29 research outputs found

    Helicoverpa armigera: ameaça a lavouras Bt de algodoeiro.

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    O lançamento comercial, em 1996, de plantas de milho e algodão geneticamente modificadas para controlar pragas causou uma revolução no manejo de lagartas, sendo adotadas amplamente em diversas culturas desde então. Essa tática de controle promoveu a redução significativa do uso de inseticidas, gerando, consequentemente, benefícios como reduções nos custos de produção (Carpenter, 2010), nas taxas de intoxicação de trabalhadores por inseticidas (Koser; Qain, 2011), nos impactos em espécies não alvo dos inseticidas, como inimigos naturais e polinizadores (Lu et al., 2012), e nas pressões de seleção de populações resistentes causadas pelos inseticidas. Entretanto, qualquer tática de controle exerce pressão de seleção de indivíduos mais resistentes.bitstream/item/185478/1/2018-cpamt-rafael-pitta-helicoverpa-armigera-ameaca-algodoeiro.pd

    Forest Sciences: more than a list of disciplines. (Editorial). [Ciencia Forestal: más que una lista de disciplinas]. [ Florestais: mais do que uma lista de disciplinas].

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    ABSTRACT. The historical development of Science shows a remarkable and increasing trend to specialization. Starting with the general approach of the Ancient Greek Academies and considering the first universities created in Europe between the 11TH and 12TH centuries, the number of current knowledge fields is still growing altogether. Most of those fields found particular organizational models through the creation of Faculties or Schools, which at the same time are divided in institutes, chairs and research groups. Most of these groups focus their efforts on the production of highly specialized knowledge, with the collateral effect of fragmentation within each discipline and the raise of different epistemic communities, which find it difficult to communicate with each other

    Medieval silver mining on the Monte Calisio plateau (Trentino – Italy)

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    Hacia un programa de control biológico de la avispa agalladora del eucalipto.

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    El pasado viernes 22 de febrero se introdujo por primera vez al país la avispa parasitoide Selitrichodes neseri (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) como agente de control biológico de la avispa agalladora del eucalipto Leptocybe invasa. Esta introducción, que permitirá reducir el impacto de esta plaga sobre nuestras plantaciones forestales, es el resultado de una importante coordinación del sector forestal en materia de plagas y enfermedades

    L’area del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione degli scavi della quarta missione archeologica (2022)

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    Nel 2022, la missione archeologica della SAIA a Lemno ha proseguito le ricerche nell’area del porto orientale di Efestia, giungendo a parziale compimento dello scavo stratigrafico della basilica proto-bizantina, oggetto delle ricerche della Scuola dal 2018. Sono stati indagati i settori E e O della navata settentrionale, risparmiando le strutture più tarde che occupavano il settore centrale. È stato praticato un sondaggio nel settore S del nartece, in cui era stata asportata la preparazione del pavimento, ed è stato scavato un ambiente annesso, adiacente a N al nartece ma non comunicante con esso, per rintracciare le fasi preesistenti alla costruzione della basilica. Si presentano in questa sede i risultati preliminari.In 2022, IASA continued the research project of the eastern harbour of Hephaestia, carrying on the stratigraphic excavation of the Early Byzantine basilica, the subject of the School’s project since 2018. Sectors E and W of the northern nave were investigated, and the later structures that occupied the central sector were spared. A survey was carried out in the southern sector of the narthex, where the floor preparation had been removed, and an adjoining room, adjacent to the north to the narthex but not communicating with it, was excavated in order to trace the phases that existed before the construction of the basilica. The preliminary results are presented here

    Alterations in the duodenum myenteric neurons of Wistar rats after ingesting of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

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    The 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is a systemic herbicide whose effects in animal organic systems have been examined in previous studies, being the neurotoxicity considered the predominant effect. However, the studies that detect the 2,4-D neurotoxicity have merely focused in the central nervous system, and therefore, little is known about the effect of this herbicide in the enteric nervous system. This study aimed to verifying the 2,4-D effects on the myenteric neurons in duodenum of Wistar rats. Ten 60-day-old male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in two groups: control group (C) that did not receive 2,4-D and experimental group (E) that received 5.0 mg of 2,4-D/kg for 15 days. At the end of experimental period, the animal were euthanized, the duodenum was collected and processed for NADPH-diaphorase histochemical analysis in order to expose the nitrergic myenteric neurons (NADPH-dp). In the light microscopy analysis, the whole-mount preparation obtained from duodenum of each animal were image-captured in 120 and 40 fields, for quantitative and morphometric analyses of myenteric neurons, respectively. The neuronal density was not affected when comparing the two groups, but an increase (p > 0.05) of 8.5% was observed in the cell body area of neurons in the E group. In conclusion, the ingestion of 2,4-D at a dosage of 5.0 mg/kg body weight for 15 days does not change the neuronal density, but promotes the hypertrophy of NADPH-dp myenteric neurons in duodenum of the rats of this study