17,577 research outputs found

    Entry, Contestability, and Deregulated Airline Markets: An Event Study Analysis of People Express

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    A number of recent papers have studied the relationship between price and market structure in the deregulated airline industry through a cross-sectional analysis of city-pair markets. Yet, while interesting, several potential difficulties underlie the inferences drawn in these analyses. In this paper, we consider an alternative approach that uses stock price reactions to entry announcements to shed light on the nature of competitive behavior in this industry. The analysis sheds light on three issues. First, it offers a clean test of contestable market theory. Second, it provides evidence on the level of profits or sunk costs present in these markets. Third, it sheds light on the degree of competitive "localization" existing in the industry. The particular entry events that we focus on are those involving People Express Airline in 1984 and 1985. To provide a more complete picture of the effects of these entry events, we also examine the price and quantity changes that occurred following entry.

    Discussion of: A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies: Are reconstructions of surface temperatures over the last 1000 years reliable?

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    Discussion of "A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies: Are reconstructions of surface temperatures over the last 1000 years reliable?" by B.B. McShane and A.J. Wyner [arXiv:1104.4002]Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS398F the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The use of aerial photographs for estimating school sizes of cetaceans

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    ENGLISH: The accuracy and precision of dolphin school size estimates based on aerial photograph counts were examined using data collected on recent aerial and ship surveys. These estimates were found to be accurate during a 1979research cruise aboard a tuna purse-seiner; dolphin schools were photographed from the ship’s helicopter, encircled with the purse-seine, and then counted as the dolphins were released from the net. A comparison of photographic estimates with these counts indicated that the relationship was fairly close and gave no indication of significantly differing from 1:1. During a 1980 aerial study, photographic estimates from different schools, passes, and camera formats were compared and were found to be quite precise with a standard deviation of approximately 60/0 of school size. Photographic estimates were also compared with estimates made by aerial observers. Most observers tended to underestimate school size, particularly for large schools. The variability among observers was high, indicating that observers should be individually calibrated. SPANISH: Se examinó la exactitud y la precisión de las estimaciones de la magnitud de los cardúmenes de delfines basadas en el cálculo de las fotografías aéreas, usando los datos obtenidos en los últimos reconocimientos aéreos y de los barcos. En 1979, durante un crucero de investigación en un cerquero atunero, se encontró que estas estimaciones eran acertadas; se fotografiaron los cardúmenes de delfines desde un helicóptero del barco, cercados con la red y luego se contaron a medida que se libraban los delfines de la red. Una comparación de las estimaciones fotográficas con estos cálculos indicó que la relación era bastante aproximada y no hubo indicación que se diferenció significativamente de la razón 1:1. Durante un estudio aéreo en 1980, se compararon las estimaciones fotográficas de diferentes del cardúmenes, en los pases y los formatos de las cámaras y se encontró que eran bastante precisos, con una desviación normal de cerca del 60/0 de la magnitud cardumen. Se compararon también las estimaciones fotográficas con las estimaciones realizadas por los observadores aéreos. La mayoría de los observadores tienden a subestimar la magnitud de los cardúmenes, especialmente los cardúmenes grandes. La variabilidad entre los observadores fue elevada, lo que indica que se deben calibrar individualmente los datos de observadores. (PDF contains 39 pages.

    Tort Liability for Vendors of Insecure Software: Has the Time Finally Come?

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    NASA Proof-of-Concept 1-W(sub e) Stirling Convertor Development for Small Radioisotope Power Systems

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    Low power Stirling convertors are being developed at NASA Glenn Research Center to provide future small spacecraft with electrical power by converting heat from one or more Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Units (LWRHU). An initial design converts multiple watts of heat to one watt of electrical power output using a Stirling convertor. A variety of mission concepts have been studied by NASA and the U. S. Department of Energy that would utilize low power Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) for probes, landers, rovers, and repeaters. These missions would contain science instruments distributed across planetary surfaces or near objects of interest where solar flux is insufficient for using solar cells. Landers could be used to provide data such as, radiation, temperature, pressure, seismic activity, and other surface measurements for planetary science and to inform future mission planners. The studies propose using fractional versions of the General Purpose Heat Source or multiple LWRHUs to heat power conversion technologies for science instruments and communication. Dynamic power systems are capable of higher conversion efficiencies, which could enable equal power using less fuel or more power using equal fuel, when compared to less efficient static power conversion technologies. Providing spacecraft with more power would decrease duty cycling of basic functions and, therefore, increase the quality and abundance of science data. Efforts to develop the concept have focused on maturation of a 1-We convertor and controller design and performance evaluation of an evacuated metal foil insulation. A proof-of-concept 1-We convertor, controller, and evacuated metal foil insulation package have been fabricated and are undergoing characterization testing. The current status, findings, and path forward for the effort are explained in this paper

    Review of geographical stocks of tropical dolphins (Stenella spp. and Delphinus delphis) in the eastern Pacific

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    Information on geographical variation is reviewed for Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, S. coeruleoalba, and Delphinus delphis in the eastern tropical Pacific, and boundaries for potential management units are proposed. National Marine Fisheries Service and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission sighting records made from 1979 to 1983 which were outside boundaries used in a 1979 assessment were examined for validity. Tagging returns and morphological data were also analyzed. Several stock ranges are expanded or combined. Three management units are proposed for S. attenuata: the coastal, northern offshore, and southern offshore spoiled dolphins. Four management units are proposed for S. longirostris: the Costa Rican, eastern, northern whitebelly, and southern whitebelly spinner dolphins. Two provisional management units are proposed for S. coeruleoalba: the northern and southern striped dolphins. Five management units (two of which are provisional) are proposed for D. delphis: the Baja neritic, northern, central, southern, and Guerrero common dolphins. Division into management units was based on morphological stock differences and distributional breaks. (PDF file contains 34 pages.

    Teaching Compositionality to CNNs

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great success in computer vision, approaching human-level performance when trained for specific tasks via application-specific loss functions. In this paper, we propose a method for augmenting and training CNNs so that their learned features are compositional. It encourages networks to form representations that disentangle objects from their surroundings and from each other, thereby promoting better generalization. Our method is agnostic to the specific details of the underlying CNN to which it is applied and can in principle be used with any CNN. As we show in our experiments, the learned representations lead to feature activations that are more localized and improve performance over non-compositional baselines in object recognition tasks.Comment: Preprint appearing in CVPR 201

    Study Protocol for Investigating Physician Communication Behaviours that Link Physician Implicit Racial Bias and Patient Outcomes in Black Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Design

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    Introduction Patient-physician racial discordance is associated with Black patient reports of dissatisfaction and mistrust, which in turn are associated with poor adherence to treatment recommendations and underutilisation of healthcare. Research further has shown that patient dissatisfaction and mistrust are magnified particularly when physicians hold high levels of implicit racial bias. This suggests that physician implicit racial bias manifests in their communication behaviours during medical interactions. The overall goal of this research is to identify physician communication behaviours that link physician implicit racial bias and Black patient immediate (patient-reported satisfaction and trust) and long-term outcomes (eg, medication adherence, self-management and healthcare utilisation) as well as clinical indicators of diabetes control (eg, blood pressure, HbA1c and history of diabetes complication). Methods and analysis Using an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design, we will collect data from approximately 30 family medicine physicians and 300 Black patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data sources will include one physician survey, three patient surveys, medical interaction videos, video elicitation interviews and medical chart reviews. Physician implicit racial bias will be assessed with the physician survey, and patient outcomes will be assessed with the patient surveys and medical chart reviews. In video elicitation interviews, a subset of patients (approximately 20–40) will watch their own interactions while being monitored physiologically to identify evocative physician behaviours. Information from the interview will determine which physician communication behaviours will be coded from medical interactions videos. Coding will be done independently by two trained coders. A series of statistical analyses (zero-order correlations, partial correlations, regressions) will be conducted to identify physician behaviours that are associated significantly with both physician implicit racial bias and patient outcomes