Delta_rSFMS, Delta_rMGMS for each galaxy, to investigate correlations with global properties. We find the following correlations with at least 2 sigma significance: the rSK is lower (i.e. lower star formation efficiency) in galaxies with higher M_*, larger Sersic index and lower specific SFR (sSFR); the rSFMS is lower (i.e. lower sSFR) in galaxies with higher M_* and larger Sersic index; the rMGMS is lower (i.e. lower gas fraction) in galaxies with lower sSFR. In the ensemble of all 15,000 data points, the rSK relation and rMGMS show equally tight scatters and strong correlation coefficients, compared with a larger scatter and weaker correlation in the rSFMS. Moreover, whilst there is no correlation between Delta_rSK and Delta_rMGMS in the sample, the offset of a galaxy's rSFMS does correlate with both of the other two offsets. Our results therefore indicate that the rSK and rMGMS are independent relations, whereas the rSFMS is a result of their combination.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Gas flows in galaxies: the relative importance of mergers and bars

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    Galaxy-galaxy interactions and large scale galaxy bars are usually considered as the two main mechanisms for driving gas to the centres of galaxies. By using large samples of galaxy pairs and visually classified bars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we compare the relative efficiency of gas inflows from these two processes. We use two indicators of gas inflow: star formation rate (SFR) and gas phase metallicity, which are both measured relative to control samples. Whereas the metallicity of galaxy pairs is suppressed relative to its control sample of isolated galaxies, galaxies with bars are metal-rich for their stellar mass by 0.06 dex over all stellar masses. The SFRs of both the close galaxy pairs and the barred galaxies are enhanced by ~60%, but in the bars the enhancement is only seen at stellar masses M* >10^10 M_solar. Taking into account the relative frequency of bars and pairs, we estimate that at least three times more central star formation is triggered by bars than by interactions.Comment: Proceedings of "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies on the Land of our Ancestors", Eds Carignan, Freeman & Combe