23 research outputs found

    The use of two novel techniques in the coagulopathic trauma patient in intensive care

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    Severe Trauma is a multisystem disorder with a high mortality in an often young population. It offers a big challenge to the intensivist, and any help that is available might prove decisive in saving the patient’s life. This case report highlights the use of two novel technologies in critically ill trauma patients, namely the use of activated recombinant factor VII (Novoseven®) to correct coagulopathy, and the use of a central venous oxygen saturation monitor (PresepTM with VigileoTM) to optimise perfusion.peer-reviewe

    Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

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    The anaesthetist has seen his role steadily expand and it is hard to think of one medical specialty in which anaesthetists are not involved at least to some extent. We present a range of papers which demonstrates the breadth of anaesthesia: from its traditional realm in the operating theatre to critical care and resuscitation onto chronic pain and obstetric analgesia.peer-reviewe

    The next step in housing profiling

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    The number of applicants for social housing in Malta has seen a considerable reduction in recent years, with the waiting list decreasing by 42% since 2017 (Times of Malta, 2021). Nonetheless, the latest available data indicate that there are still 3,382 individuals who have applied for social housing (The Malta Independent, 2021). A recent study by Marmarà and Brown (2021) engaged in an exercise to socially profile such housing applicants, revealing the prevalent sociodemographic characteristics of individuals in need of social housing. The results of this social profiling exercise provide useful data which enable policymakers to obtain an understanding of the socio-demographics of social housing applicants.non peer-reviewe

    The Phytochemical Constitution of Maltese Medicinal Plants – Propagation, Isolation and Pharmacological Testing

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    Fourteen Maltese medicinal plants, that were significantly used in tradition, were studied for their phytochemical constitution and pharmacological activities. These include Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn, Ecballium elaterium (L.) A.Rich., Mentha pulegium L., Salvia officinalis L., Verbena officinalis L., Hedera helix L., Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Calendula officinalis L., Melissa officinalis L., Olea europea L., Urtica dubia Forsk., Capparis spinosa L., Ephedra fragilis Desf. and Nicotiana glauca RC Graham. Cultivation and micropropagation practices, in relation to secondary metabolite production, were also considered for some these plants. This article highlights the main findings for these plants.peer-reviewe

    The reliability of evidence review methodology in environmental science and conservation

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    Given the proliferation of primary research articles, the importance of reliable environmental evidence reviews for informing policy and management decisions is increasing. Although conducting reviews is an efficient method of synthesising the fragmented primary evidence base, reviews that are of poor methodological reliability have the potential to misinform by not accurately reflecting the available evidence base. To assess the current value of evidence reviews for decision-making we appraised a systematic sample of articles published in early 2015 (N = 92) using the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Synthesis Assessment Tool (CEESAT). CEESAT assesses the methodology of policy-relevant evidence reviews according to elements important for objectivity, transparency and comprehensiveness. Overall, reviews performed poorly with a median score of 2.5/39 and a modal score of zero (range 0–30, mean 5.8), and low scores were ubiquitous across subject areas. In general, reviews that applied meta-analytical techniques achieved higher scores than narrative syntheses (median 18.3 and 2.0 respectively), as a result of the latter consistently failing to adequately report methodology or how conclusions were drawn. However, some narrative syntheses achieved high scores, illustrating that the reliability of reviews should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Given the potential importance of reviews for informing management and policy, as well as research, it is vital that overall methodological reliability is improved. Although the increasing number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses highlight that some progress is being made, our findings suggest little or no improvement in the last decade. To motivate progress, we recommend that an annual assessment of the methodological reliability of evidence reviews be conducted. To better serve the environmental policy and management communities we identify a requirement for independent critical appraisal of review methodology thus enabling decision-makers to select reviews that are most likely to accurately reflect the evidence base

    Servitude et grandeur militaires

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    Ġabra ta’ poeżiji u proża li tinkludi: Notturn op. 9 nru 2 ta’ Beverly Agius – Naf ta’ Carmel Azzopardi – Ħsejjes ħajja ta’ Clifton Azzopardi – Il-ġrajja t’għasfur stramb ta’ Mario Azzopardi – Tektik...u għana ta’ Rena Balzan – Kun af li f’qiegħ għajnejk ta’ Charles Bezzina – Il-qalb imwebbsa ta’ Ġorġ Borg – Bħal ħuta mġewħa ta’ Louis Briffa – Taħt il-Mezquita, Cordòba ta’ Norbert Bugeja – Il-maskarat ta’ Alfred Degabriele – Trid mara ta’ Leanne Ellul – Id-dgħajsa ta’ Victor Fenech – Ilħna ta’ Joe Friggieri – Roulette ta’ Joe Friggieri – Għera ta’ Joe P. Galea – Ħġieġa ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – Ġenna qatt mirbuħa ta’ Karmenu Mallia – Il-fantażma tal-mara mqarba ta’ Albert Marshall – Daħlet Qorrot ta’ Daniel Massa – Granada, parque central ta’ Immanuel Mifsud – Waħda mara ta’ Immanuel Mifsud – Mors ta’ Therese Pace – Għada ta’ Alfred Palma – Emmint xejn ma jintemm ta’ Ġorġ Peresso – Tuffieħa bl-imsiemer tal-qronfol ta’ John Peter Portelli – Lil Karmenu Vassallo ta’ Andrew Sciberras – Irrid il-qamar jiddi ta’ Carmel Scicluna – Din il-biċċa ħuta ta’ Steve Borg – Karta li taret mar-riħ ta’ Lina Brockdorff – Nixtieq, u kemm nixtieq! ta’ J. J. Camilleri – Caterina ta’ Sandro Mangion – L-għajta tal-pappagall ta’ Pierre J. Mejlak – Id-destin ta’ Laurence Mizzi – L-arloġġ tal-bozza ta’ Rita Saliba – Kurżità ta’ Alfred Sant – Il-ġeneral ta’ Vincent Vella – Mirja ta’ Trevor Żahra – L-adulteri ta’ Golan Haji, traduzzjoni ta’ Clare Azzopardi u Albert Gatt – L-istennija ta’ Berislav Blagojević, traduzzjoni ta’ Kit Azzopardi – Il-qattus ta’ Ghassan Kanafani, traduzzjoni ta’ Walid Nabhan – L-iben addottat ta’ Guy de Maupassant, traduzzjoni ta’ Josette Attard – Sunett nru. 18 ta’ William Shakespeare, traduzzjoni ta’ Alfred Palma – Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías ta’ Federico Garcia Lorca, traduzzjoni ta’ Therese Pace – Servitude et grandeur militaires ta’ Alfred de Vigny, traduzzjoni ta’ Paul Zahra.peer-reviewe