150 research outputs found

    Identification of markers for the authentication of cranberry extract and cranberry-based food supplements

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    Due to the high cost of the cranberry extract, there have been several reported cases of adulteration. The aim of our study was to find markers to authenticate extracts or cranberry-based food supplements. Cranberry fruits from 7 countries, 17 cranberry extracts and 10 cranberry-based food supplements were analysed by UPLC-DAD-Orbitrap MS. Procyanidins were assessed by DMAC method. Anthocyanin fingerprint and epicatechin/catechin, procyanidin A2/total procyanidin and procyanidin/anthocyanin ratios were used as markers, and PCA carried out to check for similarity. Approximately 24% and 60% of the extracts and food supplements, respectively, differed significantly from the fruits. One seemed adulterated with Morus nigra and two with Hibiscus extract. Six food supplements were non-compliant and five contained mainly cyanidin-glucoside and cyanidin-rutinoside, suggesting adulteration with M. nigra extract. Only four products contained the procyanidin amount declared on the package, and only one provided the daily dose deemed effective for treating a urinary tract infection

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Routine Detection of Bilberry Extract Adulteration and Quantitative Determination of the Anthocyanins

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    Consumers must be assured that bought food supplements contain both bilberry extract and the anthocyanin amounts that match the declared levels. *erefore, a Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopic method was validated based on principal component scores for the prediction of bilberry extract adulteration and partial least squares regression model for total anthocyanin evaluation. Anthocyanins have been quantified individually in 71 commercial bilberry extracts by HPLC-DAD, and 6 of them were counterfeit. The anthocyanin content in bilberry extracts was in the range 18\u201334%. Authentic bilberry extracts (n = 65) were divided into two parts: one for calibration (n = 38) and the other for the validation set (n = 27). Spectra were recorded in the range of 4000\u201312500 cm1, and a good prediction model was obtained in the range of 9400\u20136096 and 5456\u20134248 cm1 with r2 of 99.5% and a root-mean-square error of 0.3%. The adulterated extracts subjected to NIR analysis were recognized as noncompliant, thus confirming the results obtained by chromatography. The FT-NIR spectroscopy is an economic, powerful, and fast methodology for the detection of adulteration and quantification of the total anthocyanin in bilberry extracts; above all, it is a rapid, low cost, and nondestructive technique for routine analysis

    MUSE AO spectroscopy confirms five dual AGNs and two strongly lensed QSOs at sub-arcsec separation

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    The novel Gaia Multi Peak (GMP) technique has proven to be able to successfully select dual and lensed AGN candidates at sub-arcsec separations. Both populations are important because dual AGNs represent one of the central, still largely untested, predictions of lamdaCDM cosmology, and compact lensed quasars allow to probe the central regions of the lensing galaxies. In this work, we present high spatial resolution spectroscopy of twelve GMP-selected systems. We use the the adaptive-optics assisted integral-field spectrograph MUSE at VLT to resolve each system and study the nature of each component. All the targets reveal the presence of two components confirming the GMP selection. We classify five targets as dual AGNs, two as lensed systems, and five as a chance alignment of a star and and AGN. Having separations between 0.30" and 0.86", these dual and lensed systems are, to date, among the most compact ever discovered at z >0.3. This is the largest sample of distant dual AGNs with sub-arcsec separations ever presented in a single paper.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    MOKA3D: An innovative approach to 3D gas kinematic modelling. I. Application to AGN ionized outflows

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    Studying the feedback process of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires characterising multiple kinematical components, such as rotating gas and stellar disks, outflows, inflows, and jets. To compare the observed properties with theoretical predictions of galaxy evolution and feedback models and to assess the mutual interaction and energy injection rate into the interstellar medium (ISM), one usually relies on simplified kinematic models. These models have several limitations, as they often do not take into account projection effects, beam smearing and the surface brightness distribution of the emitting medium. Here, we present MOKA3D, an innovative approach to model the 3D gas kinematics from integral field spectroscopy observations. In this first paper, we discuss its application to the case of AGN ionised outflows, whose observed clumpy emission and apparently irregular kinematics are only marginally accounted for by existing kinematical models. Unlike previous works, our model does not assume the surface brightness distribution of the gas, but exploits a novel procedure to derive it from the observations by reconstructing the 3D distribution of emitting clouds and providing accurate estimates of the spatially resolved outflow physical properties (e.g. mass rate, kinetic energy). As an example, we demonstrate the capabilities of our method by applying it to three nearby Seyfert-II galaxies observed with MUSE at the VLT and selected from the MAGNUM survey, showing that the complex kinematic features observed can be described by a conical outflow with a constant radial velocity field and a clumpy distribution of clouds.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Prophylactic arterial catheterization in the management of high risk patients for obstetric haemorrhage

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    OBJECTIVES: Post-partum haemorrhage still remains one of the major causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. In case of abnormal placentation it is possible to carry out preventive and therapeutic actions. To maintain fertility in reproductive-aged women and to avoid a more radical surgery, embolization has been introduced in patients at high risk for haemorrhage. To describe a new option in the management of patients with abnormal placentation by an elective, preventive arterial catheterization and selective embolization of pelvic arteries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study including thirty six patients with abnormal placental invasion. All patients were prepared in the angiographic room and preventive arterial catheterization was performed before elective caesarean delivery. Materials for interventional angiography were transferred to the operating room. During surgery, selective embolization of pelvic arteries was realized in case of uncontrolled bleeding. RESULTS: Thirty-six elective arterial catheterizations were performed: 4 cases (11.1%) required embolization, haemorrhage was stopped in 2 patients. Hysterectomy was performed in two cases (5.5%). No death was reported. Two humeral thrombosis (5.5%) were registered. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic arterial catheterization appears to be safe. The main advantage is the reduction of the interval between the onset of bleeding and the embolization. This new option of management may contribute to reduce the risk of hysterectomy and maternal death

    Feedback and ionized gas outflows in four low-radio power AGN at <em>z</em> ∼ 0.15

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    \ua9 2024 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. An increasing number of observations and simulations suggests that low-power (&lt; 1044 erg s1) jets may be a significant channel of feedback produced by active galactic nuclei (AGN), but little is known about their actual effect on their host galaxies from the observational point of view. We targeted four luminous type 2 AGN hosting moderately powerful radio emission (∼1044 erg s1), two of which and possibly a third are associated with jets, with optical integral field spectroscopy observations from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to analyze the properties of their ionized gas as well as the properties and effects of ionized outflows. We combined these observations with Very Large Array (VLA) and e-MERLIN data to investigate the relations and interactions between the radio jets and host galaxies. We detected ionized outflows as traced by the fast bulk motion of the gas. The outflows extended over kiloparsec scales in the direction of the jet, when present. In the two sources with resolved radio jets, we detected a strong enhancement in the emission-line velocity dispersion (up to 1000 km s1) perpendicular to the direction of the radio jets. We also found a correlation between the mass and the energetics of this high-velocity dispersion gas and the radio power, which supports the idea that the radio emission may cause the enhanced turbulence. This phenomenon, which is now being observed in an increasing number of objects, might represent an important channel for AGN feedback on galaxie

    Castel di Sangro-Scontrone field camp – structural and applied geomorphology

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    The Geomorphological Field Camp 2014 in the Castel di Sangro-Scontrone area is the result of geological and geomorphological teaching field work activities carried out in Central Italy by a group of 23 students attending the Structural Geomorphology and Applied Geomorphology courses (Master's Degree in Geological Science and Technology of the Università degli Studi ‘G. d'Annunzio’ Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Department of Engineering and Geology). The Field Camp 2014 was organized in May 2014, following regular classes held during the fall term. General activities for the field camp were developed over four main stages: (1) preliminary analysis of the regional geological and geomorphological setting of the area; (2) preliminary activities for the analysis of the local area (orography, hydrography and photogeology investigations, and geographical information system processing); (3) field work, focused on the analysis of a specific issue concerning structural geomorphology or applied geomorphology (e.g. landscape evolution, river channel change, landslide distribution, and flood hazard); and (4) post-field work production of the map. Finally, the fundamental role of field work in the analysis of landscape and in land management was outlined: indeed, the overall field camp enhanced the crucial role of field-based learning for young geomorphologists in order to acquire a strong sensitivity to geomorphological processes and landscape evolution

    GMP-selected dual and lensed AGNs: selection function and classification based on near-IR colors and resolved spectra from VLT/ERIS, KECK/OSIRIS, and LBT/LUCI

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    The Gaia-Multi-Peak (GMP) technique can be used to identify large numbers of dual or lensed AGN candidates at sub-arcsec separation, allowing us to study both multiple SMBHs in the same galaxy and rare, compact lensed systems. The observed samples can be used to test the predictions of the models of SMBH merging once 1) the selection function of the GMP technique is known, and 2) each system has been classified as dual AGN, lensed AGN, or AGN/star alignment. Here we show that the GMP selection is very efficient for separations above 0.15'' when the secondary (fainter) object has magnitude G<20.5. We present the spectroscopic classification of five GMP candidates using VLT/ERIS and Keck/OSIRIS, and compare them with the classifications obtained from: a) the near-IR colors of 7 systems obtained with LBT/LUCI, and b) the analysis of the total, spatially-unresolved spectra. We conclude that colors and integrated spectra can already provide reliable classifications of many systems. Finally, we summarize the confirmed dual AGNs at z>0.5 selected by the GMP technique, and compare this sample with other such systems from the literature, concluding that GMP can provide a large number of confirmed dual AGNs at separations below 7 kpc.Comment: 14 pages,A&A, in pres

    GMP-selected dual and lensed AGNs: Selection function and classification based on near-IR colors and resolved spectra from VLT/ERIS, Keck/OSIRIS, and LBT/LUCI

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    The Gaia Multipeak (GMP) technique can be used to identify large numbers of dual or lensed active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates at subarcsec separation, allowing us to study both multiple supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the same galaxy and rare, compact lensed systems. The observed samples can be used to test the predictions of the models of SMBH merging when (1) the selection function of the GMP technique is known, and (2) each system has been classified as a dual AGN, a lensed AGN, or an AGN/star alignment. Here we show that the GMP selection is very efficient for separations above 0:15′′ when the secondary (fainter) object has a magnitude G ≤ 20:5. We present the spectroscopic classification of five GMP candidates using VLT/ERIS and Keck/OSIRIS and compare them with the classifications obtained from (a) the near-IR colors of seven systems obtained with LBT/LUCI, and (b) the analysis of the total spatially unresolved spectra. We conclude that colors and integrated spectra can already provide reliable classifications of many systems. Finally, we summarize the confirmed dual AGNs at z &gt; 0:5 selected by the GMP technique, and compare this sample with other such systems from the literature, concluding that GMP can provide a large number of confirmed dual AGNs at separations below 7 kpc

    MRI of the kidney—state of the art

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    Ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) are modalities of first choice in renal imaging. Until now, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has mainly been used as a problem-solving technique. MRI has the advantage of superior soft-tissue contrast, which provides a powerful tool in the detection and characterization of renal lesions. The MRI features of common and less common renal lesions are discussed as well as the evaluation of the spread of malignant lesions and preoperative assessment. MR urography technique and applications are discussed as well as the role of MRI in the evaluation of potential kidney donors. Furthermore the advances in functional MRI of the kidney are highlighted
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