1,297 research outputs found

    Electric Arc and Electrochemical Surface Texturing Technologies

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    Surface texturing of conductive materials can readily be accomplished by means of a moving electric arc which produces a plasma from the environmental gases as well as from the vaporized substrate and arc electrode materials. As the arc is forced to move across the substrate surface, a condensate from the plasma re-deposits an extremely rough surface which is intimately mixed and attached to the substrate material. The arc textured surfaces produce greatly enhanced thermal emittance and hold potential for use as high temperature radiator surfaces in space, as well as in systems which use radiative heat dissipation such as computer assisted tomography (CAT) scan systems. Electrochemical texturing of titanium alloys can be accomplished by using sodium chloride solutions along with ultrasonic agitation to produce a random distribution of craters on the surface. The crater size and density can be controlled to produce surface craters appropriately sized for direct bone in-growth of orthopaedic implants. Electric arc texturing and electrochemical texturing techniques, surface properties and potential applications will be presented

    Old Bulloch Personalities (Supplement to No. 6)

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    This supplement to Southern Folkways Journal Review: Number 6 contains three articles by Smith Callaway Banks on Civil War personalities Captain William W. Williams, J.S. Cone Camp, and Garrett Williams. These are followed by an interview by Scott Collins with Daisy Davis Trapnell about Portal City Cemetery and by a list of Statesboro High School graduates and faculty complied by Camilla Akins Lanier.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bchs-pubs/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Supersymmetry Breaking in the Early Universe

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    Supersymmetry breaking in the early universe induces scalar soft potentials with curvature of order the Hubble constant. This has a dramatic effect on the coherent production of scalar fields along flat directions. For the moduli problem it generically gives a concrete realization of the problem by determining the field value subsequent to inflation. However it might suggest a solution if the minimum of the induced potential coincides with the true minimum. The induced Hubble scale mass also has important implications for the Affleck-Dine mechanism of baryogenesis. This mechanism requires large squark or slepton expectation values to develop along flat directions in the early universe. This is generally not the case if the induced mass squared is positive, but does occur if it is negative. The resulting baryon to entropy ratio depends mainly on the dimension of the nonrenormalizable operator in the superpotential which stabilizes the flat direction, and the reheat temperature after inflation. Unlike the original scenario, it is possible to obtain an acceptable baryon asymmetry without subsequent entropy releases.Comment: 11 pages, requires phyzz

    NASA Glenn Research Center's Materials International Space Station Experiments (MISSE 1-7)

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    NASA Glenn Research Center (Glenn) has 39 individual materials flight experiments (>540 samples) flown as part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) to address long duration environmental durability of spacecraft materials in low Earth orbit (LEO). MISSE is a series of materials flight experiments consisting of trays, called Passive Experiment Carriers (PECs) that are exposed to the space environment on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS). MISSE 1-5 have been successfully flown and retrieved and were exposed to the space environment from one to four years. MISSE 6A & 6B were deployed during the STS-123 shuttle mission in March 2008, and MISSE 7A & 7B are being prepared for launch in 2009. The Glenn MISSE experiments address atomic oxygen (AO) effects such as erosion and undercutting of polymers, AO scattering, stress effects on AO erosion, and in-situ AO fluence monitoring. Experiments also address solar radiation effects such as radiation induced polymer shrinkage, stress effects on radiation degradation of polymers, and radiation degradation of indium tin oxide (ITO) coatings and spacesuit fabrics. Additional experiments address combined AO and solar radiation effects on thermal control films, paints and cermet coatings. Experiments with Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) seals and UltraFlex solar array materials are also being flown. Several experiments were designed to provide ground-facility to in-space calibration data thus enabling more accurate in-space performance predictions based on ground-laboratory testing. This paper provides an overview of Glenn s MISSE 1-7 flight experiments along with a summary of results from Glenn s MISSE 1 & 2 experiments

    Comparative study on catalytic and non-catalytic pyrolysis of olive mill solid wastes

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    In this study, catalytic and non-catalytic fast pyrolysis of dried olive husk and olive kernels was carried out. A bubbling fluidised bed reactor was used for the non-catalytic processing of the solid olive wastes. In-situ catalytic upgrading of biomass fast pyrolysis vapours was performed in a fixed bed bench-scale reactor at 500 °C, for catalyst screening purposes. A maximum bio-oil yield of 47.35 wt.% (on dry biomass) was obtained from non-catalytic fast pyrolysis at a reaction temperature of 450 °C, while the bio-oil yield was decreased at 37.14 wt.% when the temperature was increased to 500 °C. In the case of the fixed bed unit tests, the highest liquid (52.66 wt.%) and organics (30.99 wt.%) yield was achieved with the use of the non-catalytic silica sand. Depending on the catalytic material, the liquid yield ranged from 47.03 to 43.96 wt.% the organic yield from 21.15 to 16.34 wt.% on dry biomass. Solid products were increased from 28.23 wt.% for the non-catalytic run to 32.81 wt.% on dry biomass, when MgO (5% Co) was used

    Muscle Synergies Improve Estimation of Knee Contact Forces during Walking

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    This study investigates whether use of subject-specific muscle synergies can improve optimization predictions of muscle excitation patterns and knee contact forces during walking. Muscle synergies describe how a small number of neural commands generated by the nervous system can be linearly combined to produce the broad range of muscle electromyographic (EMG) signals measured experimentally. By quantifying the interdependence of individual EMG signals, muscle synergies provide dimensionality reduction for the neural control redundancy problem. Our hypothesis was that use of subjectspecific muscle synergies to limit muscle excitation patterns would improve prediction of muscle EMG patterns at the hip, knee, and ankle and of contact forces at the knee using a subject-specific lower body musculoskeletal computer model. The predictions were evaluated against in vivo experimental data collected from a subject implanted with a force-measuring tibial prosthesis

    Synergies Controls Improve Prediction of Knee Contact Forces and Muscle Excitations during Gait

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    This study investigates whether use of muscle excitation controls constructed from subjectspecific muscle synergy information can improve optimization prediction of knee contact forces and muscle excitations during walking. Muscle synergies quantify how a large number of experimental muscle electromyographic (EMG) signals can be reconstructed by linearly mixing a much smaller number of neural commands generated by the nervous system. Our hypothesis was that controlling all muscle excitations with a small set of experimentally calculated neural commands would improve prediction of knee contact forces and leg muscle excitations compared to using independently controlled muscle excitations

    Neutral hydrogen surveys for high redshift galaxy clusters and proto-clusters

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    We discuss the possibility of performing blind surveys to detect large-scale features of the universe using 21cm emission. Using instruments with approx. 5'-10' resolution currently in the planning stage, it should be possible to detect virialized galaxy clusters at intermediate redshifts using the combined emission from their constituent galaxies, as well as less overdense structures, such as proto-clusters and the `cosmic web', at higher redshifts. Using semi-analytic methods we compute the number of virialized objects and those at turnaround which might be detected by such surveys. We find a surprisingly large number of objects might be detected even using small (approx. 5%) bandwidths and elaborate on some issues pertinent to optimising the design of the instrument and the survey strategy. The main uncertainty is the fraction of neutral gas relative to the total dark matter within the object. We discuss this issue in the context of the observations which are currently available.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Hobson’s choice? Constraints on accessing spaces of creative production

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    Successful creative production is often documented to occur in urban areas that are more likely to be diverse, a source of human capital and the site of dense interactions. These accounts chart how, historically, creative industries have clustered in areas where space was once cheap in the city centre fringe and inner city areas, often leading to the development of a creative milieu, and thereby stimulating further creative production. Historical accounts of the development of creative areas demonstrate the crucial role of accessible low-cost business premises. This article reports on the findings of a case study that investigated the location decisions of firms in selected creative industry sectors in Greater Manchester. The study found that, while creative activity remains highly concentrated in the city centre, creative space there is being squeezed and some creative production is decentralizing in order to access cheaper premises. The article argues that the location choices of creative industry firms are being constrained by the extensive city centre regeneration, with the most vulnerable firms, notably the smallest and youngest, facing a Hobson’s choice of being able to access low-cost premises only in the periphery. This disrupts the delicate balance needed to sustain production and begs the broader question as to how the creative economy fits into the existing urban fabric, alongside the competing demands placed on space within a transforming industrial conurbation

    Brane World Susy Breaking from String/M Theory

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    String and M-theory realizations of brane world supersymmetry breaking scenarios are considered in which visible sector Standard Model fields are confined on a brane, with hidden sector supersymmetry breaking isolated on a distant brane. In calculable examples with an internal manifold of any volume the Kahler potential generically contains brane--brane non-derivative contact interactions coupling the visible and hidden sectors and is not of the no-scale sequestered form. This leads to non-universal scalar masses and without additional assumptions about flavor symmetries may in general induce dangerous sflavor violation even though the Standard Model and supersymmetry branes are physically separated. Deviations from the sequestered form are dictated by bulk supersymmetry and can in most cases be understood as arising from exchange of bulk supergravity fields between branes or warping of the internal geometry. Unacceptable visible sector tree-level tachyons arise in many models but may be avoided in certain classes of compactifications. Anomaly mediated and gaugino mediated contributions to scalar masses are sub-dominant except in special circumstances such as a flat or AdS pure five--dimensional bulk geometry without bulk vector multiplets.Comment: Latex, 83 pages, references adde
