14 research outputs found

    The comfort assessment of wearable computers

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    This paper presents a tool to measure the comfort of wearable computers. The comfort rating scales (CRS) measure wearable comfort across 6 dimensions. These dimensions are Emotion, Attachment, Harm, Perceived change, Movement and Anxiety. This paper also presents two studies in which the CRS have been used to assess the comfort of two types of wearable technology currently being developed at the University of Birmingham, these are the SensVest and the x3. The results of the studies show that the CRS can be used to aid designers and manufactures focus on what modifications are needed to wearable computer design to make them more comfortable. They aZso show that assessments of wearable computer comfort must be made in situations and environments to which the computer will uZtimateZy be introduced. Key word

    The Design of SensVest

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