448 research outputs found

    Highly electronegative metallic contacts to semiconductors using polymeric sulfur nitride

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    The Schottky barriers formed on n‐ZnS and n‐ZnSe by polymeric sulfur nitride have been compared to barriers formed by Au. Barrier energies as determined by photoresponse, current‐voltage, and capacitance‐voltage methods show that (SN)_x is approximately 1.0 eV higher than Au on n‐ZnS and 0.3–0.4 eV higher than Au on n‐ZnSe. We believe that this is the first report of any metallic contact more electronegative than Au

    Tomographic Magnification of Lyman Break Galaxies in The Deep Lens Survey

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    Using about 450,000 galaxies in the Deep Lens Survey, we present a detection of the gravitational magnification of z > 4 Lyman Break Galaxies by massive foreground galaxies with 0.4 < z < 1.0, grouped by redshift. The magnification signal is detected at S/N greater than 20, and rigorous checks confirm that it is not contaminated by any galaxy sample overlap in redshift. The inferred galaxy mass profiles are consistent with earlier lensing analyses at lower redshift. We then explore the tomographic lens magnification signal by splitting our foreground galaxy sample into 7 redshift bins. Combining galaxy-magnification cross-correlations and galaxy angular auto-correlations, we develop a bias-independent estimator of the tomographic signal. As a diagnostic of magnification tomography, the measurement of this estimator rejects a flat dark matter dominated Universe at > 7.5{\sigma} with a fixed \sigma_8 and is found to be consistent with the expected redshift-dependence of the WMAP7 {\Lambda}CDM cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to MNRA

    Exploring Dark Energy with Next-Generation Photometric Redshift Surveys

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    The coming decade will be an exciting period for dark energy research, during which astronomers will address the question of what drives the accelerated cosmic expansion as first revealed by type Ia supernova (SN) distances, and confirmed by later observations. The mystery of dark energy poses a challenge of such magnitude that, as stated by the Dark Energy Task Force (DETF), nothing short of a revolution in our understanding of fundamental physics will be required to achieve a full understanding of the cosmic acceleration. The lack of multiple complementary precision observations is a major obstacle in developing lines of attack for dark energy theory. This lack is precisely what next-generation surveys will address via the powerful techniques of weak lensing (WL) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) -- galaxy correlations more generally -- in addition to SNe, cluster counts, and other probes of geometry and growth of structure. Because of their unprecedented statistical power, these surveys demand an accurate understanding of the observables and tight control of systematics. This white paper highlights the opportunities, approaches, prospects, and challenges relevant to dark energy studies with wide-deep multiwavelength photometric redshift surveys. Quantitative predictions are presented for a 20000 sq. deg. ground-based 6-band (ugrizy) survey with 5-sigma depth of r~27.5, i.e., a Stage 4 survey as defined by the DETF

    Searching For Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect Beyond Temperature Anisotropies: CMB E-mode Polarization-Galaxy Cross Correlation

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    The cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies and the large scale structure (LSS) traced by the galaxy distribution, or sources at different wavelengths, is now well known. This correlation results from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect in CMB anisotropies generated at late times due to the dark energy component of the Universe. In a reionized universe, the ISW quadrupole rescatters and contributes to the large-scale polarization signal. Thus, in principle, the large-scale polarization bump in the E-mode should also be correlated with the galaxy distribution. Unlike CMB temperature-LSS correlation that peaks for tracers at low redshifts this correlation peaks mostly at redshifts between 1 and 3. Under certain conditions, mostly involving a low optical depth to reionization, if the Universe reionized at a redshift around 6, the cross polarization-source signal is marginally detectable, though challenging as it requires all-sky maps of the large scale structure at redshifts between 1 and 3. If the Universe reionized at a redshift higher than 10, it is unlikely that this correlation will be detectable even with no instrumental noise all-sky maps. While our estimates do not guarantee a detection unknown physics related to the dark energy as well as still uncertain issues related to the large angular scale CMB and polarization anisotropies may motivate attempts to measure this correlation using upcoming CMB polarization E-mode maps.Comment: 13 pages; 3 figure panels, JCAP submitte

    Cross-correlation Weak Lensing of SDSS Galaxy Clusters III: Mass-to-light Ratios

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    We present measurements of the excess mass-to-light ratio measured aroundMaxBCG galaxy clusters observed in the SDSS. This red sequence cluster sample includes objects from small groups with masses ranging from ~5x10^{12} to ~10^{15} M_{sun}/h. Using cross-correlation weak lensing, we measure the excess mass density profile above the universal mean \Delta \rho(r) = \rho(r) - \bar{\rho} for clusters in bins of richness and optical luminosity. We also measure the excess luminosity density \Delta l(r) = l(r) - \bar{l} measured in the z=0.25 i-band. For both mass and light, we de-project the profiles to produce 3D mass and light profiles over scales from 25 kpc/ to 22 Mpc/h. From these profiles we calculate the cumulative excess mass M(r) and excess light L(r) as a function of separation from the BCG. On small scales, where \rho(r) >> \bar{\rho}, the integrated mass-to-light profile may be interpreted as the cluster mass-to-light ratio. We find the M/L_{200}, the mass-to-light ratio within r_{200}, scales with cluster mass as a power law with index 0.33+/-0.02. On large scales, where \rho(r) ~ \bar{\rho}, the M/L approaches an asymptotic value independent of cluster richness. For small groups, the mean M/L_{200} is much smaller than the asymptotic value, while for large clusters it is consistent with the asymptotic value. This asymptotic value should be proportional to the mean mass-to-light ratio of the universe . We find /b^2_{ml} = 362+/-54 h (statistical). There is additional uncertainty in the overall calibration at the ~10% level. The parameter b_{ml} is primarily a function of the bias of the L <~ L_* galaxies used as light tracers, and should be of order unity. Multiplying by the luminosity density in the same bandpass we find \Omega_m/b^2_{ml} = 0.02+/-0.03, independent of the Hubble parameter.Comment: Third paper in a series; v2.0 incorporates ApJ referee's suggestion

    Quasinormal modes of a black hole surrounded by quintessence

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    Using the third-order WKB approximation, we evaluate the quasinormal frequencies of massless scalar field perturbation around the black hole which is surrounded by the static and spherically symmetric quintessence. Our result shows that due to the presence of quintessence, the scalar field damps more rapidly. Moreover, we also note that the quintessential state parameter ϔ\epsilon (the ratio of pressure pqp_q to the energy density ρq\rho_q) play an important role for the quasinormal frequencies. As the state parameter ϔ\epsilon increases the real part increases and the absolute value of the imaginary part decreases. This means that the scalar field decays more slowly in the larger ϔ\epsilon quintessence case.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Highly electronegative contacts to compound semiconductors

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    Gold contacts to most III–V and II–VI compounds position the Fermi level at the interface well into the energy gaps of the semiconductors. To position the Fermi level closer to a conduction‐band edge, particularly in the more ionic semiconductors, one may substitute a more electropositive element like Al for the Au contact. To position the Fermi level closer to a valence‐band edge, however, there are no further possibilities among the elemental metals, since Au is the most electronegative of these. Two contact materials, (SN)_x and HgSe, which overcome this limitation have recently been reported. Barriers produced by these contacts on many compound semiconductors will be reported and shown to exhibit the well‐known ionic–covalent transition. Device use and suggestions for further research are mentioned
